Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Co., 39 & 41 CORTLANDT STREET, NEW YORK. WHEELER’S IMPROVED SURFACE CONDENSERS Mounted upon Combined Air and Circulating Pumps. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the WHEELER STANDARD SURFACE CONDENSER, WHEELER ADMIRALTY SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER LIGHT HALL SURFACE CONDENSER; VOLZ PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER AnpD FEED-WATER HEATER. WHEELER FEED-WATER HEATER, AIR anp CIRCULATING EDMISTON PATENT FEED WATER FILTER. An Tv u v 4 £ WHEELER SURFACE CONDENSER, fh i) PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER AND Mounted on Combined Air and: Circulating Pumps. Send for came on for Small anil ete. FEED-WATER HEATER. [eqs Joaocte SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH., LIQU H Dis (SPIRIT) CO MI PASSES Ship Chandlery . Of our make, in seven sizes, embody every known point of excellence pos- Hardware, sessed by those of other makers, and Paints, Oils, in addition have been improved in many important details. satel : We therefore positively assert that Reel tliandy ot , in in general construction and thor- VESSEL SUPPLIES. at wn oughly scientific action of the card, we offer the best liquid compass ever Coppersmith Shop in connection. k 4 . made in this orany country. For sale Corner Portage and Ashmun Sfs. by ship chandlers generally. TaLernonmaricc= « {SEROENO: Toy: -° JOHN BLISS & CO., NEW YORK... EIGHT ELEGANT PHOTOGRAVURES Size, 10x 17 INCHES. Dock and Deck Hoists. tae k | ALL, KINDS OF VW. E. Repway, Machinery and Friction Hoists. (Hlected Member of the Institution of JACKSON & CHURCH, Saginav, Mich. Naval Architects at London in 1884.) Whaleback Steamer Christopher Columbus, STATE OF OHIO—STATE OF NEW YORK, Steel Ship Builders, Steamer ARTHUR ORR, 7 : Pepi ee : English-Built Steamer TURRETT, and Circulars. ___ cer NAVAL ARCHITECT, CONSULTING ENGINEER, PRACTICAL SHIPBUILDER IN STEEL, COMPOSITE Dry-Dock, Representatives, Schooner JOHN FITZPATRICK. HOISTING We build them in all sizes from new and improved designs. Every engine Complete set mailed to any address on ENGI N ES thoroughly tested before OR WOOD receipt of 25 cents. ee — deaving. our shop, and fs GIS IAS IP YSIS guaranteed to be satisfac Ne, THE MARINE RECORD, eR eabers CAs WV RPE ae =) ie ¥ ALL KINDS OF VESSELS DESIGNED. Western Reserve Bldg., CLEVELAND, 0.| marine work, dock work, mining or any other pur- : ose, kindly permit us to name you prices. ae ' : whi nidase you: ee ss Inspection and valuation of repairs | made. Construction of new, and i baat Fee etgtteme MARINE IRON CO., = = BAY CITY, MICH. | oraamaxed ventis superitended, Sur Eto., of every, description, veys, estimates and specifications fur- for Steam Engines, Pumps, $ j nished promptly. Etc. Adopted and in use by DECK HOISTS —x>- 342 Swan St. - BUFFALO,N. Y. AZ the principal Iron Works, SS EEE A and ngine Putlders, lee besa ge Coal and Contractors’ Hoists, U. S. Hydrographic Office Charts ~ $team Steering Gears and * Conveying Machinery TIL Mg c va dl within the last twelve years BOOKS OF SAILING DIRECTIONS, ETC. = at Pootite. Iso METAL GASKETS for all. sizes and shapes. of For all Purposes. Are for sale at the office of A be nee Boting aa ha ete nS Cy oors for Steamers. so Agen r the t Liquid Rudder Brake, MANUFACTURED BY INE RECORD MoColl Cumming. aes # oo. Ganerat Machinists, es s : MAI WIA W. H . W H | TTE Mi O R E, TH E M A R N Cc 5 el Minighers & and Engineers’ pupplies, 35) est WRITE FOR PRICEs. WEST BAY CITY, MICH. | western Reserve Bldg., CLEVELAND, oO. a J. J. KEENEN, RIVERSIDE STEAM BOILER WORKS. J. H. OWEN, Prest., Chicago. F.H. VAN CLEVE, Sec’y, Escanaba. Capt. GEO. BARTLEY, WB Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers. ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING CO., Escanaba, Mich, Marine_ Work a Specialty. Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pure, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks’#id Diving Appliances always ready i llowed, 125 lbs INDS. : TUG MONARGH—Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 & 30 in. diameter, 30 in. Stroke, Steam Pressure a ; i SHEET Poet WORK OF ALL te TUG DELTA—Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure allowed, 105 lbs. REPAIRING PRO of df Werks: Cor. Cologne and Fuller Streets TUG OWEN—Cylinder 20 by 20, Steam Pressure allowed, 104 lbs- e ce an orks, ’ Telephone, Canal 401__——_—_m CHICAGO. | ceENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. SEVEN AND FOURTEEN INGH SUCTION, elepnone, n THE MARINE RECORD. rc