‘50 THE MARINE RECORD. H.C. BURRELL, Marine Reporter. Wecan Supply len and Officers to Passing Vessels FW. WHEELER & COMPANY, BUILDERS OF ALL KINDS OF Boat on the river at all hours, night or day. Signal: One long two short. Iron, Steel, ana Our boats are white. We’ll treat * Wooden Ships FOR LAKE OR OCEAN SERVICE. you white and deal with you ON THE SQUARE. ea ONE YA O4 ee FOOT WOODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT, MICH. rPnOM TI AR ‘THE-PEEREESS Spiral Piston and Valve Rod Packing. Once Tried, Always Used. Will hold 400 Ibs. Steam. Patented and Manufactured Exclusively by PEERLESS RUBBER [1FG. William Wilford’s = = MATCHLESS _ WATER-PROOF CANVAS. The best in the market for hatch covers, is stronger, lighter, and more durable than any water-proof goods yet produced. It is made of a twisted thread of pure flax, which renders it very strong. It will not crack like cotton goods, which is a great advan- tage. EDWARD A. BUNKER, 4 & sae PISTON VALVE ROD PACKING 16=24 Woodward Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Room 617, 27 AND 29 WILLIAM St., NEw Yor«K. ONE PHASE OF SEA LIFE. A most heartrending story is sent out this week in a spe- cial from Victoria, B. C:, as follows: Ten days ago, about 100 miles west from the Queen Charlotte Islands, the look- out on the British sealing schooner Arietis sighted a drift- ing’ derelict floating very deep in the water and_dismasted. Hoping they might yet be in time to rescue some of her crew, Captain Martin altered his course and bore down on the wreck. One of the crew from aloft shouted en- couragingly: “It looks as though we were in time. I can see a man Staifding aft.” The abandoned craft proved to be the schooner Gen- eral Siglin, which left San Francisco for Wood Island, Alaska, on Marcii 13, with a crew of six men and five passengers: Wm. C. Greenfield, general manager of North American Commercial Co., with his wife and family. As the boat from the Arietis boarded the schooner she was lying so low in the water that the men stepped from the small boat to the roof of the derelict’s cabin. The pic- ture was one of utter desolation, and with a shudder, Capt. Martin saw a dark mass huddled at the stern, but death had.long released the body from its suffering: That he had made a gallant fight was apparent, and as sailors from the British schooner approached the rigid corpse, they ‘found it was firmly lashed to the starboard stern davit, the poor fellow having plainly realized that when his strength deserted him he would otherwise be washed over- board. The papers on the body showed that the man was the mate of the Siglin, Henry Saunders, 40 years of age, a master mariner of. St. John, a member of the Masonic order, attached to one of Edinburg lodges. They also indicated that he had a wife and children somewhere in the East. The body was removed to the Arietis, and then consigned to the deep with the simple but impressive cere- monies of burial at sea. From the limited opportunity of inspecting the aban- doned craft, Captain Martin came to the conclusion that she must have been dismasted fully a month before he fell in with her. That the crew must have either been washed overboard, or have taken to the boats and been cast away; or indeed, their bodies may at the time have been floating in the submerged cabin of the drifting hull. —————$ $$ rr arr VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN As compiled for The Marine Record by George F. Stone, Secret ry Chicago Board of Trade. Cities WHERE WHEAT, | CORN. Oats, Ryz. |Baruey, STORED. Bushels.| Bus hels.| Bushels,} Bushels | Bushels. NID SON a cor cau hacen ee ead 80.000 BOSOOO a wassisers toni ctor ateninae Baltimore =.. «0. ..0% 242.000) 1,091,000 66,000 S2000| hs tees Boston: nigaiccisien 269,000 844,000 153 000 1,000 10,000 BUNBIOS iia cece 611,000 204,000 519,000 140,v00 473,000 ss BLOGs Sel Ca ee Ae aie tata aud Gata panes RARE kc CETTE Sie MVC BREY os ui Sag 7,038,000) 6,077,000} 3,533.000 854,000 57,000 e ATOR os Se Peco caty tak oe hee cree Relat Bee ee ee eer eee Cineinnatin.. ccc} 1,000 3,000 10,900 1,000 4,000 Detrolt 64s ae ass 104,000 2,000 5,000 7c HA 1 0) Pate e en oe GEORG ee EA: cise tae cohen EEE SURES ER Ee Duluth and cusenica 4,494,000 23,000 841,000 858,000 252,000 BAVOMG eco aa ease Seetec ae lester Se tee Indianapolis........ 35,000 DB OOO soi bite. cape teks eek : Kansas City. ........ 175,000 157,000 166,006 B OOO l csuereowene Milwaukee 5 aR 185,000 3,000 1,006 349,000 61,000 ENO Bite a iat ot peal Ws Ga-captteata seauetinig/aisusivam lial casteecioce wie lla eee meters Minneapolis......... 12,304,000 72,000 345,000 32,000 1,000 Montreal ............ 407,000 16.000 664,000 55,000 35,000 710,000} 2,696,000} 1,134,000 353, 00t 253.000 37,000 BOO00 eras ae 22,000 Siren 5 31,000 25000) F scic a sces 2,000 16,000 18,000 2,006 115,000 393,000 SO: 000% 0: Miersiaies 258.000 218,000 13,000 13,000 |°” 952,000} 251,000] -19,000| 74,000 "$190 000s eka. eat: 54,000|.... 220.05 39,000 146, 006 135,000 246,000 On Lakes............ 1,284,000 | 1,441,000) 2,174,000 548,000 On Mississippi...... 4,000 14,000 MALOOO |e atic Grand Total..... 29,787,000 18, 868, 000 9,976,000) 3,091,000) 1,467,000 pd oe ge Date fistereh ye rere Be 53,146 000) 9,153,000} 7,890,000) 1,550,000 808,000 | or or oe George HB. Tener, late of the Rosena Furnace, New Cas- tle, has been appointed general agent of the Pittsburg, Bessemer & ‘Lake Erie Railway, with headquarters at Con- neaut, O, 193-195 Bank St., CLEVELAND, O. West Bay City, Mich. ao F. W. WHEELER, Pres. J. S. PORTER, Treas. H. T. WICKES, V. P. Cc. W. STIVER, Sec’y. Iron Works. MARINE ENGINES. DETROIT, MICH. CO., 16 Warren St., New York. 202-210 S. Water St. CHICAGO, ILL. LAUNCHES AT THE DAVIDSON SHIPYARD. On Saturday last, a triple launch took place from the Davidson ship-yard, West Bay City. The wooden three-masted schooner, Crete, principal di- mensions 300 feet long, 45 feet beam, and 24 feet molded depth, made one of the most perfect launches of the sea- son. The Crete has double steel keelsons, double steel arches, steel cord, and is diagonally strapped. She is fitted out with all the latest improvements, including steam windlass, capstans, pumps, deck winches, etc. A large donkey boiler, which is located forward, was built by Wickes Bros., of Saginaw. The cabins are finished in hard wood and everything about her equipment and outfit is first-class. Her capacity is 130,000 bushels of wheat on a Sault canal draft, and she has nine hatchways. The Crete is classed A 1* in the In- land Lloyd’s Insurance Register, and also has the highest class in a New York classification society. When the launch took place her sails were all bent, anchors to the hawse, and her entire outfit aboard, so that when she went into the water, she was quite ready for work, and has before this_received her first cargo on board at a Lake Superior port. > The other two launches were two large barges built to the order of Andrew P, Gray & Co., of Detroit, for serv- ice in the ice trade between Lake St. Clair and Detroit. The schooner Athens, whith is a sister ship to the Crete, is now nearly completed, and it is expected that she will be launched in about a week. rr or oe LIVERPOOL DOCKS. The area within the jurisdiction of the Mersey Docks and Harbor Board has-increased 66 per cent. during the past thirty-five years, being 341 acres in 1861 and 531 acres in 1897, while the tonnage of vessels using the port has increased from 4,630,183 tons to 11,046,459 tons. During the same period the revenue derived by the board from goods and shipping went up from £526,632 ros. 7d. to #£1,- 000,373 Is. 5d., or approximately $5,001,865.