THE MARINE RECORD. #3 Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Co., 39 & 41 CORTLANDT STREET, NEW YORK. eRe sonnion CONDENSER, Mounted on Combined Air and Circulating Pumps. P.M.CHURCH & CO. SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH., Ship Chandlery, | | Hardware, _ Paints, Oils, See And all classes of VESSEL SUPPLIES. See eS UEP EE Coppersmith Shop in connection. Corner Portage and Ashmun Sfs. OFFICE NO. 7. q@eLBPRONES: (>i RESIDENCE NO. 4. _ Attention Vessel Men. ‘The undersigned has been appointed Receiver for the Vessel Owners’ Towing Company,of Chicago, by the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois. THE COMPANY OWNS THE FOLLOWING TUGS: Hb & io] A] we] oS BO i=] s @ o S NAME. So = a| & = = ao Geo | Pia |: Se Se A. G. Van Schaick.. ae 22x22/82) 67.5] 14.6] 8.1 Protection.......... 5 90) 77.4) 15.8) 8.9 Calumet..... ae 64,2) 17.8] 8.6 D. T. Helm ae 68 | 18 | 9.3 E. P. Ferry; «. (24/05 .:)1 0/80] 66.8| 15 | 7.6 Black Ball, No.2.- 2) 1 3] 58.6} 15.5] 8.4 A. A. Carpenter ... y 60 | 15.6] 8.6 Thomas Hood i 59.5] 15.6) 8.6 aylor. 1 i 60.8] 15.6) 8.6 Satisfaction . 68 | 15 |8 M. He paidie ey Ss 62 | 14.6] 8.2 Rebels stot. 1 | 54 | 14.6] 7.8 I will be pleased to receive offers at once for any or all of above tugs. Yours very respectfully, J. L. HIGGIE, uR., Receiver Vessel Owners’ ‘Towing Co. AN EE EET YATE ET TRIES SOE TAKE YOUR VACATION NOW. Go to the picturesque Mackinac Island via the D. & C. (Coast Line) It only costs $13.50 from Detroit, $15.50 from To ledo, $18.09 from Cleveland for the round : trip, including meals and berths. Tickets a good for 60 days, bicycles carried free. One thousand miles of lake and river rid- ing on new modern steel steamers for the above rates. Send 2c. for illustrated pamphlets. Address A. A. Schantz, G. P. A., Detroit. PUMPS. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the WHEELER STANDARD SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER ADMIRALTY SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER LIGHT HALL SURFACE CONDENSER. VOLZ PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER Anp FEED-WATER HEATER. WHEELER FEED-WATER HEATER, AIR anp CIRCULATING EDMISTON PATENT FEED WATER FILTER. al tr ae enn fa Small Boats, ete,” THE CHASE MACHINE COMPANY, MACHINISTS, ENGINEERS AND BLACKSMITHS, Land & Marine Engines & Steam Pumps, MANUFACTURERS OF SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE CHASE AUTOMATIC FOG WHISTLE MACHINE, IN USE ON NEARLY ALL LAKE STEAMERS. Agents for AsBestos Stram, BornER AND Pree CovERING. Telephone 994, dleslacleclaglesladlasiosladledleglaclogla shasladlagloglactadlasheslaglestagtnalnsle Dock and Deck Hoists. HOISTING ENGINES marine work, dock work, mining or any other pur-~ pose, kindly permit us to name you prices. We know we can please you. MARINE IRON CoO., = = thoroughly tested before leaving Hi! Elm Street, CLEVELAND, G, ALL KINDS OF Machinery and Friction Hoists. JACKSON & CHURCH, Saginaw, mich. Send for Prices and Circulars. __ ese. We build them in all sizes from new and improved designs. Eyery engine our shop, and guaranteed to be satisfac- tory in every case. é DECK HOISTS <«- * Conveying Machinery For all Purposes. WRITE FOR PRICEs. BAY CITY, MICH. Coal and Contractors’ Hoists,| | a) ~ Steam Steering Gears and MANUFACTURED BY \A/_ py WHITTEMORE, WEST BAY CITY, MICH. WHEELER’S IMPROVED SURFACE CONDENSERS Mounted upon Combined Air and Circulating Pumps. PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER AND FEED-WATER HEATER. BAROMETERS : COMPASSES TELESCOPES Bring Your Repairs:to us, We Repair Everything in the Nautical Line. FRE Our ‘'card”’ rules for foretelling weather. Adagted foruse with Auroid Barometer. Every vesselman should have one. L. BLACK & CO., Opticians, 156 Woodward Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Katzenstein Self-Acting Metal Packing S TIM for Piston Rods, Valve Stems, ZA itc., of every description, A ee eg Peas es , Etc. Adopted and in use by MB ( be prncinal Tron’ Works is Steamship Companies, Mills Ce and Engine Builders, Elec- i tric Light and Power Plants within the last twelve years Hu WA in this and foreign Coun- g LEXIB “evAAPACKING for Slip-Joints I [iy on Steam Pipes and for Hy- é = draulic Pressure. Also METAL GASKETS for all sizes and shapes of flanges. Double-Acting Balanced Water- fight Bulk- head Doors for Steamers. Also Agents for the McColl-Cumming Patent Liquid Rudder Brake. L KATZENSTEIN & CO., General Machinists, Brass Finishers and Engineers’ supplies, 357 West Street, N ewYork, Telephone, Canal 401__ a_i J.J. KEENEN, RIVERSIDE STEAM BOILER WORKS. Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers. Marine Work a Specialty. ; SHEET IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Office and Works, Cor. Cologne and Fuller Streets, CHICAGO. J. H. OWEN, Prest., Chicago. F. H. VAN CLEVE, Sec’y, Escanaba. Capt. GEO. BARTLEY, Supt., Escanaba, ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING €0., Escanaba, Mich, Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready TUG MONARGH—Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 & 30 in. diameter, 3Qin. Stroke, Steam Pressure allowed, 126 lbs. TUG DELTA—Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure allowed, 1065 lbs. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. TUG OWEN—Cylinder 20 by 20, Steam Pressure allowed, 104 lbs! SEVEN AND FOURTEEN INCH SUCTION,