10 THE MARINE RECORD. H.C. BURRELL, Marine Reporter. BUILDERS OF ALL KINDS OF Boat on the river at all hours, Iron, Steel, ana night and day. Signal: 1 long 2 short. * Wooden Ships Our boats are white. We'll treat you white and deal with you on the square. OFFICE: FOOT WOODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT, MICH. FOR LAKE OR OCEAN SERVICE. West Bay City, Mich. ; aq F. W. WHEELER, Pres. H. J. S. PORTER, Treas. Cc. T. WICKES, VY. P. W. STIVER, Sec’y. PROM TIS - Iron Works. MARINE ENGINES. DETROIT, MICH. William Wilford’s = « MATCHLESS te WATER-PROOF CANVAS. The best in the market for hatch covers, is stronger, lighter, and more durable than any water-proof goods yet produced. It is made of a twisted thread of pure flax, which renders it very strong. It will not crack like cotton goods, which isa great advan- tage, EDWARD A. BUNKER, Room 617, 27 AND 29 WILLIAM St., NEw York. i ~ — : RECENT MARINE PATENTS. 578,987. Mechanism for. propelling vessels. Hays, Nashville, Tenn. Claim.—The combination with the hull having a com- partment under the stern thereof, a horizontal shaft ar- ranged parallel with the upper walls of the hull and carry- Jasper 578,987. ing propellers, a shaft arranged above the horizontal shaft and at an incline and a single propeller on the outer end of said inclined shaft, said propeller being of larger size than the others and forming the outer propeller of the series. 572,377. Electric towing apparatus. New York, N. Y. Adam E. Schatz, Claim.—The combination with a boat, of a carriage movable along a suitable support adjacent to a waterway, an electrical propelling-motor on said carriage, circuit connections, means for connecting the carriage and boat, whereby the latter will be propelled by the former, and CU, - 3 £ Always Tight. ee Put up in Boxes. eS a = Xe e X SSS RES GD Ry say NN 16=24 Woodward Ave., BBER DETROIT, PCH. connections, including a switch, between the motor and boat, whereby the motor-current may be controlled by a person on board the boat. The combination with a fixed toothed rail located along the bank of a waterway, of an electric locomotive having a spur-gear meshing with said toothed rail, circuit connections, a boat, means for con- necting the carriage of the locomotive with the boat whereby the latter will: be propelled by the former, and connections, including a switch, between the locomotive and boat whereby the motor-current may be controlled by a person on board the boat. An electrical device for tow- ing vehicles, the combination with a fixed rail, of a car- riage sustaining an electric motor and geared to the rail, a coupling drag-rope attached to the carriage, a switch- lever for directing the electric current to the motor, and a pull-rope for actuating said switch-lever. 576,768. Boat-propelling apparatus. Nelson Therien, Plymouth, Ind., assignor of one-half to Alcinous Stuller, same place. Claim.—In a boat with the propeller-rod, the blade con- nected therewith, the tube with which said rod is con- nected, the crank-shaft and the crank connected with tube, the sprocket-wheel secured to shaft, and the sprocket- wheel and chain for operating the same, of the gimbal- ring through which tube passes, the strips secured to tube, the gimbal-ring through which ring is journaled, the an- nulus having arms and cords and the rings and rim for suporting said annulus, the block journaled to the crank, the tube passing through an aperture therein, the propeller Leaves the Stem Clean. Write us for Testimonials. Ly iy 0S My Jf 4 oe METALLICSToP:- VALVE: PACKING Patented and [Manufactured Exclusively by PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CoO., 16 Warren Street, New York. 193-195 Bank St., CLEVELAND, O. 202-210 S. Water St., CHICAGO, ILL. blade or paddle, the slotted rod secured thereto fitting in said tube, the bolt passing through said tube, the coiled spring, the gimbal-ring through which the tube passes, the gimbal-ring to which ring is journaled, the annulus having arms and cords and the rings and rim for support- ing annulus. 576,625. Projectile for carrying life-lines. William P. Shaw, Boston, Mass., asignor of one-half to John Sher- man, Brookline, Mass. Claim.—A projectile for carrying life-lines, consisting of a body having a recess at its rear end, a hinged or pivoted breech-block fitted in recess and a rod attached to hinged or pivoted breech-block; a longitudinal groove and a rod 5766 = fulcrumed to the rear end of the body and fitting into groove and extending beyond the mouth of the gun, a body A, having a recess a at its rear end, and a longitud- inal groove, extending from said recess to its front end, in combination with a hinged or pivoted breech-block B, having an elongated hole b, at its upper end, and a hole b’ at its lower front end, said block being held to the body by a pin C, and a rod D to its lower front end. gn Consul Parker, of Birmingham, in a report dated Jan- uary 25, 1897 (printed in Consular Reports for March, 1897), says for six months or more, steel has beem im- ported from the United States into Wales for use in the tin-plate trade, and much interest has been aroused in the newspapers devoted to the iron and steel trade. ‘Last week the first large shipment was made into this the dis- tinctively metal district of England.