Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), March 18, 1897, p. 11

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THE MARINE RECORD. . MJ VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN. __ As compiled for 'The Marine Record by George F. Stone, Secretsry Chicago Board of Trade, WHEAT, | Corn. Oats, RYE. Cities WHERE BARLEY, STORED. Bushels, | Bushels | Bushels, Bushels, | Bushels. SS se a Mere Mato 50,000} 100,000}.......... 5,0 Baltimore -.| . 532,000 | 2,295 .000} 271 000 84,000 |...... = : : 4 oston ..... 680,000 | 1,038,000} 146 00 1 O00 sea Buffalo....... 1,138,000 | 112000} 193.000} 124 000 |” 942,000 beatt afloat ..| 210,000} 225,000! 816 000 95 000.) i..5 se. Chicago....... + {10,881,000 | 7,834 000 | 6 033 000 | 1,821.000| — 164,000 “ afloat 200,000 | 3.667,000 | 618,000! 194,000 97,000 3 000 2,000 00 ae ce 101,000 297,000 98,000 | * 12,000 40,000 23,000 oy ELOISE IR SPICES POLS ere ae acl mer aoe Duluth and Superior| 5,005,000 46,000}) 1,949,000 | 805.000 | 1,133,000 ee afloat....... BN D;O00! | ire ih |e gaa ee. (oh. cl eee Indianapolis ........ 121,000 94,000 2, 0003) eae See eee Kansas City ......... 370,000 | 163,000} 176,000 T5000: lisse: Shey Milwaukee.......... 255,000 5,000 12,000 | 451 000 92,000 fl Soff Gake Seton <p is ee ae ee eee Lae Se 95 000 . . 15,495,000 73,009 | 822.000 22 000 85 000 ..| — 461,000 22000 | 563 000 56,000 43,000 -| 2.401.000 | 4,618,000 | 1,849,000} 272.000 208 000 787,000 | 229,000 |.......... 8,000 63 000 AG O00: | carn iene Sel rew teeter sk fue oc se 38 000 32000 | 127.000 93,000 9,000 19,000 390,000 | 1,699.000| 183000]..........|.......... 619.000 | 2,108,000 | 324 000 25,000 3,000 Saeeees AG; 000: eae toe, doc neue ed 946,000 | 2 023,000 56 000 99,0001 .5.. 28 208;0005| 005.8448 64,000 |. 2.0.2... 39,000 205,000 a OOO S| Bs teal era viacneeates Grand Total..... 41 449,000 |26,795,000 |13,528,000 | 3,618,000 | 3,135,000 Lune ieee eeias 62,123 000 |14.886,000 | 7,410,000 | 1,467,000 | 1,583,000 or or or LITERARY NOTICES--NEW PUBLICATIONS. The Macmillan Co. having caught the attention of “the jolly sailor man,” and all who love the sea, by publishing “On Many Seas,’ chooses this favorable moment to is- sue a book of short stories entitled “The Port of Missing Ships, and Other Stories of the Sea.” Cassier’s Magazine, February, contains, among other articles, three of special interest to those connected with shipping: “The Bazin Roller Boat,” “Electric Ship Light- ing,’ and “Steamboats on Western American Rivers.” The Nautical Magazine for March, Spottiswoode & Co., 54 Gracechurch street, E. Cj London.—The article on “Her Majesty's Government and Shipowners’ Liability” by Dr. Raikes, is opportune, and though it contains some debatable matter, is on the whole an able presentation of the subject. Reed’s “Polyglot Guide to the Marine Engine.” Eng- lish, Francais, Deutsch and Norsk. Price tos 6d, Sunder- land: Thomas Reed & Co., 184 High street, West. This is a work which should meet with a sale among engineers in the different countries enumerated in the title. It had been felt that a work of the kind was required, and the publishers have in this publication essayed to supply the want. In carrying out their intention the services of lin- guists possessing the necessary technical knowledge were secured to make the requisite translations, and these to all appearance have been done with care. The illustra- great assistance to those not fully acquainted with the great assistance to those not fuly acquainted with the parts of a marine engine, all the parts illustrated being marked with an asterisk. The guide should prove invalu- able to marine engine builders, shipbuilders, and others interested in the management of steamers. The Jerusalem correspondent of The Jewish Chronicle mentions that a steamer has at last been put upon the Jordan, which makes the journey from Jericho along the Jordan to Tiberias, on the Sea of Galilee, in five hours. Recently four Jewish families have settled in Jericho, having rented for five years from the Sultan-a large area of fruitful land for cultivation, and to be irregated from the Jordan. “Navigation, Practical and Theoretical,” is a useful lit- tle volume by David Wilson-Barker, R. N. R., Younger Brother of the Trinity House, and William Allingham (London: Chas. Griffin & Co., Limited). Although the work is of the nature of an elementary manual, it is in- tended to meet the wants not only of the beginner, but of the practical navigator. It covers the ground for the elementary and advanced stages of the science and art department in navigation. The chapters on current and windward sailing, position by bearings, Mercator’s chart and great circle sailing, are very excellent. Messrs. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, Mass., announce the publication of “The Life of Nelson; the Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain,” by Capt. A. T. Mahan, U. S. N., retired. The work is in two volumes, 8vo. Cloth gilt top. Price $8. There are 19 photogravures, portraits and plates and 21 maps and battle plans. The work is uniform with “Influence of Sea Power on His- gel ,, Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revo- ution. ‘ * “The New Rules of the Road at Sea,” by H.: Stuart Moore, Barrister-at-Law. Price 3s. London: J. D.gPote ter, 31 Poultry E. C. On the ist of July next the new regulations for preventing collisions at sea come into force, and the publication of this book comes most op- portune. The author divides his work into thirty-one articles, in which various matters pertinent to the subject are ably dealt with and criticised. Mr. Moore’s: principal object, he says, “has been to supply a complete copy of the rules themselves, and to illustrate them by the notes appended to each article. The notes have been added to assist the reader in understanding such points of difficulty “in the construction of the rules, as have been dealt with by decisions of the courts in cases arising under such of the old rules as are similar in language to the new rules.” These notes will be especially serviceable in assisting ma- riners the more eradily to grasp the effect of the altera- tions which have been made, and guide them when de- ciding upon the manoeuvres necessary for them to per- form for the purpose of avoiding collisions. or or oe WANTED. Engineer for fish°tug, $50 month. Must be experienced in keeping up repairs. A steady, sober, reliable man can find a permanent position. Address Box M., Michigan City, Ind. II-12. Queen City Hydraulic Steerer. THE BEST AND MOST &* POWERFUL STEERER FOR vt TUGS, STEAMERS, ETC. vt vt Bd MANUFACTURED BY BUFFALO, N. Y. Write for Prices and References. Queen ity Engineering Go, Tensile strength, one inch cold drawn rod, upward of 178,000 Ibs. per square inch. Torsional Strength equal to the best machinery steel. Non-corrosive in sea water. Can be forged at cherry red heat. Round, Square and Hexagon Bars for Bolt Forg- ings, Pump Piston Rods, Yacht Shaftings, etc. Spring Wire, Rolled Sheets and Plates for Pump Linings and Condenser Tube Sheets, Centerboards, Fin Keels and Rudders, (Trade-Mark Registered.) INCORPORATED 1794. Insurance Company of North America $3,000,000.00 9,651,808.08 CAPITAL, Paid up in Cash, = ~ =. - ASSETS, - 5 - - - - CHARLES PLATT, President. GEORGE H. IcFADDEN, Vice President. EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2d Vice President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Ass’t Sec’y. LAKE MARINE DEPARTMENT, SEORGE L., McCURDY, Manacen, Pintsch (Gas Lighted Buoys. Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Light-House Departments for channel and harbor lighting; over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. ey ‘ 4 BP. Burn Continuously from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, and can be seen a distance of agar Brilliant and Steady Illumination. Economical and Reliable in Operation. CONTROLLED BY THE Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co., 160 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Send for Pamphlet. 19-21 Cliff St., NEW YORK. MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. Organized 1842. Office 51 Wall Street, NEW YOR” Insures against Marine and Inland Transportation Risks and issue colicies making Loss Payable in England. Assets over $10,000,000 for the Security of its policies. The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums ie cheads the vere ictebe reducing the cost of insurance. For such dividends, certifir cates are issued bearing interest untill ordered to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. W. H.H. MOORE, Pres. A. A. RAVEN, V. Pres. F. A. PARSONS, 2dV.P. J.H. CHAPIIAN, Sec’y. “NEW YORK. BALTIMORE. PHILADELPHIA. SAN FRANCISCO. BOSTON. NEW ORLEANS. Johnson & Higgins, Average Adjusters, And Fire and Marine Insurance. mm Special Facilities for Placing Marine Lines. For Stationary, Portable, Traction Engines, Tugboats, &c. ad * Thoroughly Reliable—Perfectly Automatic. NKINS BROS = Selling Agents, etc YORK, BOSTON, PHILA., CHICAGO. BUFFALO, N. Y. Guaranty Bldg.,

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