THE MARINE RECORD. 43 Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Co., 120 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. Wheeven’s |MPROvED SURFACE GONDENSERS MOUNTED UPON COMBINED AIR AND CIRCULATING PUMPS. ~ SOLE. PROPR:ETORS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE Wheeler Standard Surface Condenser. Wheeler Admiralty Surface Condenser. : Wheeler Light Hall Surface Condenser. PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER AND fEED-WATER HEATER: Volz Patent Combined Surface Condenser and Feed-Water Heater. WHEELER SURFACE CONDENSER. Wheeler Feed=Water Heater, Air and Circulating Pumps. : Send for Pamphlet, MOUNTED ON COMBINED AIR AND CIRCULATING PUUMes. Edmiston Patent Feed-Water Filter. “Machinery for Small Boats, Etc.’ »2*Chase Machine Co. MACHINISTS, ENGINEERS, BLACKSMITHS. MANUFACTURERS OF Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps, SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE CHASE AUTOMATIC FOG WHISTLE MACHINE. BUILDERS OF Compound and Triple Expansion ENGINES, Boilers, Surface Condensers, Propeller Wheels, Etc. _ In use on -nearly all Lake Steamers. AGENTS FOR ASBESTOS STEAM, BOILER AND PIPE COVERING. Telephone 994. iti! Elm St., CLEVELAND, O. | Dock and Deck Hoists ALL KINDS OF Machinery and Friction Hoists. Contracts taken for yachts and tugs complete. Send for photographs of En- gines and descriptive pamphlet. Works on Delaware & Raritan Catan Basin, TRENTON, N. J. Capt. Samuel W. Gould, Ex-~Assistant Inspector of Steam Vessels, 265 [larcy Ave., Cleveland, O. Gives instruction in Navigation and prepares candidates for the examinations for Master and Pilot’s Licenses, before the Local Steamboat Inspectors. Also instructions given in the Safety Valve and other problems required by candidates for Engineer’s License. TERMS REASONABLE. TAKE WADE PARK OR PAYNE tAVE. CAR. Neversink Cork Jacket and Lite Belt. Send for Pri ae pees JACKSON & CHURCH, Saginaw, Mich. . PROPOSALS. Simplest, U. S. Engineer i - Strongest nue Cleclend Or Mal Bers wee ded and most Warranted 24 1b. ‘Buoyancy and full Weight of Cork, as required by U. S. Inspectors. Consolidated Cork 2 1 ieee ee 5; ‘ 97... peale : Life Preservers. Superior to all others. Rings Buoys and Fenders. SAFEST CHEAPEST. proposals for reinforcing, with stone, the Reliable. . Ae ee Be latioel See hake ad Miter enise? Lines as | 2sttles at entrance to Port Clinton Harbor, Changed the only Reliable. Eile Presewert Vessels and trade supplied. Send for O., will be received here until 2 o'clock from Steam Catalogue. vo GH eee P.M: standard time, May 7, 1897, and i Band ii Awardad four medals by World’s Columbian Exposition. then publicly opened. Information fur- si age METALLIC re on application to Jared A, Smith, ol., Engineers. ° lever in less than one U. S. Engineer's Office, Telephone Second. Building, Detroit, Mich., April 17, 1897. Sealed proposals for dredging Black river, at Port Huron, Mich.; Bar at mouth of Black river, Mich.; Belle river, at. Marine Metallic Life Rafts, Marine Drags. Manufacturer of Woolsey’s Patent Life Buoy, which is the lightest, BUILT BY No. cheapest and most compact Life Raft knewn. Send for illustrated cata- A ; ‘ ‘ 4 : FA logue. .Get our prices before buying elsewhere. : City, Mich., and Clinton Fiver, Mich., will Beck Patent Pauling & Harnischfeger, . spree es aN 2 ee 2 oes nee ee ee ee ‘ i : I St. k City. standard time, May 7, , an -pub- Steam and i Milwaukee, Wis. : FEB ss noe aad licly opened. Apply here for information. Hand Steering fy G. J. Lydecker, Lt. Col., Engineers. Gear. ? iF (CREE ORE RE SOREN RN EE TT HOISTING ENGINES We build them in all sizes from new and improved designs. Every engine thoroughly tested before leaving our shop, and guaranteed to be satisfactory in every case. FOR SALE. Elegant steam yacht (cabin), length 58 feet over all, beam 9 feet, draft 4 feet, steel hull, Westinghouse engine, 40 h. p.; equipped for cruising; cost $15,000; will sell for $2,500. Full particulars can be had by addressing A. W. Roth, 153 La Salle street, room 906, Chicago, IIl. 17 Car Sey Yeas | >. Pa area PSCC MARINE IRON CO., BAY ITY MICH, ; 3 . ee STEAM ac Hoe Pres., F.H. iN ERE Sec., Capt. GRO eS ARILEY Supt., J. J. Keenen, BOILER WORKS. | Escanaba Towing and Wrecking Co. - Ae Marine, Locomotive, and ESCANABA, MICH. Stationary Boilers. WORK A SPECIALTY. Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready SHEET IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS. Repairing Promptly Attended to. pn es adicudigll an Giemsa lowed 125 pounds. TUG DELTA—Cylinder 20 by 22, steam pressure allowed 105 pounds. ° w Cc COLOGNE AND FULLER STREETS TUG OWEN—Cylinder 20 by 20, steam pressure allowed, 104 pounds. FFICE AND ORKS, OR. ’ Telephone Canal 401 CHICAGO. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. SEVEN AND FOURTEEN INCH SUCTION. eS