WHEELER SURFACE CONDENSER, : Mounted on Combined Air and Circulating Pumps. P.M.CHURCH & CO. SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH., Ship Chandlery, Hardware, Paints, Oils, And all classes of VESSEL SUPPLIES. Coppersmith Shop in connection. Corner Portage and Ashmun Sfs. TELEPHONES; - {OFFICE NO. 7. RESIDENCE NO. 4. PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF THE LIGHT-HOuSsE BOARD, Washington, D. C., December 1, 1896. Sealed proposals: cwitl be received at this office until Wednesday, the 30th day of December, 1896, for furnishing the ma- terials and labor of all kinds necessary for the construction, equipment and de- livery of three first-class composite lig ht- vessels .and two steam tenders. Bids will be received for each vessel or class of vessel separately, or for all five of the vessels, all to-be delivered on the At- lantic coast. An alternate bid will be received for one of the three light-ves- - sels, to be delivered at San Francisco, Cal. The said vessel or vessels must be completed and delivered within ten cal- endar months from date of the approval of the contract by the Secretary of. the Treasury, and bidders are informed that because of the urgent need of the speedy delivery, the element of time to be con- sumed in construction will be given due consideration in determining the award of the contract, andin each case the con- tract will be awarded to the lowest best responsible bidder. Each proposal must ‘be accompanied with a certified check payable to the order of the Secretary of the Treasury, inthe sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000). The certified check of the succetsful bidder- will. be. retained until the execution of a formal bond or contract, andthe approval of the same by the Secretary of the Treasury, and thé certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned immediately after the proposals of the successful bid- der have been accepted. Forms of pro- posals, plans and specifications showing what is required, can be had or seen by applying to this office. The right is re- served to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. JoHN G. WALKER, Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Chairman. THE MARINE RECORD. heeler Condenser & Engineering Co., 39 & 41 CORTLANDT STREET, NEW YORK, WHEELER’S IMPROVED SURFACE CONDENSERS Mounted upon Combined Air and Circulating Pumps. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the WHEELER STANDARD SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER ADMIRALTY SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER LIGHT HALL SURFACE CONDENSER. VOLZ PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER anp FREED-WATER HEATER. WHEELER FEED-WATER HEATER, AIR AND CIRCULATING PUMPS. EDMISTON PATENT FEED WATER FILTER. Send for Pamphlet, ‘‘Machinery for Small Boats, etc,” TEPER E EE FRET E EET ETE EE ATPL Bie TAFFRAIL LOG Over 10, 000 have been sold since 1876. im portion are made to indicate STATUTE MILES for use on the Lakes. The Rotators are adjustable and made by a patented system which gives great stability to the blades.. Our Log is being closely imitated, and rotators bearing no name of other marks are offered by the makers to use with our Logs as ‘‘ just as good as the Bliss rotator.”—They are notjust as good, either in durability or accuracy. Our totators bear our name and the dates of four patents. For sale by ship chandlers. JOHN BLISS & CO., 128 FRONT STREET, NEW YORK. SEE pee slaglealachacladtadladlecleslactnctogtaal | Dock and Deck Hoists. ALI, KINDS OF Machinery and Friction Hoists. ~ JACKSON & CHURCH, Saginav, mich. Send for Prices and Circulars. __ ccs We build them in all sizes. from new and improved designs. Every engine thoroughly tested before leaving our shop, and guaranteed to be satisfac- JOOS FSIS YSIS YSIS tory in every case. When &. in want of a Hoist forse marine work, dock work, mining or any other pur- pose, kindly permit us to name you prices. We know we can please you. MARINE IRON CoO., - JOISTING BAY CITY, MICH. DECK HOISTS = Coal and Contractors’ Hoists, ~ $team Steering Gears and “Conveying Machinery For all Purposes. ee We oo WHIT? EMORE WRITE FOR PRICES. WEST BAY CITY, MICH. Western Reserve Bldg., PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER AND FEED-WATER HEATER. W. E. Repway, (Elected Member of the Institution of Naval Architects at London in 1884.) NAVAL ARCHITECT, CONSULTING ENGINEER, PRACTICAL SHIPBUILDER IN STEEL, COMPOSITE OR WOOD. ALL KINDS OF VESSELS DESIGNED. Inspection and valuation of repairs made. Construction of new, and repair of damaged vessels superintended, Sur- veys, estimates and specifications fur- nished promptly. 342 Swan St. - BUFFALO,N.Y. ee U. S. Hydrographic Office Charts BOOKS OF SAILING DIRECTIONS, ETC. Are for sale at the office of THE MARINE RECORD, CLEVELAND, O. J. H. OWEN, Prest., Chicago. F. H. VAN CLEVE, Sec’y, Escanaba. Capt. GEO. BARTLEY, Supt., Escanaba, J.J. KEENEN, RIVERSIDE STEAM BOILER WORKS. Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers. ae Marine Work.a Specialty. : ; SHEET IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. > “ —\* “Office and Works, Cor. Cologne and Fuller Streets, Telephone, Ganal 401 CHICAGO. ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING €0., Escanaba, Mich, Tugs, Lighters, Steam. Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready TUG MONARGH—Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 & 30 in. diameter, 30 in. Stroke, Steam Pressure allowed, 125 lbs, TUG DELTA—Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure allowed, 105 lbs. TUG OWEN—Cylinder 20 by 20, Steam Pressure allowed, 104 Ibs- CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, SEVEN AND FOURTEEN INCH SUCTION.