Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), March 4, 1897, p. 4

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THE MARINE RECORD. NEWS AROUND THE LAKES. CHICAGO. Special correspondence to the Marine Record. Capt. J. S. Dunham and wife left here Saturday for Cali- fornia on a pleasure trip. A The Goodrich Transportation Co.’s steamer City of Lud- ington is receiving considerable repairs to her hull and decks. The Independent Tug Line had the steamer A. C. Van Raalte in their floating dry dock! for repairs to her bottom and some calking and ironing. The Dunham Towing & Wrecking Co. towed the steam- er Iroquois to the Iowa and City elevators and the whale- back barge 134 to the Iowa and St. Paul elevators to load grain. The many friends of Geo. Cameron of the Dunham ‘Towing & Wrecking Co. will be sorry to learn that he is confined to his bed with an attack of typhoid fever. I wish him a speedy recovery to good health. . Hausler & Lutz of South Chicago have one of their dredges and pile drivers here. They are engaged in driv- ing piles for the foundation for a new storage warehouse; also for a new dock between Clark street and La Salle avenue for the Anchor Line. The steamer Iroquois and the whaleback barge No. 134 were chartered last week for rye to Buffalo. The rate was not made public but it is rumored that the rate of 2% cents on corn, which has been held up some considerable time, was not maintained. Le The South Chicago Ship Chandlery Co. are building a new ship-chandlery store at South Chicago. Four doors east of their present store. It is to be a three-story build- ing. Capt. James Channon, the well-known manager of the company will feel not a little proud of the new store when completed and. all his friends wish him continuous success in it. ; : Mr. Wilson of the hydrgraphic office, Chicago, deliver- ed a lecture to the members of branch, 3 of the Shipmas- ters’ Association and their friends at their hall over the Le Grand Hotel, corner Kinzie and Wells streets on Wed- nesday afternoon, February 24th, on “Variation and Devia- tion of the Compass.” There was a large attendance and the lecturer ably expounded the subject to a very attentive audience. Hausler & Lutz are building.a steam yacht for Albert Mohr of Mohr & Sons, boiler makers, Chicago. Her di- mensions are: 55 feet over all, 11 feet beam, 4 feet 6 inches hold. She will have a high pressure engine, 8x1o and a tubular boiler to be allowed 250 Ibs. steam pressure, which is being built by Mohr & Sons. Her model is very hand- some and she has very fine lines and it is expected she will run not less than 14 miles per hour. She will be com- pleted about April 15 next. Hausler & Lutz are also building for their own use a scow 100 feet long, 28 feet beam, 8 feet hold. She is being built entirely of Wash- ington fir. oe ownml DETROIT. Special correspondence to the Marine Record. S. F. Hodge & Co. report nothing very new of late. They are getting out some minor work at the present in the marine line, but nothing special. =Thomas Adams, George H. Adams, John I. Adams, and Jesse H. Farwell are now located in their new office in the Parker & Miller building, at the foot of Griswold street. John C. Shaw was called to Ludington last week, to represent the car ferry Pere Marquette, which sunk the tug Thomas W. Ferry at that port. Mr. Shaw is trying to settle the case for the car ferry, if satisfactory terms can be agreed upon. The steamer State of Michigan is lying at Amherstburg, where such repairs as were rendered necessary by her rough experience with the ice on February 22, are being made. Grant Gurmmond reiterates his determination to _ push through to Cleveland as early as possible. : The ferry steamers have had very little difficulty in running between Detroit and Windsor this winter, and have never been seriously impeded. What slight repairs were needed by the fleet have been pretty much done, ex- cept painting. C. E. Ruskin, manager of the Marine Record, arrived in Detroit Monday night, and is at the Cadillac. Mr. Ruskin is looking up the Record’s Detroit interests, and will undoubtedly meet with good success. He will remain in town two or three days. If the condition of the ice in Lake Erie is such as to warrant it, the D. & C. S. N. Co. will probably start one of their steamers for Cleveland on March 15. No official announcement has yet been made, but it is known that was the intention of the management. A. A. Schantz, general passenger agent of the D. & C. Line, is engaged in his usual work of getting out advertising matter for this season’s business. Already inklings of the tourist trade are beginning to come in, and the D. & C. Line looks for a very large year’s business. - The Canadian steamer Imperial, owned by the Walkers of Walkerville, is receiving a compound engine, on the Canadian side of the river. The Walkers were obliged to buy this steamer to protect an interest they had in her, and she has since proved a very fair paying investment. She is on the Windsor and Pelee Island route, and will in a few years build up a firm trade to this fertile island. The island is something of a summer resort, and has club houses besides, and this steamer is the only regular boat running there. If the business in sight for the Detroit Boat Works all materializes, that firm will have more than they could possibly attend to in a year. They have received inquiries for prices, etc., for something like 50 steam yachts, and their business in life rafts, shells, life boats, naphtha launches, and all lines, except yawl boats, is fair. Some eastern orders, and some local orders for shells are being filled at the present time, and a couple of launches are building. Mr. Ballin, in speaking of the situation to the Record, said: “Money is close, but there is lots of in- quiry. We have just spent $10 in postage stamps, in an- swering inquiries, etc., lately received. Our business in building of the Clark life raft for this year bids fair to be very large.” i or oi PORT HURON. Special Correspondence to the Marine Record. Capt. Chris. Smith and wife are visiting at Bay City and Saginaw. Capt. D. N. Runnels and wife attend the inauguration of President McKinley this week. Twin daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Camp- bell, Thursday last. Campbell is chief engineer of the O. D. Conger. © The marine clerk at the custom house reports that no vessel transfers are being made this winter. It is the dullest season in years. Capt. E. Fitzgerald, who has been seriously ill for some time past, is now reported as being on the improve and is expected around again in a few days. The steamers Toledo and Cole will run alternate days from Port Huron to Toledo this summer. The steamer Greyhound will run between Detroit and Port Huron daily. The steamer Dormer has discontinued her trips between Port Huron and Marine City. The river is blocked with ice to a point opposite St. Clair and heavy ice is still running. It is: yet questionable whether we get the river railroad from Detroit here this year. Certainly if the road is built it will knock out some of the vessel traffic on the river, a feature The Record don’t want to countenance any more than its correspondents. Capt. George Howes, formerly of this city and master of the tug J. W. Westcott for ten years in the employ of Alger, Smith & Co., Detroit, has shuffled off this mortal coil, via the neck tie route. Domestic unpleasantness caught the victim. Capt. Chris. Smith reports that the rebuilding of the cabins of the L. R: Doty which has recently been com- pleted, made necessary by the $10,000 damage by fire in December last, has given the steamer more elegant cabins. The work. was done at Milwaukee, and the steamer return- ed to South Chicago where she is now loaded with 102,000 bushels of corn. If permission is granted by the war department a new bridge will be erected at Mansfield street, the cost for a wooden structure is estimated at $2,199.40. In the circuit court on Saturday the jury in the case of Capt. Harvey McQueen versus the F. & P. M. R. R. Co. brought in a verdict in favor of the defendants. Capt. McQueen sued for a verdict of $10,000, but was non- suited. — oo CLEVELAND. Special correspondence to the Marine Record. Capt. Farnwell, one of the oldest lake navigators, died this week at Sandusky. He leaves a widow and three daughters. At the yards of the Cleveland Ship Building Co. the keel has been laid for the new steamer contracted for by Wolvin et al, of Duluth. The weather during the last few days has got soft and mild again, but there are as yet no indications of boats getting ready to fit out at this port. John H. Bartow and C. P. Gilchrist, vessel agents, have dissolved partnership. Mr. Bartow will continue in charge of the firm’s business. Mr. Gilchrist will remain in the vessel business, along the same lines. Colonel Smith, corps of engineers, U. S. A., leaves this week for a vacation. Not having enjoyed the best of health lately, the colonel will rusticate for a while in Georgia. The Cleveland Dry-Dock Co. have in this week the whaleback barge No. 126 for eleven new bottom plates and further overhauling. Dry-dock work is slow but the Cleveland always seems to get its full share. It is now expected that the D. & C. Line will make an attempt to open navigation between Detroit and this port on the 15th inst. If this weather continues it will be easy for the company to do so. The address recently delivered by Mr. Oldham before the Civil Engineers’ Club on the “Structural Strength of Ships and Improved Arrangements for Repairing Them without Diminution of Their Strength” has been printed in pamphlet form. At the yards of the Globe Iron Works Co., union and non-union men are having a squabble, with the result that the officers have shut down the works temporarily. It now appears that the union men are determined to force skilled or unskilled labor entirely out of the works and will not resume employment until they have accomplished their mission. In the meantime the employers have cor cluded to stop all building and especially so as their con- tracts embody the strike clause. There is not much work going on this week at the yard of the Ship Owners’ Dry~Dock Co. beyond the docking of some small fry and furthermore future orders seem not to be too brisk. However, when the fitting out season sets in the docks are liable to be run to their full capacity, Relative to freight there is nothing new here this ieee Coal is an unknown factor as is grain, and iron ore is not — yet being mentioned. There may, however, be something doing in lumber but if so it has not yet come to the sur- face and therefore it is simply useless guessing or writing — a lengthy item which summed up would mean nothing. Contrary to general expectation, based upon apparent indifference on the part of the underwriters chiefly inter- ested, there is to be an issue of the Inland Lloyd’s Vessel Register for 1897. This was decided upon at a gathering — of lake underwriters in New York city some days ago, — Frank L. Vance says. The issue will be made without the - customary formality of a general survey of vessels at the different lake ports. A large amount of money was ex- pended in that direction during the winters of 1895 and 1896, and the ratings then made will hold good on all but | about 5 per cent. of the vessels embraced in the inspections of those two seasons. These vessels are all known and can easily be looked after by the inspectors of the general agencies constituting the Inland Lloyds management. This will limit the work of preparation to a revision of the reg- ister of 1806, the addition of new vessels which went into commission during the year, and such changes in the classification of the few vessels of doubtful condition re- ferred to above as the inspectors may report necessary. EO MARINE CITY. Special Correspondence to the Marine Record. Captains John and Alfred Mitchell, of Cleveland, were in Marine City Friday, attending the funeral of Capt. Peterson. ; . Capt. Chris. Peterson, of the steamer Jno. J. McWil- liams, died at his home in this city, February 24th. He had been ill for about four months and his death was a sad surprise to his many friends. His funeral was con- ducted under the auspices of Sam Ward Lodge F. A. M. and lodges at Port Huron, Algonac, Cleveland, Buffalo and Wallaceburg were represented. His career as a mas- ter was a very successful one. Starting about eight years ago in the William T. Gratwick, he forged his way rapidly to the front, sailing last season the largest boat in the Mitchell fleet, the McWilliains. Masters residing in or near this port have been appoint- ed to the following boats: St. Lawrence, Capt. A. Seng- has; John J. Hill, Capt, Jno. Andrews; Geo. J., Gould, Capt Walter Cottrell; Toltec, Capt James Taylor; Aztec, James Baby; W. H. Sawyer, Capt. John Jenkins; Kate Buttironi, Capt. Chas. Norton; Santa Maria, Capt. David Carrier; Mohegan, Capt. Wm. Hagan; Cherokee, Capt. Ashley; Mark Hopkins, Capt. Jule Ward; Passenger steamer Toledo, Capt. Burt Baker; Wotan, Capt. Jos. Shackett; Tempest, No. 1, Capt. George Lester; Tempest, No. 2; Capt. Joe Lowes; George King, Capt. W. Burns: Sparta, Capt. Johnson; Brittanic, Capt. Davis: George W. Roby, Capt. William Smith; Jim Sheriffs, Capt. A. R. Bell; William F. Sauber, Capt. Harvey Stewart; Chas. F. Bielman, Capt. Fred Stewart; William H. Gratwick, No. 2, Capt. M. P. Parsons; Pathfinder, Capt. Wilson McGreg- or; Lagonda, Capt. Chas. Galton; New Orleans, Capt. W. Cunningham; Ionia, Capt. W. W. Stewart; Vigilant, Capt. Ed. Allum; Torrent, Capt. Alex. Cattanach; Nellie Torrent, Capt. Jno. Randall; Ed. Smith, No. 1, Capt. Chas. D. Miller; Fern, John A. Miller; Maine, Capt. G. W. Case; D. F. Rose, Capt. Cass Saph. Barges:—Jo- seph Paige, Capt. S. Rose; Martha, Farrel.Crowley; A. C. Tuxbury, Capt. John Jones; C. E. Redfern, Capt. Pow- ers; W. H. Hawkins, Capt. John B. B. Atwell; Uranus, Capt. Jno. Balfour; Ningoe, Capt. A. Snellgrove; Miztec, Capt. H. S. Shackett; Zapotec, Capt. Peter Thompson; Maria Martin, Capt. Wm. Rouvel; Homer, Capt. Ramer Bell; James Mowatt, Capt. O. P. M. Titus; Camden, Capt. John Van Renssaellaer; F. M. Knapp, Capt. Jno. Powell; Emma L. Coyne, Capt. Henry Lester; Teutonia, W. Meldrum; Troy, Capt. Diem; Buckeye State, Capt.An- gel; Boscobel, Capt. Young; George Nester, Capt. Jno. Beauclair; Lancy Simms, Capt. J. Beebee: W. W. Stew- art, Capt. Kemis; Thomas Gawn, Capt. J. Lawrence; Day- ton, Capt. M. P. Lester; Lucinda Lozen, Capt. Wm. Max- well; John M. Hutchinson, Capt. Holland. ooo TOLEDO. Special Correspondence to the Marine Record. On Monday evening the friends of Capt. H. N. Jex, his wife, daughter Ina, and son Bert, surprised them at their — home at 652 Leonard street. The captain will soon leave for Port Huron, from which place he will sail this sum- mer, and the pleasant affair was arranged as a farewell party. The members of the U. S. Club were the promoters of the party and a jolly time was the result. sone The Bradley line steamer J. S. Fay was docked at the yards of the Craig Ship Building Co. for heavy repairs and is now almost completed, except a little more calking. — The Volunteer will then be started on and be given some new rail, part new decks and calked, to be followed by the Gettysburg, for a general overhauling, etc. The com- pany have also several sail yachts to overhaul and partially — rebuild before the season opens, and to overhaul a dredge

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