THE MARINE RECORD. 13 Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Co., 120 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. WHEELER'S |mProven SuRFACE CONDENSERS MOUNTED UPON COMBINED AIR AND CIRCULATING PUMPS. 1, ’ SOLE PROPR:ETORS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE nS meommmerens, ‘@) Wheeler Standard Surface Condenser. RCULA FING! p = Oe aa nl aey Surface Condenser. eu eeler Light Hall Surface Condenser. PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENS - : Volz Patent Combined Surface Condenser and Feed-Water Heater. ue pi ties ee WHEELER SURFACE CONDENSER. Wheeler Feed-Water Heater, Air and Circulating Pumps. _Send for Pamphlet, MOUNTED ON COMBINED AIR AND CIRCULATING PuUMPs. Edmiston Patent Feed-Water Filter. ‘Machinery for Small Boats, Etc.” wt Chase Machine Co. John E. Thropp & Sons’ Co. MACHINISTS, ENGINEERS, BLACKSMITHS. MANUFACTURERS OF Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps. SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE CHASE AUTOMATIC FOG WHISTLE IMACHINE. In use on nearly all Lake Steamers. AGENTS FOR ASBESTOS STEAM, BOILER AND PIPE COVERING. Telephone 994. fi! Elm St., CLEVELAND, O. = Dock and Deck Hoists , ——— | hi iis 0 Capt. Samuel W. Gould, BUILDERS OF Compound and Triple Expansion ENGINES, Boilers, Surface Condensers, Propeller Wheels, Etc. ; Contracts taken for yachts and tugs complete. Send for photographs of En gines and descriptive pamphlet. Works on Delaware & Raritan Canal Basin, TRENTON, N. J. Machinery and Friction Hoists. Ex-Assistant Inspector of Steam Vessels, 265 [Marcy Ave., Cleveland, 0. s Gives instruction in Navigation and prepares candidates for the examinations for Master and Pilot’s end for Prices JACKSON & CHURCH, Licenses, before the Local Steamboat Inspectors, Also instructions given in the Safety Valve and other and Circulars.» Z z problems required by candidates for Engineer’s License. Seema, Mich. TERMS REASONABLE. TAKE WADE PARK OR PAYNE AVE, CAR. __ WHY NOT. Neversink Cork :Jacket.and Life Belt. | tives Neg Be cos 06 som Simplest, They operate solid through trains elegant- Strongest ly equipped with palace sleepers, fine d nd most Warranted 24 1b. Buoyancy and full Weight of Cork, as required by U. S. Inspectors. Consolidated Cork ae ia Reseeras ded es ih P oe 2 a Life Preservers. Superior to all others. Rings Buoys and Fenders. SAFEST CHEAPEST. ; , bY unitormed © colore Reliable. s Approved and adopted by U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors. __ porters whose duties require them to“look Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as | out for the comfort of passengers. Mag- Changed the only Reliable Life Preserver. Vessels and trade supplied. Send for nificent Dining Cars. The Po alaralio from Steam ae four medals by World’s Columbian Exposition. Rate Short bine ; : 48-23 to Rand or : ses ; : bigs one METALLIC : ogee =. The efficiency of the Passenger Service lever in less : and ; = on the Nickel Plate Road is meeting Z Thy, recognition on all hands. Solid through than one i ——— WOODEN trains between Chicago and New York Second, te 7 LIFE y ag City, elegantly equipped Palace Sleeping BOATS. ~ Cars;.an unexcelled Dining Service; Uni- ; formed Colored Porters on Through : Metallic Life Rafts, Marine Drags. ees . Manufacturer of Woolsey’s Paterit-Life Buoy, which is the lightest, Trains; Fast Time and Rates always the BUILT BY . cheapest and most compact Life Raft known. Send for illustrated cata- Lowest; all combine to make it the most No. ' _ logue. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. Popular Line between Chicago, Cleveland, ° Beck Patent Pawling & Harnischfeger, D. KAHNWEILER do7'pea ct Voue Buffalo, New York and Boston. 40-23 r ; 1 1 . 7 ear t. ew or ity. LRT eet 5 SERRE EE A SR a Oe Steam and ! Milwaukee, Wis. ; : A Smooth Roadway. Perfect Passenger ros Service. Uniformed Colored Train Por- ear. | fot OISTI NG E NG | N ES ters for the convenience of both first and second-class coach passengers. Quick Time. Through Sleeping Car Service be- We build them in all sizes from new and improved | tween Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, New designs. Every engine thoroughly tested before | York, and Boston. A Superb Dining Car leaving our shop, and guaranteed to be satisfactory }| Service. No change of cars for any class in every case. of passengers between Chicago and New York City. Rates lower than via other EF ees MARINE IRON C0., BAY CITY MICH. lines. These are the advantages presented e e . . e . . . by the Nickel Plate Road. 47-23 J. H. OWEN, Pres., F. H. VAN CLEVE, Sec., Capt. GEO. BARTLEY, Supt., J J Keenen RIVERSIDE STEAM Chicago. Escanaba. Escanaba. i ieee BOILER WORKS. | Escanaba Towing and Wrecking Co. Marine, Locomotive, and : a ae ae Sue nee ESCANABA, MICH MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY. Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready SHEET IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS. Be eiring srompely Ao renies 60. TUG MONARCH—Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 and 80 in. diameter, 80 in. stroke, steam pressure al- lowed 125 pounds. TUG DELTA—Cylinder 20 by 22, steam pressure allowed 105 pounds. — i 11 d, 104 1s. Orrice anD Works, Corn. COLOGNE AND FULLER STREETS, TUG OWEN—Cylinder 20 by 20, steam pressure allowed, pounds Telephone Canal 401. CHICAGO. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. SEVEN AND FOURTEEN INCH SUCTION.