U.S. A. ineers, - W. Symons, Corps of Eng Abstract of Proposals for Extension of Breakwater and Sand Catch Pier, at Buffalo, N. Y., Opened November 30, 1896, by Major T THE MARINE RECORD. | PORT IMPROVEMENTS AT DULUTH. *qJ49 TOQUIT] 1OTJDIS OULO O9"ZOF' GELS x ee ee One of the recommendations of President Hugo eee | = pide tplaicbiys baths | the Duluth Chamber of Commerce, at the annual meet Ad ROS SawoKIo Bw a ee eon ei ae mo , 4 as San pores ae ing of that body, was for some action tending to secur se Sea SSSanr Be || rotection for the outer harbor and for pier heads OH AAT ANARAN AN | 1S Pp : gas: | ; org oa —___——— | the canal entrance which may be as distinct as possib Hone So Bee eae for vesselmen that may be required to enter the harbo aZAOS Sb :2955 Ease | from the lake in heavy weather at night aaa Gow idere cace eee aes a oy | ne Capt. Robertson, of the steamer Monarch, who é : gies ie a 3 Se | brought his vessel through the canal in the storm of oe te See Poe en SSss Thanksgiving day, says he could not see the piers am 225 5HSR S25 | gee Eee Pee eee although he could tell where they lay by the ans Sz | S55 S563 8888 | lights. | mde odes nie || 4 . . 4 = = = | The recommendation concerning the piers has bee 4 ne gs ‘gees Seo | anticipated, and more too, by Major Clinton B. Sears, Bap aoe one Sera U.S. A., the government engineer for Lake Superior aes | HOw gaat once | Wits regard to protection for vee outer harbor, th major says he does not approve of it at government ex ue | oye . . -aAnsRoUl MOOS ‘pA no aad ‘Buypyoung| Sse SAS 438s |) pense. He regards the proposition as one for protecti inl [_ Aaet adn | 8 : . 5 Hi ER & i private property at publicexpense. Major Sears says yora ‘seousg old SUNIy pur Suyyaodsurzy, S88 SSS BESS | the time may come when shipping in Duluth harbor — Ee EPEC See Si ee aes See eee will become so congested that the outer harbor may be & Se : Sst see vs EH {dad ‘sdejg pu syog Morog‘spoy on, | *82 NS aoe protected by the government, but it will not be fo = he : some years yet. ‘ 3 : 5 “005 avout] dod ‘BUTTE A | SAN ASRS 8588 The proposition about the piers, however, meets with xs * —— ae ai the approval of Major Sears, and it transpires that he p ‘ond jad ‘Surtld wood ze ie pee = : has already provided for the work, if his plans come a aus he out right, as he is sanguine they will. He says he ex- i 22S :88S3 SES P " ‘alld tad ‘Buyld AUMION| Sas ‘aera dood pects to save enough money out of the continuous con- a —— tract appropriation to widen the canal 50 or 100 feet ‘atid aod ‘Sut 0 | ed ieag ire aR mae C7 and rebuild the piers with concrete. The idea of mrt N 2 Sl - ; : : . es a : : G making the pier heads more distinct, so as to be visible — ooscoeocseoo oooceo . . sansa ‘aaa daep sido SULLOOR | ee to vesselmen on dark and stormy nights, will be BRAISAGS SHIR brought out fully. The major proposes to build much © > eeooeso i i e yore ‘aovid UT s}Re[o SuLOOW eb hae pe Cy higher pier heads than the present ones, and they will : z ‘BO NAC AS BSAe R be of concrete of light gray color, and it is calculated |e Joo} aval] dod ‘ajotd S5SSSSSS ES8BS the ill isti i i H | 4 | -moo 19yvmyevorg qip 1equTyE Vp: spun | Cece ae rane oe i be distingrlsheble mast ee cena : ae ae ada saan It is possible the pier heads may be painted white. om S909 ‘#99 The News-Tri i i 2 £F Notroy oat ropepanog. a1 an sma | B88 | 38 238 ease m8 tribune says the widening: of the canal, BIEL 3 as which Major Sears proposes, will lessen the danger to a | ‘aansRelle Moos i) wos SSH vessels in a grea i i 4} 32) -px ‘no aod ‘uoyepunog upouorg ofqqny | SSS 3% RSH =a3S% : g 8 t degree. The need of increased width e 5 ay eee een ht is felt by the shipping interests more particularly since val ans MOOS DME DoSoo SF$MI9> es : a Ss 5 “pA “no Jed ‘yauedy, uy SON ein pee ton vessels have become common. With greater “| ‘ panseour sould ae ee ae width of the waterway connecting the harbor and lake, Suns *p& “no Jed ‘youedy, £ Bit eee! Cais and more prominent pier heads at th a en : ae ee iP Pp sa e entrance from a SBOUT MOOS "PA “Nd Jod ‘YOUITT, SULJVABOXT | RUNES Biece the lake, it is estimated that danger to mariners under = ais : tere : 28 af ue was "ST 000%, See Sees enee any. conditions will he reduced toa minimum, and with © 25 VEpUNo Ul OUOXS eTGdNYA | 26 oe piers of the substantial character that Major Sears pro- = + ‘OINSBITA MOOS eeowonueos ¢ ‘ : i me Seni iluheiek oe S85 55888 285% poses to build, the; Duluth canal will be a matter of — af Fr pride for Duluth citizens and the maritime community. © 28 “ednsvoul MOOS SBENSSSS SUBS oa Ba “pA ‘no Jed ‘Youary, SULLA joauty | Pid aero ea ah eee are iy SE ee : a ‘stout ode [d “pA “no tod yousn Suywavoxg | re Sea a tg Sheen - TRAFFIC THROUGH ST. MARY’S FALLS CANAL. a ae APRA Pye o ee oe ” Be rare oaG pa “no aod ‘Youos supe Awoxi | SeONRSIS RASS REPORT OF FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAFFIC TO AND | — phates From LAKE SUPERIOR FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, — “S(T.000'Z JO 109 Jo 219 S ooo (yea = : F epeury Wosyouojg Sulddeg Suyaodsuvay,| {VS Vs TS Ba 1896, INCLUDING STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES "SqI 000% J0 U0} Jod Ree S45 SE 8 AND CANADIAN CANALS AT SAuLT STE. Marte, MICHI- “epeuey Wosy ators BIaqny suysodsuva| go GAN AND ONTARIO: eal ‘OINSBIUT MODS ‘pA “Nd Jed BES NS DBD AQ ESCO SN oe AS St ‘upeuRy WoIF 910g OIGqNY Sumaoneuene| SRS Ee a Say EAST BOUND. = “SqI v00‘% JO ass Soo 12's U0} Jed ‘epeueyp UI eu0 Oe ats oer esteem i 4 Pp ‘0 Touojg surddep Bole iets AO aes ITEMS. — % ee a renumon Godly Boa Viewers anal. anal. Ps JO 10} rad ‘epeuRg UT otl01g aIqany pedlusaectit etad camer edi oe —— ‘QNSBIU MODS iO OS mite Jopper nettons*. aca at. fata el “pA ‘no dod ‘epeury ureuorg atqqny | “te B28 (3:8 Grain, DUSHOIS va, s- 31,05 cece 4 6961381 270 I is Ena ,696,387 622,270 S oe : riipeatentr ewe MOlOMBiss ete se antes DEY ins beta ces : Olt “Danbelecicctasd es onc eee eae F 3968 a “SL 000°% FO 104 od ‘onojg Bujdddey| SSS 4885 SAS Iron Ore, Meh TONSs svc s.0e. tone arr 303 "a 659 * pind idddcl ciacd iron, PIG Net HONS acores, acc eas 4.917 2/100 i “‘QANSBOU MODS ‘PA “no Jod JOARIY | SBR :RBER SRSA eae a ‘ade BM sen ea erases 50,122 1,282 a Bs ee a A 35 Rn Ole) Bek eee es 2 ee shies paneaee ee =) PE Ree CE Haveah Dosh ley as - ois Sate 346,331 | 2,608,852 . ; ; : S ns. j [a=] spunod 000‘ Jo 109 aod ‘attogg 9Tqqny Cove pad sein eee Passengers, number. seen ono of soptioudin midds pxvnd aol ouDIG edna | See ESS Stee ere Bays den igi a : ce ; Meuep Uveae TTEMS. U.S. Canadian Total an cal arse ante eae aye Canal. Canal. otal. oo Sz" Aa 3 SO3 e SI | clin siz eg festa oaeta ee | ne Bsmt EOS Coal [har = Sheccsss Seas Joa hard), Web TONS. ..5:5 . ean ssnioes 34,976 9,305 - 44 £281 HESSSom ash Coal [soft], net tons.................. i a s SREgES e sses Flour, barrels ......... : Cane 60,804 | eae oPssssao Boxe Grains bushels ns ea ea eR Kant, zamena SeSS Manufactured iron, net tons........ 13,609 - he2 oe eae ea eee Unelusetiiod iuight ovens 20s ae mS See fio rs Passengers, NUNUHET? is Weds Ld aye ee ver Sth stint a eating Ease aie! 8 POD RUA Bt Ole ea os MESS peo88 : in : es EM onsOEe ind: = Saya fA yes Boo S EBoce a ass “og : z fae, Sas Gas REE SAE Bs le eae On Sa ee eas Total. Rov seothsa oa mn eg ose Weta als aia eva Ween a g-alane BINT R PR re EPO TTA I er OOS Bo ASS fo Saat Total registered tonna: Bund ge; United Statesynta..5 sues are e5e2 : Be Ee ae Total registered tonnage, Canadian..................0: HES i oo ananssses aas DOLL geese ign Sagsyu aateees simmer eget gale ce ena rh