Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), March 4, 1897, p. 7

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THE MARINE RECORD. AMENDED STEAMBOAT RULES AND REGU- LATIONS. At the regular meeting of the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels, held in the Lenman Build- ing, Washington, D. C., January and February, 1897, in pursuance of section 4405, Revised Statutes of the United States, amendments were made to rules I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and IX of the General Rules and Regulations. The pilot rules for the Atlantic and Pacific Coast inland waters, great lakes and western rivers were amended in conformity with an act of Congress approved January 18, propelled by gas, fluid, naphtha, or electric motors,” requiring such vessels to observe the pilot rules. A rule for lights on scows without means of guidance in tow of steam vessels was adopted, requiring a white light to be carried forward and. aft. These amendments to the rules, having received the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, have now the force of law, as provided in section 4405, Revised Statutes, and must be obesrved accordingly. The amended rules in regard to lifeboats particularly must be strictly enforced upon all steamers at their first inspection after the receipt of this circular. All boilers built for marine purposes after July 1, 1807, shall be required to have all the rivet holes in the shell “fairly drilled” instead of punched, and the longitudinal laps of their cylindrical parts double riveted, to be entitled to 20 per cent additional pressure; also that steel plates of one-half inch thickness and over for all boilers shall have all the rivet holes in the shell ‘‘fairly drilled’ instead of punched. Multiply one-sixth (1-6) of the lowest ten- sile strength found stamped on any plate in the cylindrical shell by the thickness—expressed in inches or parts of inches—of the thinnest plate in the same cylindrical shell, may be allowed a strain not exceeding 8,000 pounds per and divide by the radius or half diameter—also expressed in inches—and the sum will be the pressure allowable per square inch of surface for single riveting, to which add 20 per cent for double riveting, when all the rivet holes in the shell of such boiler have been “fairly drilled,” and no part of such hole has been punched. Steel stay bolts [exceeding] of a diameter of 1% inches, and not exceed- ing a diameter of 2% inches at the bottom of the thread, square inch of cross section. * * * Tubes, water pipes and steam pipes, made of steel manu- factured by the Bessemer process [shall not be allowed _ to], may be used by any marine boiler [built from (on or) after July 1, 1896;] when the material from which such pipes are made does not contain more than .06 per cent of phosphorus and .04 per cent. of sulphur, to be deter- mined by analysis. by the manufacturers, verified by them, and copy furnished the user for each order tested; which analysis shall, if deemed expedient by the Supervising Inspector-General, be verified by an outside test at the ex- pense of the manuufacturer of the tubes or pipes. No tube increased in thickness by welding one tube inside of another shall be allowed for use. Seamless copper or brass tubes not exceding three- quarters of an inch in diameter may be used in the con- struction of water-tube boilers or generators, when liquid fuel is used. There may also be used in their construc- tion, copper or brass steam drums not exceeding 14 inches in diameter, of a thickness of material not less than %of an inch; and copper or brass steam drums 12 inches in diameter and under having a thickness of material not less than % inch. All the tubes and drums referred to in this paragraph shall be made from ingots or blanks drawn down to size without a seam. Water-tube boilers or generators so constructed may be used for marine pur- poses with none other than liquid fuel. 14. The strength of all corrugated flues, when; used for furnaces or steam chimneys (corrugation not less than 114 inches deep and not exceeding 8 inches from centers of corrugation), and provided that the plain parts at the ends do not exceed (6) 9 inches in length and the plates are not less than five-sixteenths inch thick, when new, cor- rugated, and practically true circles, to be calculated from the following formula; * * * Bumped heads may have a manhole opening flanging inwardly, when such flange has a sufficient depth and thickness to furnish as many cubic inches of material as was removed from the head to form such opening. Pres- sure allowed on bumped heads.—Multiply the thickness of the plate by one-sixth of the tensile strength and divide by (six-tenths) one-half of the radius to which head is bumped, which will give the pressure per square inch of steam allowed. The total capacity of lifeboats, or of lifeboats and life rafts, on steamers navigating the ocean, except steamers of 100 gross tons and under hereinafter provided for, shall not be less than the capacity given, acording to tonnage, in the following table: BOAT CAPACITY REQUIRED ON STEAMERS NAVIGATING THE OCKAN. | | | | | q & fy fy 3 i o my ma hy a Ho Dal v nt U Lal U ml 48 af x E py Gross Tons. 4 1S) Gross Tons. 40 0&4 0% Shire goo qo ah a a & od od a8 o & Steamers over— Steamers over— too and not over 200.. 540 7,500 and not over 8,000} 6,120 200 and not over 300.. 720 8,000 and not over 8,500] 6,570 300 and not over 400,.| 1,080 8,500 and not over 9,000] 7,020 400 and not over 500..| 1,260 9,000 and not over 9,500] 7,470 500 and not over1,oo0,.| 1,620 9,500 and not over 10,000] 7,920 1,000 and not over 1,500..} 1,800 10,000 and not over 10,500) 8,145 1,500 and not over 2,000. .| 2,160 10,500 and not over 11,000]. 8,370 2,000 and not over 2,500. .| 2,340 11,000 and not over 11,500) 8,595 2,500 and not over 3,000..} 2,700 11,500 and not over 12,000] 8,820 3,000 and not over 3,500..| 2,880 12,000 and not over 12,500| 9,045 3,500 and not over 4,000. .| 3,240 12,500 and not over 13,000| 9,270 4,000 and not over 5,000. .| 3,420 ° 13,000 and not over 13,500] 9,495 5,000 and not over 5,500..) 3,870 13,500 and not over 14,000] 9,720 5,500 and not over 6,000..} 4,320 14,000 and not over 14,500] 9,945 6,000 and not over 6,500. .| 4,770 14,500 and not over 15,000} 10,170 6,500 and not over 7,000..| 5,220 TS 5 OOe acca tneey Bete pc ee 10,395 7,000 and not over 7,500. .| 5,670 Not more than one-third of the boat capacity required on ocean steamers may be substituted by its equivalentin approved life rafts or approved collapsible (folding) life- boats. These boats must be of suitable dimensions, and each not less than 180 cubic feet capacity. LIFEBOATS REQUIRED ON STEAMERS NAVIGATING NORTH- WESTERN LAKES, BAYS, AND SOUNDS. NUMBER OF | CAPACITY OF BOATS, Gross Tons, Boats. IN CUBIC FEET. Steamers over— too and not over 200.......... 2 360 200 and not over ‘g00.......... 3 540 300 and not over 400,......... 4 720 4ooand not over 500.,........ 5 900 500 and not Overi,000.......... 6 1,080 I,ooo and not overl,500.......... 7 1,260 1,500 and not over 2,000.......... 8 1,440 2,000 and not Over 2,500.......... 9 1,620 2,500 and not over 3,000 10 1,800 3,000 and not over 3,500 II 1,980 3,500 and not over 4,000 12 2,160 4,000 and not over 4,500. 13 f 2,340 4,500 and not over 5,000 14 2,835 5,000 and not over 5,500 15 35330 Steamers above 5,500 tons burden shall be furnished with an additional boat of not less than 495 cubic feet capacity for each additional 500 tons burden, or fraction thereof; or if the owners or agents prefer, two boats may be used, provided the aggregate capacity shall be the same as the one boat described. These boats shall be sub- stantially built with reference to the trade in which the steamer is engaged, and shall not be of less dimensions than those named in the example in section 2 of this rule, unless, where smaller lifeboats are employed, their ag- gregate capacity shall equal the aggregate capacity of the larger boats; Prowided, however, that no steamer shall be required to have more lifeboats than sufficient to carry the passengers she is allowed by her certificate of inspection, together with her officers and crew. Not more than*‘one-third of the boat capacity required on lake, bay, and sound steamers may be substituted by its equivalent in approved life rafts or approved collapsible (folding) lifeboats. A portion of the lifeboats required on all passenger steamers may be substituted by their equivalents in ap- proved life rafts when, in the judgment of the inspectors, it can be done with safety. On and after July 1, 1807, all wooden boats required on steam vessels shall have brand- ed or cut on the stem thereof the net cubic feet contents of said boat. Metal boats shall have net cubic feet meas- urement painted on stem in black letters and figures not less than % inch high, on a white ground. Every life raft shall have stenciled on it in a conspicuous place the number of persons it can carry. All steamers built for the navigation of oceans, Northwestern lakes, and sounds (meaning in waters sufficiently rough to swamp boats) shall be equipped with life rafts in proportion of one, at least, to every two lifeboats required. Drags or floating anchors shall be constructed so as to be capable of being ra compactly stowed near the head of the ship. Steamers navigating the ocean must be provided with at least one drag, of area as follows: For steamers of 400 gross tons and under, not less than 25 superficial feet; for steamers of over 400 gross tons, the area of drag shall not be less than that determined by adding to 25 square feet 1 square foot for each additional 25 gross tons above 400 tons. Ex- ample: The area of a drag on a vessel of 1,000 tons will equal— 25 plus 1,000-400+25—49 square feet. Steamers of over 5,000 gross tons may be equipped with two or more drags, provided the total area is not less than that required by this rule. Steamers whose routes do not extend off anchorage are not required to have drags or floating anchors on board. Table of dimensions of boats for passenger steamers of 100 gross tons and under navigating lakes, bays, sounds, and rivers, other than the Red River of the North and rivers whose waters flow into the Gulf of Mexico. Boats of other dimensions of equivalent cubical capacity may be used. i DIMENSIONS, cn wes bh P NuMBER oF Tons. | a 2 sl 2 (Grogs). aR : 5 8 g CONTENTS A & z B ta & a fa A Steamers over— i FT.| FT, IN. | FT. IN. CUBIC FT, 50 and not over 100 ..... 3 Hef 5 6 2 Sad odd 155-9 30 and not over 50 ..... I | 16] 5 6 2 ae ae 138.6 io and not over 30..... Tec SBA es ° 2 et or 106.1 oand not over Io...... pee Rah (Od 6 Zt Men en 88.2 Any applicant for examination for license who has been refused for want of knowledge or other qualifications, may come before any local board for re-examination after one year has expired, on presentation of a letter from the board that had refused him. No original first-class pilot license on the Northwestern lakes shall be issued hereafter to any person who has not been licensed. and served at least one full season of eight months as second-class pilot on steamers, such service as second-class pilot to have been within two years preceding the application for such license. No original license for pilot of any route shall be issued to any person, except for special license, on small pleas-. ure steamers and ferryboats navigating outside of ports of entry and delivery, who has not been employed in the deck department of a steamer or sail vessel for the term of at least three years preceding the ‘application for license, or who has not served continuously for two years (during the season of navigation) in the pilot house of a steam vessel as wheelsman or quartermaster, which fact the inspectors may require to be verified by the certificate in writing of the licensed master or pilot under whom the applicant has served, said certificate to be filed with the application of the candidate. Except by the con- sent in writing of the board that granted the license, no other board shall raise the grade of an engineer, mate, or pilot during the first year for which the license was Sranted, hee tees: And it shall be the duty of all engineers when an acci- dent occurs to a boiler or boilers in their charge, tending to render the:further use of such boilers or boilers unsafe until repairs are made, to report the same to the local inspectors immediately upon the arrival of the vessel at the first port where a local board is situated. AMENDMENTS TO THE PILOT RULES FOR THE GREAT LAKES AND THEIR CONNECTING AND TRIBUTARY WATERS AS FAR EAST AS MONTREAL. These rules are amended: First. By striking out the word “steam” before the word ‘whistle’ wherever the same appears in each rule. Second. The following is inserted after the title: “All the rules relating to steam vessels in passing each other contained in the Pilot Rules for the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters as far east as Montreal shall also apply to all vessels propelled by gas, fluid, naphtha, or electric motors, and between any of such vessels and steam vessels navigating these waters.’”’ These rules shall take effect on and after March 1, 1897. OO OO The Lake City Engineering Co. has been organized at Erie, Pa., for the manufacture of boilers, engines, etc. Among the parties backing the new concern are James R. Baristow, of Warren; Andrew Lloyd, Fred W. Doty, David F. Warmouth and Cass McCready, of Erie, Pa. *

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