THE MARINE RECORD. 5 EE ee eer ee ache ME mann NOREEN IE and two scows for Breyman Bros., to be used on their late large Boston contract. There are now at the yards four new naphtha launches, built for different parties this winter and ready for delivery, besides other minor work on hand. At the yards of A. Gilmore’s Sons, a contract has just been closed to build two scows for Breyman Bros., con- tractors, to be used on their Boston job. The dimensions of these new wooden scows are to be 135 feet in length, _ 34 feet beam and 13 feet deep, to have a capacity of 800 cubic yards. There is to be exceptional good work put into these craft, planked with four-inch oak, all fastenings and spikes to be galvanized, center bulkheads and very heavy oak gunwales, fastened with 1% inch iron. As the scows will undergo rough usage they will be built to stand any amount of hard treatment and the owners are certain that Gilmore’s Sons will not only put in faithful work but turn over to them craft that when completed will do credit to lake shipbuilding. They are to be finished June rst and to cost about $24,000 for the two. ee MANITOWOC. Special correspondence to the Marine Record. Burger & Burger are building a tug for Gunderson Bros. of Sheboygan, 50 feet long, 12 teet beam, 6 feet hold. They have had four U. S. government dump scows in dock for repairs and recalking. Hausler & Lutz of South Chicago havea contract with the U. S. government to build an extension, 500 feet in length, to the south pier at this port. They will begin work on it as early in the spring as possible. Manitowoc has received quite a boom recently by the arrival of new railroad companies which have built a new grain elevator and large store houses and coal docks; also a large new slip near the south pier, where the new steamer Pere Marquette loads and unloads her cargo, comprising 30 freight cars. At. H. B. & G. B. Burgers’ shipyard the Goodrich Transportation Co.’s side-wheel steamer Sheboygan is in dock receiving a general rebuild, comprising new keelsons, 50 new frames amidships, new bed timbers, new ceiling, 125 feet amidships, new main deck frames, and deck, new over- head arches, new plank shear stringers, stanchions, cover- ing board and rail between decks, new steam, new top- side plank from the light water mark up, considerable work on promenade deck and refastening and recalking all over. ———— OO FLOTSAM, JETSAM AND LAGAN. -E. J. Firth, of Philadelphia, will formulate a plan to be presented to Congress for the benefit of American ocean commerce in steamships. ayes A number of Dunn stockless anchors, patented by Lieut. Dunn, of the U. S. Navy, have, been constructed by the Solid Steel Co., of Alliance, Ohio. F. W. Wheeler & Co. have filed a trust mortgage for $250,000, covering the steel ship building plant, to the Union Trust Co., Detroit, in accordance with an agree- ment reached with the creditors. The Philadelphia Maritime Journal is furnishing its readers with lists of sailing vessels owned in the United States and flying the American flag, together with the hailing ports. It gives a complete list of 137 ships, 294 barks and barkentines and 55 brigs and brigantines. A London paper says that the man who devotes a week to advertising, and then rails at the returns, is like the office boy who studied law two days and then said: “The law ain’t what it’s cracked up to be. I’m sorry I learned tee Capt. George L. Norton, the editor of the Marine Jour- ‘nal, has not changed much in appearance in the last twelve years, and as Capt. Norton believes in the old saying that a man is no older than he feels, he would pass for fifty years of age-—American Shipbuilder. See’s piston with adjustable shoe and follower is ap- plicable to horizontal and other engines. It takes the wear at the proper point and guides without rail rod. Is in use on the United States cruisers Baltimore, Newark, Philadelphia, and the Providence and Stonington Line steamboat Connecticut. Further information upon the subject may be had by writing to Horace See, 1 Broadway, New York. Great Britain’s Admiralty Court confesses to not know- ing what a sailing ship is. In a recent collision case on appeal it decided that a barge on which a jury sail had been rigged to assist the rowers was a sailing vessel, but added that when the question of what was a sailing ship came to be decided it would have to be very carefully considered. Thorpe, Platt & Co., representing the Thornycroft Ma- rine Water Tube Boiler, have secured contracts from the Navy Department for boilers for four of the new torpedo boats; one of 20 knots, 2 of 22% and one of 30 knots. The Union Iron Works, San Francisco, to build one, Chas. Hillman & Son, Philadelphia, one, and Wolff & Zwicker, Portland, Ore., to build two. The boilers will be built at these respective plants. The administration of the Bureau Veritas has published the list of maritime disasters, reported during the month of December, 1896, concerning all flags: Sailing Vessels Reported Lost—14 American, 1 Austrian, 1 Brazilian, 22 British, 3 Danish, 12 French, 4 German, 1 Greek, 4 Italian, 23 Norwegian, 2 Russian, 5 Swedish; total, 92. In this number are included 5 vessels reported missing. Steamers Reported Lost—2 Belgian, 6 British, 1 Chinese, 4 French, 2 German, 2 Norwegian, 1 Portuguese, 1 Russian, 2 Span- ish, 2 Swedish; total, 23. In this number are included 2 steamers reported missing. Causes of Losses—Sailing Vessels—Stranding, 47; collisions, 4; fire, 1; foundered, 10, abandoned, 19; condemned, 6; missing, 5; total, 92. Steamers—Stranding, 13; collision, 1; foundered, 4; aban- doned, 1; condemned, 2; missing, 2; total, 23. W. J. B. Jenney, a Chicago architect, has been notified by F. T. Gates, of New York, president of the Bessemer Steamer Co., that the steamer built at Wheeler's West Bay City shipyard for the Rockefeller ore interests is to be named in his honor, as a mark of appreciation of the architect’s services in connection with the invention and introduction of the lofty steel skeleton construction of buildings. The barge building at the yards of the Globe Iron Works Co. will be named after Sidney G. Thomas, one of the principal inventors of the basic Bessemer steel process. The work of construction on the two Japanese cruisers —one at the Messrs. Cramps, at Philadelphia, and one at the Union Iron Works, San Francisco—is under the direct supervision of Capt. I. lakurai, of the Royal Japanese Navy, who, on Feb. 25, was in Philadelphia, having re- turned from a trip to California. The work in Philadel- phia is being pushed as rapidly as possible, and already the flat keel has been laid and the work of riveting on the vertical keel begun, while the foundries are working to their fullest capacity, turning out steel plates, ribs and deck braces, etc. ————— i oe one LIST OF APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS. R. R. Rhodes, Cleveland, steamer Yale, Captain, John Coulten; chief engineer, Harry Stone; Neshoto, Captain, W. H. Humphrey, engineer, J. P. Klasun; R. R. Rhodes, Captain, P. Dowdell; engineer, Charles Beebe. Steamer City of Parry Sound—E. Walton, master; J. Mason, first officer; J. L. Smith, chief engineer; A. Hicks, assistant engineer; H. A. Cume, purser; E. G. Simpson, steward. G. W. Transit Co., Steamer Majestic—R. M. Campbell, master; W. Playter, first officer; W. Lewis, chief engineer; S. Hewitt, purser; C. Lymon, steward. Steamer Pacific—R. D. Foote, master; J. McGowan, first officer; J. W. Aston, chief engineer; W. Martin, as- . sistant engineer; J. Belcher, purser; J. Dyon, steward. Steamer Northern Belle—C. Jacques, master; F. Cle- land, chief engineer; H. Arnold, purser and steward. North Shore Navigation Co., Steamer City of Colling- wood—W. J. Bassett, master; W. J. McQuade, first offi- cer; C. Robertson, chief engineer; W. N. Storey, purser; R. Matters, steward Steamer City of Midland—F. X. Lafrance, master; J. Black, first officer; W. Whipps, chief engineer; P. L. Pat- terson, purser; S. Fitzgerald, steward. Steamer City of Toronto—A. C. Cameron, master; A. Belrose, first officer; D. McQuade, chief engineer and purser; H. Myler, assistant engineer; J. McQuire, steward. The captains and engineers apopinted for steamers of the Lake Erie Transportation Co., A. W. Colton, of To- ledo, manager, are as follows: Steamer George J. Gould— Henry Root, captain; James Miller, engineer. Steamer S. C. Reynolds—Walter M. Cottrell, captain; George But- ler, engineer. Steamer Russel Sage—T. C. Herrick, cap- tain; Joseph Kohlbrenner, engineer. Steamer John C. Gault—C. H. Lewis, captain; John Busted, engineer. W. C. Richardson, Cleveland. Steamer Samuel Mitch- ell—Thomas Wilford, master; James Clancey, engineer. Steamer J. H. Wade—Chas. M. Swartwood, master; Geo. McMonagle, engineer. Steamer J. H. Devereux—Chas R. Cleveland, master; Geo B. Milne, engineer. Steamer Wm. Chisholm—Richard Call, master; Silas H. Hunter, engin- eer. Steamer Roumania—Lewis W. Stone, master; Mar- tin J. Burns, engineer. Steamer J. H. Outhwaite—Enos J. Burke, master; R. A. Davidson, engineer. Steamer Iroquois—Thomas Jones, master; E. W. Prince, engin- eer. Schooner John J. Barlum—John McKeighan, master. Schooner H. A. Barr—Harry W. Phillips, master. The Matthews Line, Toronto, Ont.: Prop. Niagara— James Morgan, master; John Gray, engineer. Prop. Clinton—John Joyce, master; P. Carr, engineer. Schooner Emerald—John McGiffin, master. Schooner Clara Youell—Not yet appointed. Barge Lisgar—John Fahey, master. Barge Grimsby—Grant Horn, master. Hawgood & Avery Transit Co., Cleveland: Steamer S. S. Curry—Geo. Robarge, master; James Norton, en- gineer. Steamer Geo. F. Williams—T. C. Ellis, master; R. B. Buchanan, engineer Steamer Servia—Fred Ahl- strom, master; Daniel D. Eagan, engineer. Steamer Geo. W. Morley—James Owen, master; John Chapman, en- gineer. Schooner H. A. Hawgood—Philip Deroy, mas- ter. Schooner Moravia—A. C. Hansen, master. Schoon- er F. D. Ewen—Fred Watson, master Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland: Steamer Pontiac —James B. Lowe, master; Thos. B. Kelley, engineer. Steamer Frontenac—S. N. Murphy, master; E. V. Barrey, engineer. Steamer Cadillac—Geo. A. Symes, master; T. J. Reese, engineer. Steamer Pioneer—S. A. Lyons, mas- ter; E. J. Jenkins, engineer. Steamer Kaliyuga—A. R. Robinson, master; Thos. Blaine, engineer. Steamer Fon- tana—A. C. Reimere, master. Wm. G. Mather, managing owner: Ed. S. Pease—Thos. Sloan, master. Planet—Frank Parrsons, master. J. D. Peterson, Huron, O.: Steamer James C. Lock- wood—Geo. W. Brown, manager; J. D. Peterson, master; Geo. W. Curtis, engineer. John T. Hutchinson, Cleveland: St. Germanic—M. H. Place, master; Walter Thorn, engineer. Queen of the West—C. J. Debeau, master; J. Hickey, engineer. Rube Richards—L. Y. Vosburgh, master. E, C. Hutchinson— T. K. Woodward, master. May Richards—J. Martin, master. Steamer Glasgow—J. McNeff, master; C. R. Price, engineer. = : D. C. Whitney, Detroit: Steamer E. W. Oglebay—W. H. Hutcheson, master; Ed. Egan, engineer. Steamer Merida—John Ivers, master; Jas. Balfour, engineer. Steamer Tampa—John Leonard, master; Chas. Murett, engineer. Steamer Mecosta—A. C. May, master; Owen Williams, engineer. Steamer Lansing—Chas. Miner, mas- ter; Jos. Coveyean, engineer. Steamer D. C. Whitney— R. H, Sunderland, master; Jos. Lacy, engineer. Steamer Nipigon—Edward July, master; Chas. Francomb, engin- eer. Barge Ashland—Geo, Dennis, master. Barge Wayne —A. M. Elliott, master. Barge Melbourne—Geo. Cooper, mW Loutit, Grand . H. Loutit, Grand Haven, Mich.: Steamer Pent- launch—Thos. McCambridge, master; C. Ball, samingeee Northwestern Transportation Co., Detroit, Mich.: Steamer H. H. Brown—E. C. Gatfield, master; John H. Hand, engineer. Steamer Fayette Brown—J. W. Nichol- son, master; Nickolas Anderson, engineer. Steamer S. R. Kirby—D. Girardin, master; Wm. Watts, engineer. eamer E. M. Peck—C. H. Chamberlin, master; Emil Mercier, engineer. Barge G. E. Hartnell—Jno. F. Jones, master. Roby Transportation Co., Detroit, Mich.: Steamer L C. Waldo—Jno. Duddleson, master; Jno. Collins, en- gineer. : Ogdensburg Trans. Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y.: J. R. Langdon—Harvey Brown, master; D. G. Costello, engin- eer. Gov. Smith—W. S. Shay, master; J. N. Phillips, engineer. A. McVittie—W. H. Williams, master; A. D. Houghton, engineer. H. R. James—James Owens, mas- ter; Jas. Turnbull, engineer. F..H. Prince—D. A. Kiah, master; R. Chestnut, engineer. W. J. Averell—W. D. Wait, master; J. Alexander, engineer. W. A. Haskell— E. B. Shay, master; Maurice Gore, engineer. W. L. Frost—J. W. Goodrich, master; J. Chestnut, engineer. Wisconsin S. S. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.: F. Schlesinger— D. P. Craine, master; A. R. Fortier, engineer. Geo. H. Dyer—A. E. McGregor, master; Geo. R. Robinson, en- gineer. Milwaukee S. S. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.: F. L. Vance— E. B. Marquette, master; Charles Wilcox, engineer. R. P. Flower—F. W. Van Patton, master; D. W. Darcy, en- gineer. Lake Michigan & Lake Superior Transportation Co.: Steamer Manitou—Allan McIntyre, captain; R.-L. Peck, chief engineer; H. L. Seaton, chief purser; W. B. Spra- gue, chief steward. Steamer City of Duluth—Donald Mac- Lean, captain; Henry Chalk, chief engineer; C. L. Sim- mons, purser. Steamer Purliss—H. C. Page, captain; J. R. Bennett, chief engineer; F. J. Carlin, purser; J. M. McCoig, steward. Steamer City of Traverse—J.M.. Twich- ell, captain; Edward Meek, chief engineer; L. B. Hazlett, purser. Steamer Jay Gould—Joseph White, captain; D. H. Robertson, chief engineer; Hawkin Brooks, purser. Wilson Transit Co., Cleveland: Steamer Andrew Car- negie—B. H. Jones, master; Fred Harmon, engineer. Steamer W. D. Rees—W. W. Dawley, master; Frank C. Stoeber, engineer. Steamer Yuma—Danl. Buie, master; J. Skelly, engineer. Steamer Spokane—C. C. Tousley, master; James F. Derrig, engineer. Steamer Yakima—A. M. Shephard, master; James McQuirk, engineer. Steam- er Sitka—Chas. A. Benham, master; John Walsh, engineer. Steamer Wallula—Alex. Forbes, master; Henry Burton, engineer, Steamer C. Tower, Jr.—Geo. Brock, master; Peter Lamar, engineer. Schooner Yukon—Wm. Forbes, master. Ashley & Dustin, Detroit: Steamer Frank E. Kirby— A. J. Fox, master; E. Perry, engineer. Steamer Wyan- dotte—John Desana, master; Julius Holder, engineer. Hadley & Burdick, Toledo, Ohio.: Steamer Panther— Henry Thompson, master; L. H. Sebastian, engineer. Barge Massasoit—A. W. Stalken, master. ~ Beatty Line, Sarnia, Ont.: United Empire—John Mc- Nab, master; S. Brisbin, engineer. Monarch—E. Robert- son, master; E. W. McKean, engineer. Mutual Trans. Co., Cleveland: Coralia—Wm. Cum- ming, master; Chas. J. Love, engineer. Corsica—Jas. A. Walsh, master; Andrew Haig, engineer. Corona—S. Mur- phy, master; Grant Donaldson, engineer. Cambria—Mar- tin Johnson, master; Fred Warning, engineer. Saxon— Wm. C. Goodsell, master; Geo. E. Averill, engineer. Ger- man—Wm. Baxter, master; Thos. Kelley, engineer. Brit- on—S Stratton, master; Wm. R. Donaldson, engineer. Grecian—A. C. Chapman, master; O. H. Gillmore, en- gineer. Roman—A. J. Greenley, master; S. A. Wells, en- gineer. Alger, Smith & Co., Detroit.: Propeller Volunteer— Wm. H. Rolls, master; P. B. McCabe, engineer. Pro- peller Gettysburg—S. H. Currie, master; W. P. Wenner, engineer. Tug Torrent—Alex. Cattanach, master; J. M. Cronenweth, engineer. L. M. & L. S. Trans. Co., Chicago: Steamer Mani- tou—Allan McIntyre, master; R. L. Peck, engineer. Steamer City of Duluth—Donald MacLean, master; Henry Chalk, engineer. Steamer Peerless—H. C. Page, master; J. R. Bennett, engineer. Steamer City of Traverse—J. M. Twichell, master; Edward Meek, engineer. Steamer Jay Gould—Joseph White, master; D. H. Robertson, engin- eer. W. A. Livingstone, Detroit: Steamer Livingstone— Wm. H. Wilson, master; Alex. Morison, engineer. Steam- er T.W. Palmer—Geo. Stilphen, master; Robt. B. Hodge, engineer.