x “the University of Padua. TOBIN BRONZE THE MARINE RECORD. MJ re MARITIME LAW. HURLBUT vs. TURNURE. (District Court, S. D.,.New York, October 29, 1806.) General and Particular Average—A pportionment—Defi- cient Coal Supply—Hurricane-—Port of Distress—Bill of Lading—‘“Liberty to all.” The steamship D. left Cuba upon a voyage for New York in October, with a half day’s less supply of coal than the customary supply, which was for at least 10 days; she met a hurricane on the voyage, and was obliged to put in- to Newport News for coal, after 12 days, during which _ time she had been obliged to consume ship’s material to -the amount of about $000 in value, and sugar amounting, with damage to other sugar, to $3,203. A clause in the bill of lading authorized the vessel “to call at any port or ports for whatever purpose;” Held (1) that the bill of lading clause did not release the vessel from the duty of taking in the customary supply of coal for the whole voy- age to New York; nor from the consequences of her fail- ure to do so; (2) that the ship must therefore bear as par- ticular average the damage caused by her failure to take the customary supply, including the expense.of putting in- to Newport News and the loss of ship’s material and su- gar during the time that the coal that she ought to have taken would have lasted, but not for any longer period; (3) that the residue of the loss of ship’s material and su- gar, which in this case amounted to four-fifths of the whole, was owing to the hurricane alone, and being in no way consequent on the short supply, was a general average charge, for which the defendant as one of the cargo own- ers should bear his proportion.—Brown District Judge. a Engineering achievements and possibilities, from the modern point of view, are receiving an additional illus- tration in the case of the projected tunnel between the mainland of Italy and the island of Sicily, plans and details of which, in model, as executed by the Italian civil engineer, de Johannis, have attracted much attention at The principle employed in this project is described as that of boring in parabolic ‘spiral lines. After thorough and careful studies of the Strait of Messina, its varying depths, the nature of the ground, and of all other conditions which might assist or interfere with such an undertaking, de Johannis decided (Trade Mark’ Registered.) or ae that the beginning of the tunnel should be near San Gioy- anni di Sanitello, at the foot of the Aspromonte moun- tain range, the mouth on the other side to be located on the degli Inglesi plain. The entire tunnel will be nearly two miles long, and will consist in the main of two shafts of about 10,000 feet each, descending at a grade not ex- ceeding thirty-two feet in each 1,000. Such a tunnel is thought preferable to a bridge, that would involye such a great span and wind exposure. eee eo VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN. As compiled for The Marine Record by George F. Stone, Secretary CiTizs WHERE WHEAT, | Corn. Oats. Ryze, | BARLEY. STORED. Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels.| Bushels, | Bushels. PDA Vee es ars ces els o's aperauene 40,000 TOOSMO0F a eset ace 15,000 Baltimore ........... 570,000 | 2,077,000 232.000 BOSOOO Fe ee oy BORON s sitvoea.. 690,000 | 1,073,000 233 000 MOOG saree eae BU alo? Beare 990,000 112,000 183 000 97,000 803,000 ay afloat are 200,000 225,000 81,000 95 000)... ....5-. Chicago........ . |10,538,000 | 7,718,000 | 6,034 000 | 1,328,000 157,000 rs afloat 324,000 | 3,814,000 618,000 194,000 97,000 SINCiMatl Ges Ba. |... Tee Se eee: FOF IO 98,000 Hoetroltac: ht wee ws: 286,000 90,000 10,000 40,000 22,000 as BilOatscocee| .. . ieee Hhos:| are vous e wlateo'| ooo oe RERUN ear e eBay eee Duluth and Superior) 5,274,000 47,000 | 2,068,000 840.000) 1,184,000 sy afloat. 2.4 is SOQ OCO a cel. 3 ence dan aie = cae tan Indianapolis ....... 113,000 61,000 DOO eee AR ee dat 8 Kansas City .... 329,000 | 163,000 176,000 TROOO! Re tantentees Milwaukee......... 246,000 3,000 11,000 456 000 101,000 re GOAT ion ita eee seers a>. . Pe peter ee ee 95,000 Minneapolis......... 15,218,000. 84 ,000 932,000 24 000 98 000 Montrealiinc42c32.%. 472,000 22.000 665 000. 68,000 40,00U New Yo 5 4,257,000 | 1,862,000 282,000 188.000 ot IGG; QOGHGs SE aa Piece 63,000 OSWOBO! fis ince. ee) 1G D00 SR are] Beaten came 88,000 Peoria 116,000 83,000 7,000 19,000 Philadelphia... 1,841,000 ROS1000! oe hoa: So Dihetanee eh ae St. Loui 1,939,000 269.000 20,000 4,000 ie 86 ,000 BELOOO aeesaaial ay. Stine Toledo 2,007,000 57,000 LOO; 000i). 2. sic “ce Toronto 22.8 Fe 7 F7 @BAOOO SN. dt GEOO0EK oe ce. 46,000 CP Cire sees ta liad line are atacal | ten aia coattoetatal | tusemetiene maipa lhage, eeara sve ir | anal at Rane OMSWUAROR er nr ar siay hivesisene tet| feat ce ammtal meee mer leita me aeltnce ns mace On Mississippi 136,000 DA OOD sie nke niece sel ta Sree es ahet reed Grand Total..... 40,430,000 /26,077;000 |13,797,000 | 3,648,000 | 3,068,000 Corresponding Date TOGA Aa see coscinceisor 61,348 000 |15, 852,000 | 8 164,000 | 1,518,000 | 1,334,000 | Oe The Akaba (s.).—Court of Session, Edinburgh, 16th February.—James Kearney, shipyard worker, Greénock, Scotland, sued Archibald Ross & Co. for £500 ($2,500) damages, in respect of the death of his son, Hug Kearney, Tensile strength, one inch cold drawn rod, upward of 78,000 Ibs. per square inch. Torsional Strength equal to the best machinery steel. Can be forged at cherr 1 : ings, Pump Piston Rods, Yacht Shaftings, etc. Spring Plates for Pump Linings and Condenser Non-corrosive in sea water. Round, Square and Hexagon Bars for Bolt Forg- Wire, Rolled Sheets and ube Sheets, Centerboards, Fin Keels and red heat. by falling from the mast of the s. s. Akaba, belonging: to defendants, on 2nd October, 1895, while lying in New Or- leans. Deceased had been sent aloft to reeve a gantline through the sheave-hole at the top of the maintopgallant- masthead, for the purpose of slinging a boatswain’s chair to paint the mast. It was contended that the ship was un- seaworthy and defective in her equipment from want of a dummy gantline, and that it was a dangerous ‘and im- proper piece of work to send a sailor to perform. . De- fendants pleaded that the action was irrelevant. Sheriff- Substitute Begg had allowed a proof before answer, but on appeal Sheriff Cheyne dismissed the action’ as irrele- vant. Plaintiff appealed... Their Lordships considered. it absurd to suggest that it was improper to send a sailor up a mast to reeve a rope, and without calling upon de- fendant’s counsel, they dismissed the appeal, with further expenses to the defendants. rr The Roberts Boiler Co. are furnishing the entire ma- chinery for the schooner yacht “Hildegarde,’ which was lately purchased by Vice Commodore Whitlock from Mr. Geo. Gould. Commodore Whitlock was lately elected to his present office by the Atlantic Yacht Club, and he is altering the “Hildegarde’”’ to an auxiliary, in accord- ance with the designs of Mr. Wintringham, the well- known yacht designer. The “Hildegarde” was formerly owned by the Prince of Wales. Queen City Hydraulic Steerer. THE BEST AND MOST & POWERFUL STEERER FOR. vt TUGS, STEAMERS, ETC, wt wt : 3 MANUFACTURED BY Queen Gity Engineering Co, BUFFALO, N. Y. Write for Prices and References. a we NRO a pate oe Ansonia Brass & Copper Co, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Send for Pamphlet. 19-21 Cliff St., NEW YORK. INCORPORATED 1794. Insurance Company of North America CAPITAL, Paid up in Cash, a hee . ASSETS, : = i s CHARLES PLATT, President. EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2d Vice President. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Ass’t Sec’y. LAKE MARINE DEPARTMENT, GEORGE L. McCURDY, Manacer, MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE, Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. Organized 1842. - $3,000,000.00 9,651,808.08 Assets over $10, GEORGE H. [icFADDEN, Vice President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. CHICAGO, ILL. W.H.H. MOORE, Pres. A. A. RA NEW YORK. BALTIMORE. ES Office 51 Wall Street, NEW YOR” Insures against Marine and Inland Transportation Risks and issue colicies making Loss Payable in E ngland. 000,000 for the Security of its policies. The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year; thereby reduci cates are issued bearing interest untill order the cost of insurance.- For such dividends, certifir to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. VEN, V. Pres. F.A. PARSONS, 2d V.P. J.H.CHAPIIAN, Sec’y. PHILADELPHIA. SAN FRANCISCO. Pintsch(@as Lighted Buoys. Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Light-House Departments BOSTON. Johnson & Higgins, NEW ORLEANS. for channel and harbor lighting; over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. <2 Ry %y at > JS Burn Continuously from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, and can be seen a distance of six miles. CONTROLLED BY THE Brilliant and Steady Illumination. Economical and Reliable in Operation. Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co., 160 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. Average Adjusters, And ad Fire and Marine Insurance. Special Facilities for Placing Marine Guaranty Bldg., Lines. Sad BUFFALO, N. ¥. For Stationary, Portable, ... Traction Engines, Tugboats, &c. 1 Thoroughly Reliable— Perfectly Automatic. - ° NEW YORK, | JENKINS BROS., - Selling Agents, BOSTON,» PHILA,, CHICAGO,