Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), April 15, 1897, p. 6

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THE MARINE RECORD. strictly Mr. C. N. Dutton, advances Mr. Dutton, in trying what at this stage of the proceedings seems to be an ex- (Illustrated. ) Much has been said and written about the delays and dangers incurred in locking through the two or threescore locks necessarw to move a vessel from the lake to tide- PROPOSED PNEUMATIC BALANCE LOCK FOR THE NEW NIAGARA OR WELLAND CANAL. water. A Pittsburgh engineer so as to form watettight and airtight compartments more | to encompass the passage around Niagara, contemplates than 320 feet high, in which ships 600 feet long and carry- ing 12,000 tons of freight are to be lifted and lowered like the construction of a gigantic canal with two locks, each lifting 160 feet and having a still greater depth of tank, travagant notion although perhaps founded on engineering and mechanical logic. a31z] & a}IMb st a19y} pue ‘auIOg{OD Wog je YIng Sn} ve Suraey st Suo1jsmi1y “C 1oy Apeal }29H Itsy} H[Mqer pue peiredai sey ‘tony Jog ‘Norjewossy SuTyDeIM puP Surmoy, uosdwmoxyy ayy youney] ey} ydeu 4oos oatj-AJUIA\} & Surpying ose ‘eNqeyYsSy Jo ‘UOS 2 pIte’] 000 ‘ofr ee oD aye] Resieg g o0o0'S ee ear: peut ‘Key MoIpuy o00'S ee ee peiurty ‘Key MoIPUY COOL frtttettt setter eet ete aurl 8ny, yspusdepur ooo'og iiittrtctett ets sere eee es wospraeq saure[ C00! rte tet eteet erst sess en eee ees wospraeq sauef poof fut tt etree testes ete ee nee es wospiaeq souref OQOSOZ nay mar 8 ee SR 4 OD Surypoe1M pure Ssurmoy Arieg COONS es * ‘oD Surps1Mm pue Surmoy, Arreg one Sea ee ee eee eee wospraeq same o00'S ee i ee ee er ere soig wosispuny oozt filets So eteaee shes crt et siesta 2TH ‘D ooo'ze litt tet treet et teeter etees yearqoy Jo “05 “LW asareoAene agar gets meas te Neate da siayj}o pue “yor ooo'Szr | ‘STW Avg ‘T1@H “VW SIMO’T SA CN ‘SITDA ‘O (a DOB OOE bel aes es PULTPAITD “oD drysuresjs Iomessog | ee ee ee ee, oD yisueviy, yyWu9Z auL OD HSULIT, UOSIIM 2UL cog rrertettitenttstss eter se ees wojsa]3uy 29 Yes Coo'h | Xiete:a vies Beatetararcheos Sew cin oleic Nala Sep oe ABAICH 2 WOSTEM 00S ‘€ Pe ed s1s30y eet o009‘¢ Iss gee me inec vnceiven canis Cor yunoooe siping | QO0IO TE Aten tices a TIT ‘osevory) ‘ay7Amg “IW uyof OOS: Aer econ: Po ites YOM ‘se}stuey ‘Uesie’] “g “H OOSHE I AI Ser a Ill ‘oSvoryD qIM21q 2 UOpA’T 000 ‘0S | we mete ewww rence spew aseseseeeuseee UBSLIIOD ‘set } o00'Szr jt fine eee n eee eras, 0D ‘S'S aYk’T 1aMo’] O00Gzr fot et bee eee OD °S °S aye’] 1aMo’y wa eee ene ew ene een omen eeces + ae jez ‘syory dr aja se oe we wie vibial ele 'wipipic-o aiavwie saab OD Psu yytW7 | ly an immense steel caisson of tank structure working up and down in a water-well or pit formed in the lower level is primari The lift The pneu- Now conceive that the walls of this matic-balance lock deserves a more extended description . tion “The whole project, bold as it is in its every aspect, — is inven . Put in the simplest way, each lock is nothing more than two huge tanks, built of steel, and put bottom to bottom. One of the tandem locks pro- The lock per se will be a tank 65 feet wide, The following extracts from an article in Har- per’s Weekly, with the illustration reproduced from the rests upon the simplest of mechanical devices. 510 feet long, and hold about 26 feet of water. posed at Niagara will serve as an example. It here will be 160 feet. same source, will give the idea of th than I can afford it here. feathers! of the canal. RK “a The lower box will be filled with compressed air and will be sunk in a deep well in the bottom of the canal. Thus immersed, This lock will be connected other huge box opening downward, and you will have a the water forms a natural seal. with another of exactly similar construction, placed about 1,000 feet away, by pipe or conduit 21 feet in diameter. This pipe, where it connects immediatel big tank are extended downward so as to make the total height rather more than the height of the lift, forming an- very fair idea of the mechanical construction. > , and looks y with the locks It follows, therefore, that if a (CONTINUED ON PAGE 10.) When one of the two locks is raised The compressed air flows rapidly like nothing so much as a monster elephant’s trunk. The amount of compressed air in the two tanks is stationary, and with the same amount of water in each of the upper tanks, the lock proper, the two are balanced very much like a pair of scale beams, compressed air taking the place of the scale balance. little more water is let into the tank of the upper lock, the balance will be displaced, causing the upper lock to sink, and forcing the compressed air through the conduit into the other air-chamber, with the result of forcing the is flexible( moves up and down with the latter lower lock to rise. the other is depressed. *‘slapead Ino 0} pa} tossid YYMoI19Y Iq} 9Y} UI 19} 0} 9oUL}IOd MII JUSTOWJNs JO jou si ‘IaAaMOY ‘YOM ‘Surpling sseuu0} snosuey{joostm jo Ayuenb “UR20Q PUL UBSIYOI oye] Siouresjs YInqa.r ‘oreo ‘otsnoyyed pod IMP “WV XOOTIM 29 Yoooq eg |° oD Surpima driyg puepeaat dqny Ie aqny, 19}B8M Ajayes syisqoy solg uojsuyof Oto + oD Surpiing drys puvyeasto oD Surpiing drys purjpeast) ee ei oe ee ec ar UeSIIOD somef | OD uoeyodsuely, wedTLISMy HBP cascd oc RE te pela Ae 09 °S °§ ratiassag 0D SYIOM WOIT aqorH OD SYIOM WOIT aqopH OD SYIOM WOIT aqopyH BU Pie ten WUE Sail aco hha ain emssatere et Ee 09 110 prepurys | See witles wm fin's mine wun Sieie eleis Bleleis ‘pales -- - TBATTINS 2B 1equNg byes cela ne pe |eiseleie e bis Smo Ob ws winavi aie 5 66 euaneie ocnie t aur sn Piece +} je Ganise nia! a Sp ofaibed otsby «sie aisinieierg: ose iis Gis ona ‘SILL 2 Tee | “opeyng ‘sxoM JaTIog ary aye’T “""SHIOM WOIT 1dTWOIT eEiiGett she eee SHIOM WOIT 1aJWONT Simo Geen conn saeco nce SYIOM UOIT JOHUOIT ae ae ee oD Surpiing drys puvyaaato BOs eae OD Surping diys puvjeasyD ‘OSeOIYD “SYM ‘SU SOMA “A ‘seyD [II ‘oSeoryD “OD uosiepuy [ep oT SRAIRES RE he DN g SYIOM OI] ULE NW. rata eae dee SYIOM VOI] onsejnoy se wee eae oD Surpiing drys osvoryD 1 eek a oD Surpiing drys osvory) sence cit AN ‘opeyng ‘sy1oM worl Surry Daye is A 'N ‘opeyng ‘sy10M ory Surry ee ee eee ee wee, ov x 09 6E ‘9z “Lr tht ee ce eee teeter eee ob x £9 QE Sz ree ZL xor ‘S$ ‘“durood je pue 3104 “"** or x or ‘g “duroo ye pue 9104 as 9 X zi ‘9 “dutoo je pue s10,5 “**9¢ x bf ‘or “du100 Wye pues s107 See eee e ctw ere ween ee 9f x Le ‘6z ‘Ltr vee eter eens ee b tweens 9f x Lv ‘6z ‘Li eee he ee we tee eee eee nes Qe Xx ze ‘gx re tee eet pie ae es wae athe zbx 9 ‘Zage V AA ‘Oyo ‘syeoq uoIsimoxe ‘syyoRA teajs ‘s8n} Surpjing ‘osevoryD ‘syIOM VOI] suLIeW ey, “WIOM s,wosees 3T} p yyeI10 [] VIS Zurpying are ‘opajoy, “og uinqdaH ey “yIOM I[QeIOpIsuos Suyjetduioo ur pasesus 91¥ Siapjing [evoO] pue 4yeIO [[eUIs Isyj}O Septsaq ‘[IIing “H “A 10; ‘SIM “Jorodngs “mM “oD a8ieg [9019 WeOLIOUTY 9u} Jo Spied DY} 3e pouatySuay pue oA] UT JMO uaaq aAvY IIB} SE] JSBOO DY} WOIZ dnjYSno1q sasieq Yor speyM OM} SuroSai10j 9y} 0} WONIppe UT ‘yJeiIp ‘UI 9 jj PI uo 318 OL pu 69 ‘g9g "SON IOF DAOGe aSeTIUO} SsOIS SUL “SUHNMO ‘SUH TING Wa’TIOg “*SNOISNAWIG ‘SUHATING ANION ‘SNOISNAWIG HNIONH peed “SNOL Sssouo “SNOISNHWId ‘TINH ‘ONIGTINGdIHS 3MV1 SNYNLEY ATHaLYVWNd worn} ysu0D ‘SIM ‘MOIMadOS "M “OD ADUVE AALS NVOIMANWY. pjanzousA ’ “"NOSGIAYG sawv{ aie erelecate ieee Se SIM SOMONE ‘lasing “g “DW -a HH “aaoUung 3 AaDAnA, sussayy CC ey york oyeatid—uos Ps) sTAe ‘dmo. pue [903s ‘sad1eq OMjJ—'SYM “WOD0’T ‘UBD “INO ‘NOLSONTY ‘OD 3 SIAVG IZI ‘ON ozI ‘ON—Aauusf uoieg 3’T “MW "HOIWM ‘ALID AVG ISAM “OD 2 UATAGHM “M “A Oe ee er AWD aidan i i ie ee i aa re stssuIeD MOIPUYy ‘O ‘ANVISAGID “OD DNIGTINg dIHS GNVISAAID i ei i ie ir a i as WOj}so [SUT R bepl:my sg ee ee es ADAICE RQ TOSTI MA Pew rerecsesecses se see enc tases eeeericese. pig Bs) sis30y ‘HOIW “MOALVOAYS ‘aug 22 SUADOY Pr eS ee a ee a ALPDOW TM ‘HOIW ‘XOauvH NOLINGg ‘HLVaH ‘WW auvmay uozeuty gi Rio es stese Gs See ere a ML SR aes i me ep neg ‘1S “stjodvountyy a ee ee eed : tee “TO WULIeD AID JUSISaID “ITI ‘OOVDIHD “§ “OD ONIGTINg dIHS ODVDIHD of ‘ON ‘TINH 69 ‘ON ‘TIhH é 89 ‘ON ‘TINH ‘OC ‘ANVIFARTD “OD SHAOM NOU] AGOTOs we pw Oke wee ew se wale ree eine sie oe, asieq Inq yro—6L “ON eee ee nla eine ete cle a wanee ds tee cee, dump [aaqIs—fg ‘ON Arnon. fir iriox fet Sen nt eae ‘dump Jae}s—zg ‘ON eee ewe ee eee wet gee cele ee cele s sen une cess spa sels Ig ‘ON tee ee eee eee een ene sieds ajod [393s OM}—0g ‘ON ‘A CN ‘OIVaang “0D HOOG AUC NOIND UAGNWOAN SUHa'1lIod GNV SWYN

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