LAUNCH OF THE ANTRIM. The steel schooner Antrim, built at the yards of the Globe Iron Works Co. for the American Transportation Co., was successfully launched at 11 o’clock last Satur- day morning. The christening ceremony was performed by Mrs. Abigail Pratt, daughter of Mr. John F. Pank- hurst, vice president and general manager of the Globe Co. The new boat: will be completed and ready for business in about two weeks, and will, with the steamers Harper and Nimick and schooner Tyron, carry ore. The principal dimensions of the Antrim are: Length over all 378 feet, length between perpendiculars 366 feet, beam molded 44 feet, depth 25 feet. She will have three masts, and will present a very neat appearance. Deck houses are of steel, neatly paneled and plastered and large side lights with composition frames have re- placed the ordinary windows. The after house is 38 feet long and 22 feet wide and has accommodations for cap- tain, mate, engineer and steward. There is a large dining room 9 feet wide by 22 feet long, and also galley, pantry. The dining room and captain’s quarters are neatly fin- ished with hard wood in a system of neat panels. A bathroom and other accommodations are connected with the captain’s apartments and the dining room has a large skylight running nearly its whole length, giving it a light and airy appearance. Boilers and all machinery are located forward and the foremast, which is of steel, alike to the other spars, is used as a smokestack. The pilot house is on the forecas- tle deck and just aft of the towing machine house. In the boiler room is placed the ballast pump, feed pump and electric plant. On the upper deck is a Globe steam steering engine and Globe steam capstan windlass, as THE MARINE RECORD Minnesota by the Marine Insurance Co. against the steamer Arabian. The action is brought by the com- pany to recover from the steamer some $20,000 damages paid the Montreal Transportation Co. by the insurance company for injuries sustained in 1891 by their vessel, the Minnedosa, in the Welland Canal, which damages are alleged to have been caused by the fault of the Arabian in negligently running into the lock gate and smashing it down. oo TEMPORARY CHANGE OF ROUTES. Owing to the large amount of ice this year, the differ- ent trans-Atlantic steamship companies have directed their steamers to cross the 49th meridian, in lat 41°, westward bound, and lat 40° 10’, eastward bound, during the ice season. Je E“ECRAIG, Commander, U. S. N., Hydrographer. SN ee ‘AGAIN THE PETREL. Capt. Dunn, of the Dominion Government cruiser Petrel, on Saturday, between Rondeau and Port Stanley, Lake Erie, gave chase to three American vessels found fishing in Canadian waters. The vessels succeeded in escaping, but the Petrel seized seventy-seven nets and about two tons of fish the poachers were compelled to abandon. This illegal fishing business ought to be stopped, if not for any other reason than solely on account of the food supply which the catch gives to the poorer people of the lake cities. od RATES RESTORED. The lake lines who have been cutting rates on west- bound freight, billed to Duluth and Minneapolis, have got A RECIPROCAL FEELING. | Sir Donald Smith, the Canadian high commissioner, in an interview with a.representative ofthe Associated Press this week, said he was hopeful that fast steamships between Cahdta and Great Britain would be running within two years. In regard to the tariff propositions submitted to the parliament at Ottawa, it was nothing but the accentuation of Canada’s attachment to Great Britain with which country she desires the closest possible commercial re- lations. Certainly, he added, it was prompted by no feel- ing of hostility to the United States, with which: country Canada is eager for real reciprocity. _ or : EASTERN FREIGHT REPORT. 3 Messrs. Funch, Edye & Co., New York, report as fol- lows: met, and, whilst there is some enquiry for tonnage to afford June loading, no demand exists for the following — months until September is reached, for which month 4° few fixtures. have been effected at 3d@6d advance ovet rates current for May, and we can besides report some inquiry for September-October unfilled because of in- sufficiency of limit. The demand for timber tonnage from the Gulf remains active and rates well maintained. this trade steadily drifting into steam from sail. Deal freights, on the other hand, show a declining tendency under very liberal offering of tonnage. Shippers of case oil by steam to the Far East find no difficulty in secur- ing tonnage on easier terms, whilst boats to load in that direction on the berth continue to be held at figures ~ considerably in excess of charterers’ views. Owing to the probable delay in the application of new tariff rates, well as a steam towing machine, made by the American Ship Windlass Co., Providence, R. I. There are three anchors of the Baldt type, two of 3,500 pounds each, and a kedge anchor carried aft of 1,2000 pounds. ———$—$—$—$—$—<—_$_$<$_ <<< rrr a a" TO RAISE THE CAYUGA. The tug Protector has taken from Chicago this week four steel pontoons. Capt. Reid is confident that when these in addition to the four) which were sunk last year are made fast and filled with air the large steamer Cayuga can be raised. This steamer was formerly owned by the Lehigh Valley Line and was built at Cleveland, but sunk several seasons ago in the north end of Lake Michigan through collision. The pontoons are built of one-half inch steel plates, and measure 31 feet in length by thir- teen feet in diameter. They are slightly conical on the ends and are heavily braced within by angle irons and cross timbers. There are four others, slightly smaller, now fastened to the Cayuga, having been placed there last fall. It is thought that with all eight there is a com- bination lifting power of 1,500 tons at least. In addition the water bottom of the Cayuga is to be filled with air and the boilers are to be utilized in a similar manner. If the Cayuga is raised in this manner, it will be one of the most wonderful wrecking jobs ever heard of. The steamer lies on her side in 106 feet of water, which makes it very difficult for divers to work. oo ACTION FOR DAMAGES. Charles. Kramer of Chicago and H. D. Goulder of Cleveland, two leading marine lawyers of the United States, were in Kingston this week taking the’ evidence of several witnesses in a suit in the District Court of NEW STEEL SCHOONER ANTRIM. Built by the Globe Iron Works Co., Cleveland, for the American Transportation Co., and launched on Saturday, May 8th. together again and have agreed to stand by the official rates in future. The Northern Steamship company and the Western Transit Co., both of which forced this ac- tion by issuing tariffs with an open Io-centicut, have re- scinded their action and restored old west-bound rates. OO De FOR DREDGING AT GREEN BAY. Capt. George A. Zinn, United States engineer, opened bids this week for dredging about 50,000 cubic yards of material at Green Bay, in Fox river below Depere. They were as follows; John Smith, Manistee, Mich., 10 cents per cubic yard; Green Bay Dredge and Piledriver Co., Green Bay, Wis., 10 cents; Eggers & Simond, Two Riv- ers, Wis., 10 cents; William A. Starke, Milwaukee, Wis., 10 cents; Chicago Dredging and Dock Co., Chicago, IIl., 12? cents; Arthur H. Vogel, Milwaukee, Wis., 93 cents; Racine Dredging Co., Racine, Wis., 10% cents. Arthur H. Vogel, the lowest bidder, represents the She- boygan Dredge and Dock Co. oe oe or SLOW DOWN. Because of the recent race between the Langell and Elfin-Mere through the canal, the city council of Duluth, on Tuesday, passed an ordinance restricting the speed of vessels to six miles an hour through the canal, and some ‘restrictions were put on vessels of over 500 tons in the harbor. The canal, so-called, is actually the entrance to the harbor, and is simply going through the piers to reach a dock. If the masters of the Elfin-Mere and Langell had not bungled in their attempt to get to a dock the local inspectors would have had no business to interrogate or question them. As it now appears, they were both to blame and in a very slovenly manner, the demand for time boats for sugar up from the West Indies has again revived and a few charters have been’ effected. We can report no change in the market for sail ves- sels. arrive are not plentiful; on the other hand the demand : is limited and not very pressing. Rates about hold their own, and, according to present appearances, no cdesy is likely to occur for some time to come. —— a Te RATES FOR HANDLING LUMBER. The following rates for handling lumber at Tonawanda. ~ during the present season have been agreed upon: .The rate for unloading pine or Norway lumber from barges and steamers of 124 feet in depth of hold or less, govern- ment register, is 22 cents per 1,000 feet from the opening of navigation to October 1. After that date the rate shall be 24 cents per 1,000. Other rates are: Birch, maple and ash, 35 cents; oak, 40c.; basswood, 24c.; elm, 26c.; hem- lock, 25c.; bill timber, 30c., 35c. and 4oc.; round cedar posts, %c. each; split posts, 3c. each; cedar railroad ties, . t4c. each. or ir PATENT RELEASING HOOK. The Standard Automatic Releasing Hook Co., New York, have just received orders, to fit out the Goodrich Line steamers Iowa and Virginia and it is expected that other boats of the fleet will be fitted later. The Chicago Ship Building Co. have also ordered sets of this excellent hook and it is reported that Manager Babcock thinks very highly of this automatic releasing device for boats davit tackles, The demand of “shorts” for May has been faitly ” Tonnage on spot remains scarce, and offerings to _