THE MARINE RECORD. eo ee eee NOTICE TO MARINERS. CHART OF LAKE OF THE WOODS. Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Canada, 12th April, 1897. A chart of Lake of the Woods, District of Algoma, _ Ontario, has been published by the government of Can- ada showing the whole of the lake and some connecting waters, aids to navigation, steamboat channels, &c. Copies may be obtained from the Department of Marine and Fisheries at the published price of $1.00 each. F, GOURDEAU, Deputy Minister of Marines. Lighthouse Establishment, Office of the Lighthouse Inspector Ninth District, Chicago, Ill., April 26th, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following buoys were established on April 25th in Green Bay, to mark the chan- a between Green Island and the west shore of Green ay: Menekaunee Shoal Buoy: A second-class nun buoy painted red, moored in 28 feet of water on the eastern edge of Menekaunee Shoal, to the southward of the mouth of Menominee River, Wis. Bearings from buoy: Menominee Pierhead Lighthouse, N. N.W. ? W., 2 m. Green Island. Lighthouse, E. S.E., ? E., 4 m. Sherwood Point Lighthouse, S. S.E., § E., 148 m. Green Island Shoal Buoy: A 30-foot spar buoy painted black, moored in 18 feet of water on the western point of the spit extending from the _ western end of Green Island. Bearings from buoy: Green Island Lighthouse, E. # S., 18m. Chambers Island Lighthouse, N.E. § N., 123m. Menominee Pierhead Lighthouse, N.W. 8 W., 48m. By order of the. Lighthouse Board. Respectfully, Jed DAYEON, Coma: Sain. : Inspector 9th Lighthouse District. Ce ‘ EASTERN FREIGHT REPORT. Messrs. French, Edye & Co., New York, furnishes the Record this week with the following eastern freight report: to grain tonnage has continued, and the late advance in wheat, in a measure participated in by the minor cereals and only partially responded to by Europe, has unfortu- nately not improved the situation. There is still some un- covered demand for tonnage. May boats are in ample supply at 2s. od. Larger vessels for picked ports, with option of general cargo, cannot be qttoted at above 2s. 6d., with a tendency to a shade lower figure in competiton with rates obtainable by regular liners. A fair amount of char- tering having been effected for deals from the British Provinces, rates thence are easier. Timber freights from the Gulf, however, continue to show strength and a slight advance. The demand for time boats for trips up from the West Indies appears to have been covered, and inquiry limited to special trades, for which charterers are generally expecting to secure vessels at quite a concession from rates conceded for short periods. We have no important change to report in regard to sail tonnage. The market remains quiet, and the charters have been effected at about previous rates. The movement in petroleum tonnage has been light, owners of vessels suit- able for the far East apparently holding back, while there standard Automatic eReleasing Fook FOR NAPHTHA LAUNCHES AND BOATS OF ALL SIZES AND DESCRIPTIONS % % J Will release a boat immediately in the roughest sea or under speed, and can be hooked on with- out delay or injury to the hands of the men hooking it on. For furtherinformation apply to Standard Automatic Releasing Hook Go. is but a very limited demand for Europe. We find a fair inquiry for timber tonnage from the Gulf for Europe, but, owing to the scarcity of offerings, only few charters in this line have been effected. The business for South America equally is suffering from this cause. Naval stores about hold their own, whilst the demand for general cargoes to the colonies is very light and confined to far-off vessels, shippers in that line being apparently well supplied for the next two months. : TT oO oe The New York Dock Department has resolved to build nine more docks on the North River front, at an estimated expenditure of $10,000,000. These piers will be 800 feet long, or 100 feet longer than those which are now being erected between West Eleventh and Gansevoort streets for the Cunard, White Star and Wilson Lines. They will be the finest piers ever seen at the port of New York, and will have a width of 80 feet. The National-Local Fire Insurance agents hold a con- vention at St. Louis, and the Nickel Plate road offers ex- cursion rates lower than via other lines. Inquire of agents. Tickets good going May 4th and 5th. 40 Queen City Hydraulic Steerer. THE BEST AND MOST & 3 POWERFUL STEERER FOR TUGS, STEAMERS, ETC. #% Bad MANUFACTURED BY Queen City Engineering Go, Write for Prices and References. The declining tendency in our freight market in respect 22 and 24 State St. NEW YORK. Can be forged at cherry red heat. TOBIN BRONZE (Trade-Mark Registered.) Rudders. Tensile strength, one inch cold drawn rod, upward of 78,000 lbs. per square inch. Torsional Strength equal to the best machinery steel. Round, Square and Hexagon Bars for Bolt Forg- ings, Pump Piston Rods, Yacht Shaftings, etc. Plates for Pump Linings and Condenser Tube Sheets, Centerboards, Fin Keels and Non-corrosive in sea water. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Send for Pamphlet. 19-21 Cliff St., NEW YORK. Spring Wire, Rolled Sheets and INCORPORATED 1794. Insurance Company of North America MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. CAPITAL, Paid up in Cash, - = ASSETS, - - = = 2 = Organized 1842. - $3,000,000.00 = 9,686,808.08 Office 51 Wall Street, NEW YOR” Insures against Marine and Inland Transportation Risks and issue colicies making Loss Payable in E ngland. Burn Continuously KA CHARLES PLATT, President. EUGENE L. ELLISON, Vice President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. T. HOUARD WRIGHT, Marine Secretary. Lake Marine Department, SEORSE 5, McCURRY: Manscen Pintsch (jas Lighted Buoys. Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Light-House Departments for channel and harbor lighting; over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. Brilliant and Steady Illumination. _Economical and Reliable * in Operation. from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, and can be seen a distance of six miles, CONTROLLED BY THE Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co., . 160 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. Johnson & Higgins, Assets over $10,000,000 for the Security of its policies. ‘The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year; thereby reducing the cost of insurance. For such dividends, certifir cates ate issued bearing interest untill ordered to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. F. A. PARSONS, 2d V.P. J.H. CHAPIIAN, Sec’y W.H.H. MOORE, Pres. A. A. RAVEN, VY. Pres. NEW YORK. BALTIMORE. PHILADELPHIA. SAN FRANCISCO. BOSTON. NEW ORLEANS. Average Adjusters, And Fire and Marine Insurance. hm Special Facilities for Placing Marine Lines. For Stationary, Portable, Traction Engines, Tugboats, &c. Pad H Thoroughly Reliable—Perfectly Automatic. JENKINS BROS - Selling Agents, ||| NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILA., CHICAGO, Guaranty Bldg., BUFFALO, N. Y.