10 NEW 1896 COAST PILOT a y y ee i ites cto me THE MARINE RECORD. AWREEL Ei, OMPANY, BUILDERS OF ALL KINDS OF SCOTT'S IRON, STEEL.AND FOR THE LAKES WOODEN SHIPS, PRICE $!1,50. FOR LAKE OR OCEAN SERVICE. FOR SALE BY THE MARINE RECORD, WESTERN RESERVE BLDG., CLEVELAND. F ROM TIA West Bay City, Mich. F. W. WHEELER, Prest. E. T. CARRINGTON,V--Prest C. W. STIVER, Seoretary & Treasurer. ) IRON WORKS, MARINE ENGINES, DerTrRoir, Micu. INCORPORATED 1794 Insurance Company of North America, CAPITAL, PAID UP IN CASH, x =“ ASSETS, CHARLES, PLATT, President. EUGENE L ELLISON, 2d Vice President. GEORGE H. McFADDEN, Vice President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. JOHN H, ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. LAKE MARINE DEPARTMENT ;--S5O8GE Teco Rr? MANAGER: MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. __a_7 A $3,000,000.00 9,487,673.53 tlantic Mutual Insuranee Co. Organized 1842. Office 51 Wall Street, NEW YORK, Insures against Marine and Inland Transportation Risks and Issues. Policies making Loss Payable in England. Assets over $10,000,000 for the Security or its Policies, _The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year; thereby seducing the cost of insurance, until ordered to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter, J. D. JONES, Pres, W, H. H. MOORE, Vice Pres. A. A, RAVEN, 2d Vice Pres, J. H. CHAPMAN, Sec, For such dividends, certificates are issued bearing interest GORRESPONDENGE. B@-We do not hold ourselves responsible in any way for the views or opinions expressed by our correspondents. It is our desire that all tides of any question affecting the interests or welfare of the lake ma- rine should be fairly represented in Tom Marinz Recorp. DIMENSIONS CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. In reply to an unsigned letter of last week and one bearing the signature of the sender this week, we are pleased to state that the dimensions of the passenger whaleback steamer Christopher Columbus are as fol- lows: 362 feet over all, 42 feet beam and 24 feet depth of hold. Engines, triple expansion, diameter of cylin- ders, 26, 42 and 70 by 42 feet stroke, 3,000 h. p. OWEGO STILL THE GREYHOUND. BUFFALO, Oct. 24. To the Editor of The Marine Record: In your issue of October 22, I notice again the state- ment that the Oglebay can beat the Owego. . I think if Capt. Hutchinson would take the pains to investigate the matter, he would find that the Owego can beat him under any and all conditions with only four of her six boilers under steam. On the occasion of his grand achievement on Lake Michigan, the Owego was only using part of her boiler equipment and you are still safe in saying that the Owego is the fastest boat on fresh water. ; Yours truly, EDWARD GASKIN, TRAMP STEAMERS-STEERING ENGINES. 2 Powis PLACE, QUEEN SQUARE, Lonpon, W. C. October 10. _ DEAR Sir.—I am much obliged by the publicity you have given my letter on ‘‘Whalebacks’’ but should like to point out that there is a mistake at end of 9th line, (page 7, of Sept.17.) ‘“‘schooner’’ should read ‘‘steamer.”’ The kind of steamer used in the coal and grain trade here is very well illustrated by the adv. of Messrs. F. H, Wheeler.& Co., except that the uppermost bridge is not carried here. I shall be glad to hear which is the steering engine most in favor on the lakes, for quickness of action and freedom from breakdowns undef all circumstances, and to hear from makers of same. Will you draw your readers’ attention to the fact that postage to England is five cents the half ounce? Sir PurcELL TAvLor, BART., D. Sc. VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN. As compiled for THE MARINE REcoRD by George F. Stone, Secretary Chicago Board of Trade, October 24, 1896: 7 WHEAT. | CORN. OATS. RYE. BARLEY. ee ee Tae Bushels.| Bushels-| Bushels.| Bushels.| Bushels. Albany... kev evss as SES Rooting 50,000 L80Q00| FA Sees 10,000 BaltiMORCs : sijnc se aes 779,000} 1,206.000} 1,093,000 95.000)......0... IBOStOMGelaanies cnn 1,624,090 298 000 VOR scrcherce cs lseteicecern es Buiralo gosh. tered. 3 1,840,000 847,000 441,000 140,000 573,000 ss COS ea Neats eres te Saeed areas a Taser eng oul Baa nes eal or eoneeates Chicago anti es. 15,896,000] -7,996,000} 2,686,009 701,000 449,000 He ee TOM Da acsoh ial aos casiaeveielligs aco I Ea sia ale ele cau eaemeaeoers CIMCINMAT concen 1,000 2 000 10.000 2 000 29,000 Detroit is wwiaisees: 469,000 46,000 36,000 27 O00 livecre-sas time BES BELO E eves ees | cosas eo ese ewe aa Ue ae le cote atel Sia ui c crore stra Gemslena ere sis Duluthand Superior] 5,195,000 32,000 271,000 412,000) 1,031,000 oe eee TL OM ese aca AEE Us| MOREA) SNe OMB Hce tan cats B64 . Indianapolis........ 223,000 22,000 DSjO00 ance aeceiee le ctarnsies «ete Kansas City.........+. 588,000 34,900 112,000 TiOQ0 re wet cmaens Milwaukee.......... 377,000 4,000 2,000 154 000 142,000 s VO Bit LEASE) ERAT wks [PAERE ota a state | let cicitiarc erate icteleate are al Wie cg alah are Minneapolis.........| 15,817,000 16 000 202.000 11 C00. 16,000 Montreal....... 511.000 26,000 378,000 25,000 66,000 New York...... 5,881,000) 3,177,000} 2,408,000 387,000 105,000 = afloat S000) sess 62 000 58,000 40,000 Oswemoiget od. RK. DB ONO! Fis Dae. SSG. Phe teaicel tren ba cates 75,000 POOR ana cadena: 205,000 149,000 504,000 17.000 8,090 Philadelphia........ 467.000 668.000 TOS 0OUN ec aee sit eateeseess DUSHOUISE tacos nr. 3,246,000 111,000 67,000 19.000 2,000 es afloat...... 7,000 BGj000) Piss clic welecneaee ie aleiieiaves Toledo death «aoe 758,000 34,000 386,000 44,000].......... : BA ODG 66a real ts cracci inte amlintenaconretarall ntalsgeeiateicverall Senna Rowe lees See mee Toronto: witeres coc D883; O00l ere cree 56,000).......... 36,000 On Canals awieiss os 808,000 35,000 522.000 264,000 701,000 ODS RS issuance 2.721.000} 2,997,000} 1,179,000 142,000] 1,143,000 On Mississippi ..... 103,000 50,000 QBiO0O | CS ES Ors ahetosecastts Grand Total ........ 57,285,000] 17,856,000} 10,901,000} 2,505,900} 4,416,000 Correspondinz date DOB iaaie soce acters esd 50,486,009} 4,805 000) 4,458 000) 1,000,000] 3,930,000 —— oN ee — EARLY CLOSING OF ERIE CANAL. : An Albany dispatch reads that ‘‘it is possible the date for the closing of the canals may be fixed somewhat earlier this fall than usual, in order to permit the state engineer and surveyor and the superintendent of pub- lic works to expedite some of the work connected with the $9,000,000 improvement project. Plans for consid- erable of the work have been completed, and a few of the contracts have been already let. Others will be let in the course of a few weeks. The canal board will hold a meeting to-day for the purpose of considering certain pending matters relating to the improvement,” The lake interests at Buffalo could-not do better than look into this canal closing movement, or it may ham- per, if not seriously affect the forwarding of grain from western routes by water for some weeks previous to the actual closing of lake navigation. OBITUARY NOTICES. Capt. Robert Howlett, a centenarian, passed away at Grand Haven, Mich., Saturday night, October 24, at the home of his son-in-law, Capt. William Loutitt. He was a native of England, but for sixty-five years had been a resident of the state of Michigan and an early settler of the present site of the town of Grand Rapids. Dur- ing his active business career the captain owned quite a fleet of vessels and made some heavy season lumber charters when Grand Haven was an important Lake Michigan lumber port. Born in 1805, and settling early in the rich western country, the captain accumulated a large property. In recent years he has lived with his son-in-law, Capt. Loutitt. He leaves two sons, Nelson and John, and one daughter, Mrs. Loutitt. = * * After an illness of six weeks, Captain Critchell, late master of the steamer D.C. Whitney, died at Marine City on Saturday morning of typhoid pneumonia. Capt. Critchell was born in Ogdensburg fifty-five years ago, and always followed the lakes. He was a member of the Odd Fellows and Royal Arch Masons. His funeral was held under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity, and the body left Marine City for Ogdens- burg on the steamer Arundel last Monday morning. SSS cee ee HUDSON RIVER FERRY BOATS. Two powerful double-ended ferry boats were launched last week, one from the yards of Hillman & Co. aud the other from Cramps. They are sister ships and built for the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. to ply between Jersey City and 23d St., New York, and are different from others of the river ferry boats in having twin screws at each end and two smokestacks. ‘The dimensions are: Length over all, 206 feet; length between rudder posts, or keellength, 184 feet; beam moulded, 46 ft; over guards, 65 ft.; depth, from base line to top of deck beams, 16 ft.; average depth of hold, 15 ft. The hulls are of steel, with water-tight compartments. Each vessel will be pro- pelled by two three-cylinder compound engines, with cylinders 20,32 and 32 inches in diameter by 24-inch stroke, each turning two propeller wheels on either end on a continuous shaft. These propeller wheels, four in number, will be 8 ft. 3in., in diameter. Each engine is to develop 1,500 horse-power. Steam will be generated by four water-tube boilers, having a working pressure of 200 pounds to the square inch.