SEMEL YN GZ LY 44} Why inks ts nlc id elie la ESTABLISHED 1878. VOL. XX. No. 9. CLEVELAND---MARCH 4, 1897---CHICAGO. $2.00 Per Year. oc. Single Copy. PRODUCTION OF BESSEMER STEEL. The American Iron and Steel Association has collected from the manufacturers complete statistics of the produc- tion of Bessemer steel ingots and Bessemer steel rails in the United States in 1896 except the comparatively small quantity of standard rails and street rails which were made by manufacturers from purchased blooms. In the statistics of ingots produced is included the produc- tion of the Flewclapp-Griffths and Robert-Bessemer plants and also the production of steel castings by all Bessemer works and the single Walrand-Legenisel plant, of Chicago. The total production of Bessemer steel ingots in 1806 Was 3,919,906 gross tons, against 4,909,128 tons in 1895, showing a decrease in 1896 of 989,222 tons, or over 20 per cent.. The production of 1895 was much the largest in the history of this country. The production of all kinds of Bessemer steel ingots in 1896 was 1,102,892 gross tons, against a similar production of 1,266,081 tons in 1895; 904,020 tons in 1894; 1,036,353 in 1893, and 1,458,732 tons in 1892. oo oo _ SUEZ CANAL TRAFFIC IN 1896. The business of the year just passed was the most remunerative ever experienced by the Suez Canal, the traffic aggregating almost $16,000,000 . According to a report of Consul-General Penfield at Cairo to the State Department Great Britain supplied two-thirds of the traffic, and he declares it a regrettable fact that not one ship under the United States flag passed through the canal during 1896, although in 1895 four American war- ships and yachts showed the Stars and Stripes in making the passage. The total number of steamers using the canal last year was 3, 407, having a tonnage of 8,594,307, and the traffic receipts were $15,930,435. The receipts were abnormally enhanced by the number of Italian sol- diers going back and forth to the Abyssinian war. oi ore AN AMERICAN BARK 133 YEARS OLD. The bark True Love; built in Philadelphia in 1764, has been found to be yet afloat as a coal hulk, engaged in active trade at the age of 133 years. This discovery was made through a casualty recorded in the Maritime Ex- change as follows: True Love, barge, was in collision with schooner Gravesend of London, off Gravesend, and had port quarter damaged to such an extent that it was found necessary to tow her into Rochester, and she ar- rived at that place in charge of the tug Commerce. Ac- cording to the Philadelphia Press, it was the year 1764 when the old craft was launched on the banks of the Dela- ware, although her length was but 96 feet 8 inches, she was then the largest vessel of commerce that the Delaware had ever floated. Contrast this with the dimensions of the huge Hamburg-American Packet Co.’s steamship Pennsylvania, the latest ‘addition to. commerce, whose length is 587 feet, while the new White Star liner build- ing is 704 feet long, and one will be amazed with the mag- nitude of the modern ship of commerce. The True Love, upon being completed, sailed from Philadelphia early in 1765, and no record is had of her return, until August 22, 1873, when at the age of 109 years she came into port from Ivigut, Greenland, with a cargo of kyrolite, in com- mand of Capt. Thomas Nathaniel, consigned to B. Crow- ley. She was discharged and surveyed by the American Lloyds in October, 1873, and sailed again. Upon her arrival ‘shortly afterward in London, she was sold and turned into a coal hulk, in which capacity she still serves. The dimensions of this famous True Love are: Length, 96 feet 8 inches; beam, 26 feet, 9 inches; depth of hold, 17 feet. She measured 296 tons register. The discovery that there was still afloat a Philadelphia- built vessel of such an age has caused much comment on the floors of the Maritime Exchange, and some shipping men are of the opinion that this old craft should, if pos- sible, be purchased as a relic. Records show that the True Love was for a time owned in Hull, England, by G. Dahl, previous to her purchase by John S. Ward, of Lon- don, and during that time she was engaged in the Baltic trade. oro ST. MARY’S MINERAL LAND. The annual report of St. Mary’s Canal Mineral Land Company for 1896 shows: ‘Totals sales, land and timber, $5,347; cash on hand December 31, $33,171; profit and loss deficit, $333,190; total liabilities, $1,032;621. The com- pany’s real estate now consists of 112,452 acres, besides mineral rights on 6,662 additional acres. The report says: “Although the valuation has been reduced nearly one-half in the past ten years, the taxes assessed are practically CAPT. JOHN BERM!NGHAM, U. S. Supervising Inspector of Steam Vessels, First District, San Francisco, California. (See page 6). the same, owing to continuous increase in rate. The recent purchase of mining properties south of Portage Lake and the prospect of their development make it not unreasonable to expect a somewhat more active demand for wood and timber during the present year. But all of the large mines have discontinued use of wood for fuel, coal being much cheaper, and of late years our markets have been flooded with Canadian lumber: These two causes have seriously affected our interests. It is hoped and expected that the new tariff bill will levy a satisfactory duty on manufactured lumber and logs, and that this will restore to us the natural market for our hardwood timber. There is no change to report in regard to the Pacific Copper Company, which has $24,298.11 in its treasury, and no liabilities.” AIDS TO NAVIGATION. (Communicated. ) On the supposition that “there can not be too many aids to navigation,’ the distribution of such aids has lustily been going on, so that now almost every peak and point on the great lakes has got a lighthouse with flag signal attached to it, not to mention shoals provided with lightvessels. Some districts, of course, have been more favored than others in the general distribution of aids, as, for instance, Waugoshance passage, boasting four lights and as many flag signals, of which three are located within a radius of two miles, vieing with one another for the patronage of vessels passing. Like so many toys, lighthouses and lightvessels have been disposed of seemingly without discrimination. Lighthouses are found where lightships would be better, and lightships where gas and bell buoys would suffice. The absence of bell buoys is a noticeable feature on the great lakes, there being only one bell buoy in all, namely, on Graham Shoal. Looking at Pilot Chart No. 1415, U. S. H.-O., the sys- tem of lights on the great lakes affords a grand spectacle, but when put to the test the system proves a failure. This test is thick weather, when lights cease to be aids and flag signals also, if not approachable close to from all sides. Therefore in thick weather the lakes are practically without aids. As long as vessels are guarded by safety. curves they need no other aid, but when leaving the safety curve the point of departure must be known. This knowledge can be obtained only from buoys placed at the safety curve, and by no other means. By following the direction of the safety curve up by the lead, the buoy is found, and thus the turning point or point of departure and the means for verifying position. the lack of such buoys is the great defect in the system of lights and buoyage. Not fi@g signals, but fog buoys, are wanted, and the more for buoys are put in the less life-saving station’ will be required. The lack of fog buoys is so great a defect that vessels . leaving port for a short excursion and being overtaken by fog have not been able to return into port, as hap- pened last summer at Milwaukee to prominent parties aboard their own steamer, and to their disgust being com- pelled to stay out twelve hours, until the weather cleared up. The lack of fog buoys for verifying position in thick weather is not only the cause of disappointment, but of disaster to vessels approaching straits, channels, harbors, etc. In front of every harbor a fog buoy should be placed at the safety curve, and also at the following places: At the 20-fathom curve, SSE. % E., from Pilot Island, Lake Michigan, to mark the approach to Porte des Mortes (Death’s Door); at the 20-fathom curve south of Poverty Island, to mark the entrance into Green Bay; at the 20-fathom curve past Seul Choix Point, to mark the turning point from which to start on the course past Squaw Island; at the 4o-fathom curve past Point Betsey, to mark the turning point for Manitou passage; at the 20-fathom curve past Forty-Mile Point, Lake Huron, to mark the approach into the south channel; at the 10- fathom curve north of Fort Gratiot, to mark the point of departure for the lightship; at the 10-fathom curve east of Pelee Spit (Dummy), Lake Erie, to mark the starting point for the ““‘Dummy”’; at the 9-fathom curve past Abino Point, to mark the approach of Buffalo, etc. “There are a number of other places not enumerated here where fog buoys would be of great service. To easily find them and to distinguish them from buoys marking obstacles fog buoys ought to have two bells of different pitch . JOHN MAURICE.