Seen tr ek See ag LL SSeS tS SESS SSS THE MARINE RECORD. NEW PUBLICATIONS—LITERARY NOTES. The Joseph Dixon Crucible Company, of Jersey City, N. J., have issued a new catalogue, which describes and illustrates the various goods of their manufacture, embrac- ing graphite in all its forms and applications. The subject of successful lubrication has been achieved by their pure flake graphite, no matter how high the speed, the friction is reduced to a minimum. Their lubricating graphite is equally useful for wood or metal surfaces, and it is claimed will prevent heated bearings, cool those which may have become heated and ,reduce friction better than anything in existence. Graphite, not being affected by acids, alkalies or other solvent, and possessing high con- ductivity, is especially valuable for electrician’s use. For wire ropes, cables and iron or steel chains it has no equal, as Dixon’s graphite grease prevents oxidization, at the same time thoroughly lubricating the strands or links. The silica-graphite paint has an unequaled record of over twenty-five years, and is an ideal pigment for metal or wood work, roofs, smoke stacks, etc, and is warranted to give satisfaction. This catalogue will be mailed to mine managers and superintendents and others interested, on ap- plication. Let us further say that the Dixon Co. seem to have reduced this business to a science, both in application and in selling, and the formula is, briefly, to make the best goods possible for the lowest price posible. Their pencils are without a rival; we would not have written so many pungent paragraphs this year had it not been for the fact that we use the Dixon pencil almost exclusively. ee Wk OK Bok ok A neat, well-bound book entitled “Wire Rope Transpor- tation in all its Branches” has just been received from the Trenton (N. J.) Iron Co. This book treats fully mat- ters pertaining to wire-rope tramways, hoist-conveyors, mine haulage plants, and power transmissions, and it con- tains excellent illustrations of the numerous devices made by that company. About 175 pages are given to illustrat- ing and describing the various methods of transmissions, and the typograhpical work is excellent. TR) Rk The Canadian Almanac for 1897 contains a great amount of practical and valuable information. This is the fiftieth year of publication of this well-known annual, and its size has been increased to 354 pages. Among the new features are a short history of Canada, giving the main events in Canadian history, chronologically arranged, an historical diary of the years 1895-96, and an interesting article on the King’s Loyalists. The regular departments have been brought up to date and include, a Post Office Gazetteer of the Dominion, an official directory of the clergy, militia and government officials, both Dominion and Provincial, county and municipal officers, etc. The usual mass of in- teresting statistics and astronomical calculations is given, and the almanac is embellished with engravings of promi- nent persons and public buildings. Published by The Copp-Clark Co., Toronto. * ok Ok ok x Among the finest calendars yet received at this office may be mentioned that of the Ashton Valve Co., 271 Franklin street, Boston, Mass., with branch offices at New York, Chicago and London. The card calendar, which is a 14 by 11, shows on the upper half two boys in country garb, also in close deliberation, or conspiracy, in a country lane. The most advanced, or, the fellow that is telling the story to the other, says: “It’s a'go, sure pop.” This quotation seems to emphasize the fact of the Ashton pop safety valves and improved pressure and vacuum gauges. The Ashton Co., of Boston, are universally known as one of the best houses in the United States, and anyone doing business with them can be assured of busi- ness-like and courteous treatment at the lowest possible figures compatible with proper. work. Ege he tae ae 2 The Morris Machine Works, Baldwinsville, N. Y., sends us, with their compliments, one of the handsomest cal- endars, measuring 22 x 13814 inches, that can be reproduced. We admire the style of the manager of the Morris Machine Works, for he has chosen one of the prettiest and most striking designs of the season. The title, “Music of the Pinewood,” shows a perfect work of the Almighty ‘stand- ing gazing in the forest with a sprig of leaves in her port hand, and her starboard hand concealed under the sash of her gown. The border is very tastefully arranged in oak leaves and acorns, and, as we have said, the entire get-up of the calendar is beyond criticism. Spring Wire, Rolled Sheets and Plates for Pump Tensile Strength, one inch cold drawn rod, upwards of 78,000 lbs. per square inch. ; Torsional Strength equal to the best Machinery Steel. Non-Corrosive in sea water. Can’ be forged at cherry red heat. Round, Square and Hexagon Bars for Bolt Forgings, Pump 3 : 2 ’ Piston Rods, Yacht Shafting, Etc. ; es 5 | Linings and Condenser Tube Sheets, Centerboards, Fin Keels and Rudders, 7 (PRADE-Mar® REGISTERED.) CAPITAL, Paip UPINCASH, - - INCORPORATED 1794 ‘Insurance Company of North America, 4 $3,000.000.00 11 NO OBSTRUCTIONS ALLOWED. Transportation interests at St. Joseph, Mich., are mak- ing vigorous opposition to the proposed construction of a bridge over the St. Joseph river by the St. Joe Valley Railroad company. It is claimed that the bridge will im- pede the navigation of the river, and the secretary of war has ordered government engineers to investigate the mat- ter. PROPOSALS. U. S. Engineer Office, Duluth, Minn., Dec. 14, 1896. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for building. breakwater at Presque Isle Point, Marquette, Mich., will be received here until noon, Jan. 11, 1897, and then publicly opened. Infor- mation furnished on application. Clin- ton B. Sears, Major, Engrs. 51-1 U.S. Engineer Office, Duluth, Minn., Dec. 16, 1896. Sealed proposals for dredging about 21,000,000 cubic yards in the harbor of Duluth, Minn. and Super- ior, Wis., will be received here until noon Feb. 15, 1897, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. Clinton B. Sears, Major, Engrs. 52-6 QUEEN CITY Hydraulic Steerer. The best and most powerful Steerer. for Tugs, Steamers, Etc. MANUFACTURED BY QUEEN CITY ENGINEERING CO., BUFFALO, N. Y.. : sid: Write for Prices and References. a Brass and Copper Co,, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, a ; 19-21 CLIFF ST. NEW YORK. ~ Ansoti SEND FOR PAMPHLET, a i a a MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE.__—_—_ Atlantic Mutual Insurance 69,, Organized 1842. Office 51 Wall Street, NEW YORK. ASSETS. - " 9,487,673.53 CHARLES. PLATT, President. (FEORGE H McFADDEN, Vice President. EUGENE L ELLISON, 2d Vice President. GREVILLE KE. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. LAKE MARINE DEPARTMENT, GEORGE J, MccURDY, Manacen * THEE HF PPH ttt +t 4 ttt ttt 4t+t +4 444444444444444444444444444444444 PINTSOH GAS LIGHTED Buoys. Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Light-House Departments for channel and harbor lighting; over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. BURN CONTINUOUSLY Sornesser Sc ceinde Sraimles ou aHention, and: BRILLIANT AND STEADY ILLUMINATION. } ECONOMICAL AND RELIABLE IN OPERATION. —Sontrotted by the SAFETY CAR HEATING AND LIGHTING CO., 160 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. | SHEFF FFF ttt ttt ttt ttt t4 ttt ttt tt tts ttt tss tt tosses tttese . NEW YORK, Insures against Marine and Inland Transportation Risks and Issues Policies making Loss Payable in England. Assets over $10,000,000 for the Security or its Policies, The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year; thereby» educing the cost of insurance, For such dividends, certificates are issued bearing interest until ordered to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter, J. D. JONES, Pres. W. H.-H. MOORE, Vice Pres. A. A, RAVEN, 2d Vice Pres, J. H,CHAPMAN, Sec. BALTIMORE, SAN FRANCISCO, NEW ORLEANS. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON;. Johnson & Higgins wAW6Pad6 ACIUStEPS.. AND Fire »° Marine Insurance. SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR PLACING MARINE LINES. GUARANTY BUILDING, BUFFALO, N. Y. For Stationary, Portable, - | Traction Engines, Tugboats, &c. Thoroughly ReliaLle—Perfectly Automatic. | JENKINS BROS., - Selling Agents, i NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILA., CHICAGO.