THE MARINE: RECORD. 1B Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Co., 39 & 41 CORTLANDT STREET, NEW YORK. WHEELER’S IMPROVED SURFACE CONDENSERS Mounted upon Combined Air and Circulating Pumps. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of: the WHEELER STANDARD SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER ADMIRALTY SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER LIGHT HALL SURFACE CONDENSER. VOLZ PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER Anp FEED-WATER HEATER. WHEELER FEED-WATER HEATER, AIR anp CIRCULATING EAA eA if A ATOR PATENT FEED WATER FIL Se sn EDMISTO. D WA ILTER. tt bap WHEELER SURFACE CONDENSER, 6A H a) PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER AND Mounted on Combined Air and Circulating Pumps. Send for Pamphlet, Machinery for Small Boats, ete, FEED-WATER HEATER. P.M.CHURCH & CO. SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH., Ship Chandlery, — << “PEEE BLISS TAFFRAIL LOG Hardware, Paints, Oils, And all classes of VESSEL SUPPLIES. Coppersmith Shop in connection. Corner Portage and Ashmun Sfs, Over 10,000 have been sold since 1876. A portion are made to indicate TELEPHONES: = OFFICE NO. 7. STATUTE MILES for use on the Lakes: RESIDENCE NO. 4: The Rotators are adjustable and made by at ya ted system which gives great E stability to the blades. Our Log is being closely imitated, and rotators bearing no Attention Vessel Men. name of other marks are irered By the Po to use with our Logs as inet as The undersigned has been appointed | good as the Bliss rotator.’’—They are not just as good, either in durability Receiver for the Vessel Owners’ Towing | °F accuracy. ; Company,of Chicago, by the Circuit Court _ Our rotators bear our name and the dates of four patents, For sale by of Cook County, Hlinois. ship chandlers. é THE COMPANY OWNS THE FOLLOWING TUGS:: JOH N BLISS & CO., eo] & lol Al wl 128 FRONT,STREET, NEW YORK. po i=] bak Bie o | o® : NAME. So) Bo eek bs Bho oe Ie Ree A. G. Van Schaick..} 15x78) 22x22)/82) 67.5) 14.6] 8.1 iON... -eeees | 15X79} 2220/90) 77.4] 15.8) 8.9 e Galamet ivncrre UTS AN) OL] 178/48 Dock and Deck. Hoists. Wee tere. ee 12x72| 20x20/80| 66.8| 15 | 7.6 oe MARINE GLASSES Biack Ball No. 2..4- 1ax7 18x20 i 68.6 16.5 84 ALL KINDS OF A. A. Carpenter ... Ze k -6] 8. : ) 71 by = i e e e x , : JV agion..2022.| xP isxat an ise st Machinery and Friction Hoists. BAROMETERS Satisfaction .. .. | 12X72 x . Shields...... ‘775 | yox66| 18x20/76] 62 | 14.6) 8.2 een ML: t2}10, 6 roxis6¢ ba | 146) 1.8 JACKSON & CHURCH, Saginaw, mich. COMPASSES _| x 60 is Send for Prices I will be pleased to receive offers at re and Circulars. ___vescaOe TELESCOPES once for any or all of above tugs. Yours very resp°ctfully, J. L- HIGGIE, JUR., HOISTING We build them in all sizes from new and improved Bring Your Repairs‘to us, We Repair Everything Receiver Vessel Owners’ Towing Co. ENG | N ES designs. Every engine eae in the Nautical Line. EL LT EE TEI thoroughly tested before : pisos pratt So Walaa he at i Our ‘‘card” rules for foretelling weather. PROPOSAL. leaving our shop, and FREE Adgeted ferase wiih Auroid’ baroueter, Every vesselman should have one. “L. BLACK & CO., Opticians, 156 Woodward Ave., DETROIT, MICH. BISRo' ao [SiaIoeIouIseIS guaranteed to be satisfac- U.S. ENGINEER OFFICE, 1637 Indiana tory inevery case. When & Ave., Chicago, Ill., Aug. 3, 1896. Sealed : in want of a Hoist form : proposals for the tollowing river and marine work, dock work, mining or any other pur- eo ES harbor works will be received here until | pose, kindly permit us to name you prices. We know ge 12M. Aug. 24, 1896, and then publicly | we can please you. opened: Dredging in Calumet River, Il}. | Katzenstein Self-Acting Metal Packin MARINE IRON COM. -| “as BAY CITY, MICH. Mg mine extension, Calumet Harbor, Ill. Inform- z | kez for Piston Rods, Valve Stems, _ , 2 : \ - Hte., of every description ation furnished on, application. W.L. i mie for Steam Engines, Pumps, : ANU j. Eng’rs. 2-33 | Ue Isto. MarsHALt, Maj. Eng’rs 3 —— DECK HOI/STS_ <2». FM ( the’ vrigolvat: Iron Works, TAKE YOUR VACATION NOW. oy Sk Fi Steom-hip Coniportiens Mills ii ant sngine uliaders, ec- i AT tric |.ight and Power Plants Go to the picturesque Mackinac Island Ritathe insh twelve yeart via the D. & C. (Coast Line.) It only ‘ in. this and foreien (oun. costs $13.50 from Detroit, $15.50 from To- fries. Also, FLEXIBLE ledo, $18.00 from Cleveland for the round trip. including meals and berths. Tickets good for 60 days, bicycles carried free. One thousand miles of lake and river rid- vay’? ACKING for Slip-Joints ing on new modern steel steamers for the MANUFACTURED BY W/, H. WHITTEMORE,) | ™eColl-Cumming Patent Liguid Kudder Brake. Coal and Contractors’ Hoists, ~ $team Steering Gears and + Conveying Machinery For all Purposes. a l = draulic . Pressure. Also MHTAL GASKETS for all sizes and shapes of. flanges. Double-Acting Balanced Water-tight Bulk- head Doors for Steamers. Also Agents for the on Steam Pipes and for Hy- above rates. Send ss pee mad abe ee 4 : L KATZRNSTHIN & CO.,, General Machinists, s,. Address ‘ . wchantZ, . rass Finishers an ingineers’ supplies, 3 est Pea WRITE FOR PRICES WEST BAY CITY, MICH. | Strost, NewYork, N.Y. , . bd} 6 J. J. KEENEN, RIVERSIDE STE AM BOILER WORKS. J. H. OWEN, ap Chicago, F.H. VAN CLEVE, Sec’y, Escanaba. Capt. GEO. BARTLEY, om Escanaba, Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers. ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING 0,, Escanaba, Mich. Marine Work a Specialty. : : -___* | Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready SHEET IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS. TUG MONARGH—Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 & 30 in. diameter, 30 in. Stroke, Steam Pressure allowed, 125 lbs. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. TUG DELTA—Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure allowed, 105 lbs. Office and Works, Cor Cologne and Fuller Streets, FUG: OWEN—Cylinden iby:207 Steam Preece abGwred i Metis. : : Pal; teas. Canal 401 pee CHICAGO. | CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. SEVEN AND FOURTEEN INCH SUCTION. '