10 THE MARINE RECORD. H. C. BURRELL, Marine Reporter. .. Boat on the river WHEELER & COMPANY, at all hours, night or day. Signal: One long two short. Our boats are white. We’ll treat you white and deal with you ~ ON THE SQUARE. OFFICE: FOOT WOODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT, MICH. BUILDERS OF ALL KINDS OF Iron, Steel, ana * Wooden Ships FOR LAKE OR OCEAN SERVICE. West Bay City, Mich. @aoq F. W. WHEELER, Pres. J. S. PORTER, Treas. H. T. WICKES, V. P. GC. W. STIVER, Sec’y. PROM TIER Iron Works. MARINE ENGINES. DETROIT, MICH. William Wilford’s = = MATCHLESS em WATER-PROOF CANVAS. The best in the market for hatch covets, is stronger, lighter, and more durable than any water-proof goods yet produced, It is made of a twisted thread of pure flax, which renders it very strong. It will not crack like cotton es which isa great advan- tage. EDWARD A. BUNKER, Room 617, 27 AND 29 WILLIAM StT., New York. RECENT MARINE PATENTS. 577,421. Reciprocating Propeller for Vessels. Compton, Dunmore, Pa. In a propeller for vessels and in combination with a hull provided with openings therein, of a pair of twin propellers located in water-tight boxes at the bow and stern of the vessel and projecting beyond the lines of the hull, said propellers each consisting of a propeller-blade knuckle- joined to a head located within the lines of the hull of Harmon <i 577,421. the vessel, a driving-rod to which the head is secured, an internal box surrounding the openings and adapted to contain the head, and guiding mechanism within the box, all arranged and adapted to operate as described. 575,890. Submarine Wrecking Boat. William R. Hins- dale, Orange, N. J., assignor to Carroll P. Bassett, Sum- mit, N. J. The combination, with a submarine boat, of a traveling weight provided with wheels to run upon the bottom of the ocean, and connected with the boat by two hoist- ropes, the boat being adapted to lift and carry the weight when required, and provided with mechanism for wind- ing and unwinding the ropes at pleasure. A boat having cylindrical body, with a hollow longitudinal keel adapted to carry water ballast, at each side of the center line, the keels also serving to steady the boat when resting upon the bottom. Having cylindrical body, with a hollow lon- gitudinal keel adapted to carry water ballast, at each side of the center line, a longitudinal water-tank within the RAINBOW PACKING The color of Rainbow Packing is red. Three rows of diamonds in black, ex= tending throughout the entire length of each and every roll of RAINBOW PACKING. Patented and manufactured Thousands of imitators. No equal. Will hold highest pressure. Don’t have to use wire and cloth to hold RAINBOW, Cah’t blow it out. ‘exclusively by NEW YORK. 16=24 Woodward Ave. 202-210 S. Water St. 193=195 Bank St. shell above each of the said keels and communication be- tween each of the said tanks and the keel below it, as and for the purpose set forth. A hollow keel projected down- wardly at each side of the center, of a traveling weight connected with concave saddles of suitable length to fit endwise between the keels and support the boat. With a mandrel supported in journals parallel to the side of the boat, a disk saw secured upon such mandrel with its edge profected outwardly from the boat, and means for rotat- ing the saw at pleasure. A circular saw supported in bearings upon its outer side, means for rotating the saw, and electromagnets supported adjustably, adjacent to the saw, for magnetically grappling an iron wreck and press- ing the saw thereinto. 572,769. 572,769. Dredging Apparatus. William B. Pless, San Francisco, Cal., assignor to the Pless Dredging and Reclamation Co. A dredging machine, the combination of a bucket with Peerless —*© Rubber Mfc. Co. 18 WARREN STREET, Detroit, Mich. Chicago, II. Cleveland, O. a movable counterbalance, devices connecting bucket and counterbalance together, mechanism for raising counter- balance and independent mechanism for raising the buck- et. A chain connecting the bucket with the counterbal- ance, a winding drum, and an independent chain extend- ing from the drum to the counterbalance, for hoisting the latter, and in combination with the latterally-swinging boom and the bucket suspended from said boom, an ele- vated structure on the hull having guide pulleys attached thereto, a chain extending from the bucket between said pulleys a vertically-movable counterbalance to which said chain is directly connected, and winding machinery con- nected to said counterbalance. 573,007- Submarine Vessel. John Scheubeck, Chicago, A submarine vessel, an outer shell or casing provided with spiral propeller-blades, a tube rotatably mounted within said outer shell or casing, an inner casing ridigly 575997. mounted upon said tube adjacent the rear end thereof, a hollow shaft rotatably mounted within tube and rigidly secured to outer casing at its forward end, a motor within inner casing, gearing between motor and hollow shaft, and a receptacle for the propelling energy pendent from tube at about its middle portion and rigid with relation thereto, a drive-shaft mounted in bearings within’ tube and secured at its forward end to outer shell, gearing be- br Oo tea ORR al ie nd > e Ctr aes