eee THE MARINE RECORD. MJ THE PINTSCH GAS BUOYS. The Pintsch gas buoys used in the St. Lawrence River last season for the first time have given such excellent satisfaction that an additional appropriation has been se- VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN As compiled for The Marine Record by George F. Stone, Secretary Chicago Board of Trade, as the associated pilots have used a chartered steamer for several months, but she is the first boat on this side of the Atlantic built purely for pilot service. Her advent marks re = | thie deel eens , ; ‘ aa Z ; | ne decline of the sailing pilot boat—the little craft with cured from Congress for sever: 3 CiTIES WHERE Wueat, | Corn. Oats, Rye. | BARLEY. : Z aS pat 2... a n es eral more eee to seat SrorEp, Bushels. | Bushels | Bushels .| Bushels, | Bushels. a large number on her mainsail, which has from *ime son. anadian papers are strongly advo- ———————. | - b= — see ‘ ¢ : : zie | immemorial breasted the fiercest gales of the Atlanti cating an appropriation for the purchase of the buoys Albany.:............)..........] 30,000 50,000 |.... | 10,000 ee : : . ee e : SPB aitineon aes | WN Rae eos , carrying pilots to inbound vessels. Meg Peedi acters altimore 509,000 | 2,409,000} 153,000) 94,000 |......... : ae : Whe sPintschibuoy is mide wilwont rivets, the badet Buitalo... 705'000 | "195000 sa,and| 94000 | "éos 000°. Le Duluth, Missabe & Northern road will not build S oy is made 7 a ee : , , ) j ‘ E ing a compact wt ate : te “3 te a hee oy Cia BL ailani ia aie sce ee | Haphia their proposed coal dock this year, at least. Plans have : ron vessel. is filled with com- Chicago...... . | 1,002,000 | 7, | 5926 000} 1,340 000} 166000 4... : j La a) eae pi tea Bs va Bee ced eet eo ois coud wt b Cimein me tt: :+2:] - 3491000 | 4:152,000 | 759,000 | 194 000 | 97.000 been prepared for a coal dock of 60,000 tons storage. ca- sch gas, < FOP AS a Parent StOKME DrOO! Cincinnati..-.......).... RE te EOD se eve | $4000 pacity, but it will. not be constructed at present. The lantern supported by a strong iron frame work. The fl oar ag sei cco aoe antl ei gas se ee ii ; core ae ae A aaa d BRO TES 5 eee Ua ‘ ie sfloat Sele ices Seale | eee, leweteees oe eae -. several coal.companies will therefore this year, as usual, ot gas fron e i uluth and Superior 9, 60,000} 2,118,000 885 000) 1,286,00: : 4: 1 gas a His reservoir into the lantern is controlled by pacer cae 497,000 |.......... Wetec inet etree | 19286,000" "submit proposals for furnishing the coal for the road. he P I . the Pintsch regulator, by means of which a clear light is Indianapolis........ 104,000} 45,000 1:000; | ne Se Leen « aa! . . ae Vty es Q) | H « . maintained, no matter what may be the position of the ieee: Reo aroieet ae P00 | 456-000 ~ 73,000 PROPOSAL. buoy or how much it may toss in heavy seas. The storm Mintieapoline ia TERED CHE ROD eoe Sheetal eure = ae oe mEia = a proof lantern is so constructed that while the necessary Montreal............| 504,000 ; 21.000} g05000| 74.000! 42,000 U. S. Engineer Office, 366 Milwaukee air is admitted to feed the flame, not.a particle of water Ren toe mH ogi e sinh St Ae got street, Milwaukee, Wis., April 5, 1897.— can enter, no matter how high or heavy the sea. The most she sigs ae "cite ounllocenjane | og bogl ee 16.00 oe proms Be art eee able ; : d OMB i. | ‘ ,000 | ; yards re or less, at Green Ba rbor searching trials have shown that the lantern answers its Philadelphia .. - 229,000 | 1,452,000, 64.000 }..-...2...)...00 et a emt Daa an 5: St. Louis 474,000 | 1,448,000 | 161,000} — 19,000 2,000 Wis., in Fox River below DePere, will purpose to the fullest extent. Neither the hardest gales, ee AnOAt eae... en HOGO0D laces ectueelscaseleve tn ev ceenenes be received here until 12 o’clock noon, e S . . the force of the waves, nor even the momentary submerg- TOlC40--..0- 0) LDA | ae TO OOS DOREY Oa ase May 6, 1897 , and then publicly opened. In- ing of the lantern is able to extinguish the light. By Toronto 127,000 |..-..-.-+» a ie ss iagption (larnishe a ae ; : : : Onecanale = 2 er ei SS | ae eee lect oteer ee George A. Zinn, Capt. Engineers. 14-17. Miemns 0: aU resnel lens the light 1s thrown te cnet a “On Pakessts |). iiss). cc. 2e|s <2... . 0. |... epee oe eee clone avs é hey: ee 3 : ississippl Gasesles.- .ceees 6;000 |. BSiO0Ds ee cis eo (eeeacenmn co distance as to be distinctly visible for six or seven miles 9” a eteiapl RMN Coane eo SNe [pea er Ata Weattibe, Grand Total... . ..|88, 612,000 |25,318.000 13,616,000 | 3 652,000 | 2,812,000 Queen City The Pintsch buoys are of various sizes and burn con- a Date en eye aes, % ; : : : ReSS ri EBIOOE mene 60,322, ,989,000 | 9 020 1,523 000 | 1,140,000 H d | St tinuously and reliably night and day, without attention, I ay rau Ic eerer. for from three months to one year, depending on their size. The refilling of a buoy is done by a-tender by pass- ing compressed Pintsch gas from a tank. through a flex ible tube into. the buoy. This gas is the same as is now used to light the car of nearly all our principal railroads, and is obtained from the numerous Pintsch plants in operation over all parts of the country. NOTES. Capt. John Devney, owner of the Devney shipyard, Ashtabula, will commence to build the hull for a new fish tug. The new boat, the material for which has been order- ed, will be of about the same dimensions and model as the tug Effie B., built last season. * THE BEST AND MOST & & POWERFUL STEERER FOR ut TUGS, STEAMERS, ETC. vt ut * MANUFACTURED BY ty SPE Ae A steam pilot boat for the United New York Sandy Hook Pilots’ Association has been launched at Wilming- ton, Delaware. She is 154 feet long, 28 feet beam, and 20 feet deep, with a draught of 13 feet in seagoing trim. The new craft is not the pioneer pilot boat at New York, The steamer American Eagle, which has been running between Sandusky and the islands during the winter, will be taken off that route this week to be given a gen- eral overhauling. Queen City Engineering Co, Write for Prices and References. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co, - TOBIN BRONZE (Trade-Mark Registered.) Tensile strength, one inch cold drawn rod, upward of 78,000 Ibs. per square inch. Torsional Strength equal to the best machinery steel. Non-corrosive in sea water. Can be forged at cherry red heat. Round, Square and Hexagon Bars for Bolt Forg- ings, Pump Piston Rods, Yacht Shaftings, etc. Spring Wire, Rolled Sheets and Plates for Pump Linings and Condenser Tube Sheets, Centerboards, Fin Keels and SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Rudders. Send for Pamphlet. 19-21 Cliff St., NEW YORK. MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. INCORPORATED 1794. Insurance Company of North America Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. Organized 1842. Office 51 Wall Street, NEW YORY Insures against Marine and Inland Transportation Risks and issue solicies making Loss Payable in England. CAPITAL, Pald up in Cash, *: << 25) 1 4A $3,000,000.00 ASSETS, - = - - - = 9,651,808.08 TR aes Assets over $10,000,000 for the Security of its policies. CHARLES PLATT, President. GEORGE H. IMcFADDEN, Vice President. BUGENE L. ELLISON, 2d Vice President. - GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. sf JOHN H. ATWOOD, Ass’t Sec’y. LAKE MARINE DEPARTMENT, GEORGE L. McCURDY, Manacer, . The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year; thereby reducing the cost of insurance. For such dividends, certifir cates are issued bearing interest untill ordered to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. Seteder Spent W. H.H. MOORE, Pres. A. A. RAVEN, V. Pres. -F. A. PARSONS, 24 V.P. J.H. CHAPIIAN, Sec’y NEW YORK. BALTIMORE. PHILADELPHIA. SAN FRANCISCO. BOSTON. NEW ORLEANS. -Pintsch (jas Li ghted Buoys. Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Light-House Departments for channel and harbor lighting; over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. Johnson & Higgins, Average Adjusters, And Fire and Marine Insurance. s Burn Continuously Sam Se ee 4 > from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, and-can be seen a distance of six mi Brilliant and Steady Iilumination. Economical and Reliable in Operation. Pad Special Facilities for Placing Marine ee Lines. For Stationary, Portable, ~ , Traction Engines, Tugboats, &c. Safety Ga r H eati n g a n d Li g nti n g Co "gy FD Thoroughly Reliable— Perfectly Automatic, JENKINS BROS., NEW YORK, BOSTON, = Selling Agents, PHIDA., CHICAGO, BUFFALO, N. Y. Guaranty Bldg., 160 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY.