THE MARINE RECORD. 13 120 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. Wueeter’s [Mprovea Suprace CONDENSERS MOUNTED UPON COMBINED AIR. AND CIRCULATING PUMPS. SOLE PROPRIETORS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE Wheeler Standard Surface Condenser. Wheeler Admiralty Surface Condenser. Wheeler Light Hall Surface Condenser. Volz Patent Combined Surface Condenser and Feed-Water Heater. Ps WHEELER SURFACE CONDENSER. Wheeler Feed=-Water Heater, Air and. Circulating Pumps. Send for Pamphlet, | MOUNTED ON COMBINED AIR AND CIRCULATING PUMPS. Edmiston Patent Feed=-Water Filter. ‘‘Machinery for Small Boats, Etc.’’ +¢Chase Machine Co. MACHINISTS, ENGINEERS, BLACKSMITHS. ae a BUILDERS OF a i Compound and Triple Expansion ENGINES, Boilers, Surface Condensers, Propeller Wheels, Etc. PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER AND FEED-WATER HEATER. MANUFACTURERS OF Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps. SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE } CHASE AUTOMATIC FOG WHISTLE [MACHINE. In use on nearly all Lake Steamers. AGENTS FOR ASBESTOS STEAM, BOILER AND PIPE COVERING. Telephone 994. fff Elm St., CLEVELAND, O. Dock and Deck Hoists ALL, KINDS OF Machinery and Friction Hoists. Contracts taken for yachts and tugs complete. Send for photographs of En- gines and descriptive pamphlet. Works on Delaware & Raritan Canal Basin, TRENTON, N. J. Capt. Samuel W. Gould, Ex-Assistant Inspector of Steam Vessels, 265 [larcy Ave., Cleveland, O. Gives instruction in Navigation and prepares candidates for the examinations for Master and Pilot’s Licenses, before the Local Steamboat Inspectors. Also instructions given in the Safety Valve and other problems required by candidates for Engineer’s License. TERMS REASONABLE. TAKE WADE PARK OR PAYNE AVE. CAR. FOR SALE, WANTED, Etc. See also Page 15. Send for Pri and Ci ame JACKSON & CHURCH, Saginaw, Mich. We build them in all sizes from new and improved designs. Every engine thoroughly tested before leaving our shop, and YOQ|S HSgISeeqoye y guaranteed to be satisfac- tory ineverycase. When. Eight Elegant Photogravures—_> Size 10x17 Inches. Whaleback Str. Christopher Columbus State of Ohio .* State of New York. Steel Ship Builders. Steamer Arthur Orr. English-built Steamer Turrett. Dry-Dock Representatives. Schooner John Fitzpatrick. FOR SALE. Steam barge, 450 lumber capacity, pow- erful tower, rates A 2 and in first-class marine work, dock work, mining or any. other pur- condition. W. F. Horn, 1107 Chamber pose, kindly permit us to name you prices. We know of Commerce Bldg., Chicago, Ill. 4-9 we can please you. oe ae OR SALE. aE SEE ‘MARINE IRON Co., = BAY CITY, MICH Schooner “D. L. Filer.” Capacity 500 M. feet lumber. Can be seen any time at yards of Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi- cago, Ill. 7-11 Deck Hoists. EES I Cuyahoga engine, take out of the Complete set mailed to any address on receipt Gt 22 cents, Coal and Contractors’ Hoists, ] steamer Empire. in good order. Cheap THE PARINE RECORD, ( 7 Steam Steering Gears and a eed ice Western Reserve Bidg., Civcieat O. (©) Conveying Machinery For all purposes. WANTED. An A 2 schooner or steamer in exchange Pays for 52 copies of om Manulerurs by for good Chicago property. Answer, giv- : 2.00 The Marine Record in- W. H. WHITTEMORE ing full particulars. Address W. T. Far- cluding Supplements. Sri ’ y : well, Room 503, Tacoma Building, Chi- g PP Write for Prices. West Bay City, Mich. cago, IIl. 5-6-* J. H. OWEN, Pres., F. H. VAN CLEVE, Sec., Capt. GEO. BARTLEY, Supt., Chicago. Escanaba. Escanaba. Escanaba Towing and Wrecking Co. ESCANABA, MICH. Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready TUG MONARCH—Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 and 80 in. diameter, 30 in, stroke, steam pressure al- lowed 125 pounds, TUG DELTA—Cylinder 20 by 22, steam pressure allowed 105 pounds. TUG OWEN—Cylinder 20 by 20, steam pressure allowed, 104 pounds. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, SEVEN AND FOURTEEN INCH SUCTION. J. en RIVERSIDE STEAM nT BOILER WORKS. a a ae Marine, Locomotive, and Stationary Boilers. MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY. SHEET IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS. Repairing Promptly Attended to. Orrice anD Works, Cor, COLOGNE AND FULLER STREETS, Telephone Canal 401, CHICAGO,