THE MARINE RECORD. 1 ee EASTERN FREIGHT REPORT. According to the regular report furnished the Record by Messrs, Funch, Edye & Co., New York, they state that the declining tendency in steam freights for grain has continued, and we cannot to-day quote for near-by or more distant large steamers beyond 2s. 6d. from the North- etm ports to picked ports in the U. K. or on the Conti- nent, with privilege of part general cargo, 2s. 714d. @ 2s. 1o%d. as to size to Danish port in the Baltic, and from 2s. od. @ 2s. 10%d. for meditim-sized boats tO. Cork fo; Whilst we cannot find that any new sales for full cargoes of grain have been made now since quite a long time past, the situation in respect to old trades not covered by char- ter remains practically unchanged from what it has been during the early months of this year, and a decline in the number of suitable boats offering may at any time create a momentary flurry in our freight market, and result in a Pronounced advance in rates paid for boats suitable as to size and position. At the moment, however, the steamers offering exceed the demand, and we do not believe that the “shorts” for this month and April are nearly so num- erous as they turned out to be for January and February. There*is'some demand for case oil and general cargo hence to the Far East, but a cargo of the former having been arranged for to Shanghai at 34c., charterers would not pay beyond 33c. -for some further boats offering at the former figure. Timber freights from the Gulf ports are well maintained at former rates, the reduced enquiry be- ing well offset by the lighter offering of tonnage. There is no particular change to notice in our market for sail tonnage, which continues in the main firm under a limited supply and a moderate demand. A few charters have been effected from the Gulf for lumber to South American ports, and we find some demand for timber ton- nage from the Gulf for Europe, but at former quotations. General cargo for the Colonies is at present slow, shippers being apparently well supplied with tonnage up to June, but for later months we can report some inquiry. Several charters have been effected for cases to the Far East, and freights on this liné continue very firm, with a fair out- look for the future, as but few vessels seem to be offering. There is nothing, however, doing for petroleum to Eu- rope. Freights for naval stores continue quiet and rather easter, in consequence of increastd offerings of tonnage. TOBIN BRONZE (Trade-Mark Registered.) Rudders. INCORPORATED 1794. Insurance Company of North America CAPITAL, Paid up in Cash, - - - ASSETS, - - - - - CHARLES PLATT, President. EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2d Vice President. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Ass’t Sec’y. LAKE MARINE DEPARTMENT, Tensile strength, one inch cold drawn rod, upward of Torsional Strength equal to the best machinery steel. Can be forged at cherr 1 ings, Pump Piston Rods, Yacht suetting® ete. Plates for Pump Linings and Condenser GEORGE H. lcFADDEN, Vice President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. GEORGE L. McCURDY, Manacer, VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN. As compiled for 'The Marine Record by George F. Stone, Secret ry Chicago Board of Trade. ! CiTiks WHERE WHEAT,| CORN. Oats, RY. BARLEY. STORED, Bushels. | Bushels | Bushels, | Bushels,| Bushels, Albany... : es kee 35,000 100,000.) os Sa. 10,000 Baltimore ........... 1,568.000 123.000 145; 0003) .025 0. a BOBtON: fence cites -:. 1,007,000 211 000 DOG irs haeieate Builalor pees. 102,000 119,000 95 000 718,000 Me afloat....... 225,000 81.000 95000! |iieccicancave Chicago....... 7,689,000 | 5.926 000) 1,334,000 157.000 7s afloat. 4,006,000. 732,000 194 000 97,000 CInCinnatl See Ol. soca ok 1h ee SO HLROL KK 91,000 Detrolh= oss. chee. 89,000. 7,000 40,000 21,000 te HORE... | sg cs eT EAE ARM TREO. ROT BERORT Olina Hind 5 Duluth and Superior] 5,765,000 48,000 | 2,105,000 864,000} 1,241,000 as afloat....... BOD DOO iy re Lids eds weer hy aces 5 ORE LTC Indianapolis........ 113,000 42,000 250003) oo: SHEARER AOS Be ax Kansas City. ........ 308,000 162,000 183,000 60003 a RAE, Milwaukee.......... 221,000 3,000 8,000 456 000 184,000 £8 CUTS hayek RRR Reena nano Cee ead hss ce Fucier Wormer tee 95 000 Minneapolis... 14,869,000 92,000 | 1,006.000 26 000 94.000 Moutreal.... 489,000 22.000 762 000 73,000 44.000 New York... 1,515 000 | 4,070,000 | 1,844,000 251,000 267 000 ie afloat. 538,000 16,000) sree sid] Perea 43,000 Oswego........ 12;D00)) . cS s ARR ep as: 33,000 PEO: wee ees 28.000 109 000 56,000 7,000 19,000 Philadelphia ........ 283,000 | 1.836, 000 FE MOO: |e Gitegon « v EV oaks mck A St; Louis. 63, woke 521,000 | 1,782 000 223 000 19,000 2,000 ss adoaty. Sse le «cues 100; 000 |\70¥E Ata tea a lieseey, AS, Toledo....,.........] 978,000 | 1,962,000; 45000) 99,0001.......... 87,000 | -L2S:000-ee isa eee si Grand Total..... 39,230,000 |25,152,000 |13,796,000 | 3,705,000 | 3,165,000 Corresponding Date NOG s,s aasevuc lees ake 61,048 000 |16,530,000 | 8 526,000 | 1,488 000 | 1,193,000 SO NOTES. Relative to freight charges on the lakes for the season of 1897 there is no possible means. of arriving at what each individual vessel owner will do in the general cargo carrying trade. John Sherman, Secretary of State, informed the Ameri- can Shipping League when he was senator that “the reason why discriminating duties cannot be adopted in our country is because in our treaties with foreign nations, I think without exception, there is an express stipulation that no discriminating duties should be made against the countries with which we have treaties.”’ A rear-admiral in the American navy receives. $6,000 at sea; commodore, $5,000; captains, $4,500; commanders, red heat. Spring 78,000 lbs. per square inch. Non-corrosive in sea water. Round, Square and Hexagon Bars for. Bolt Forg- Wire, Rolled Sheets and ube Sheets, Centerboards, Fin Keels and $3,500; lieutenant commanders, for the first four years after date of commission, $2,800, after that, $3,000; lieu- tenants, for the first five years, $2,400, after that $2,600; and ensigns, $1,400. There is a large decrease in their sal- aries when on shore duty. Messrs. Morley & Hill of Marine City, also McDonald Bros., La Crosse, Wis., report nothing building in their yards this quarter. The building of the new Pittsburg, Bessemer & Lake Erie road and the acquiring of dock facilities at Conneaut. Harbor by Andrew Carnegie have driven ds Pierpont Morgan. to seek a new harbor for his road. The terrific cut already made in. ore rates by the Carnegie line is to be followed, it is said; by a similar cut in the rates for coal. The Catnegies own the controlling interest in the New York & Cleveland Gas Coal Co. and immense ship- ments of coal will be made to the lakes. -—_ -—————— LITERARY NOTE. The Commercial News of San Francisco, Cal., has is- sued a-yaluable pamphlet giving a list of the vessels own- ed on the Pacafic Coast during the: year 1897. In the brochure of nearly 80 pages we note that about half of the pages are given up to advertisements, among which the “Providence Steam Windlass and Capstans,” manu-: factured at Providence, R. I., Frank S. Manton, Agent, occupy a-full page. Queen City Hydraulic Steerer. THE BEST AND MOST & & POWERFUL STEERER FOR ‘TUGS, STEAMERS, ETC. wt ut &* MANUFACTURED BY Queen City Engineering Co, BUFFALO, N. Y. Write for Prices and References. WN NO. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co; SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Send for Pamphlet. 19-21 Cliff St., NEW YORK. MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE, Organized 1842. - $3,000,000.00 9,651,808.08 CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. BALTIMORE. SAN FRANCISCO. NEW ORLEANS. Pintsch Gas Lighted Buoys. Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Light-House Departments for channel and harbor lighting; over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. K2 RY ; ) “4 Burn Continuously Brilliant and Steady Itlumination. Economical and Reliable in Operation. from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, and can be seen a distance of six miles, CONTROLLED BY THE Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co., 160 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. Johnson & Higgins, Average Adjusters, Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. Office 51 Wall Street, NEW YOR” Insures against Marine and Inland Transportation Risks and issue solicies making Loss Payable in England. Assets over $10,000,000 for the Security of its policies. The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year; thereby reduci cates are issued bearing interest untill order W.H.H. MOORE, Pres. A. A. RAVEN, VY. Pres. F.A. PARSONS, 2d V¥.P. J.H, CHAPIIAN, Sec'y- the cost of insurance. For such dividends, certifir to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. And Fire and Marine Insurance. mm Special Facilities for Placing Marine EN Lines. For Stationary, Portable; Traction Engines, Tugboats, &c. Bad Thoroughly Reliable- Perfectly Automatic. JENKINS BROS., = Selling Agentss|] Bldg. BUFFALO N Y NEW YORK, BOSTON, PIIBA-, CHICAGO, Ae “9 , . a SS = Guaranty