THE MARINE RECORD. preservation of life and property from loss by shipwreck on our coasts areearnestly requested to give prompt in- formation to the Inspector of the Ninth Light-House Dis- trict, Chicago, Ill., the Inspector of the Tenth Light-House District, at Buffalo, N. Y., or the Inspector of the Elev- enth Light-House District, at Detroit, Mich., of cases in which any of the buoys or day-marks described in this list are out of position, and of all cases in which the pub- lished instructions from this Board are not strictly exe- euted, that the Board may, with as little delay as possible, apply the proper remedy, and prevent neglect of duty in matters connected with the day-marks of the United States. The works of the Roberts’ Safety Water Tube Boiler Co. are still very busy, and have been working night and day for some time past, notwithstanding their increased size, owing to extensions which have doubled their capac- ity twice in the last seven years. This company has built nearly 900 boilers to date and now has orders enough on hand to keep them busy for the next three months with- x out considering other orders, which are contstantly com- ing in. Although the Roberts’ Boiler was originally used almost exolusively fcr steam launches and steam vessels of similar character, they are now in geenral use for ves- sels of different governments and also for factory pur- poses, electric light and power, portable paving and dry- ing plants, steam canal boats, floating dredges, excava- tors, sugar and coffee plantations, portable sawmills, and many other purposes for which a perfectly safe, light and small but powerful boiler would be advantageous. This company reports that its business could not be better and that its works have never been so busy previously at this time of the year. Of course, their orders for boilers for launches, yachts, passenger steam boats, freight steamers, etc, are increased, notwithstanding the demand for boilers for other purposes. The works of this com- pany are situated at Red Bank, N. J., on the N. Y. & L. B. R. R. and their New York office is at 39 & 41 Cort- landt street. VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN As compiled for The Marine Record by George F. Stone, Secret ry Chicago Board of Trade, | Citres WHERE WHEAT, | CoRN. Oats, Rye. |Baruey, STORED. Bushels, | Bushels.| Bushels,) Bushels |Bushels, PIDRNY Se uico cae walc ures eae 30,000 BO,O0G arses, wr, harness Baltimore . 305 000 793,000 170,000 CD OO0 bss see ee Boston .... 383,000} 1,109,000} 102 000}.......... 1,000 Burralo oie ace» 564,000 356,000 702,000 203,000. 298,000 st PULOR Urns tere ans. Oh ilie eek er ai pv cae avehe ate a cua span ed Chicago . a tise tree ort 4,025,000} 7,562,000} 1,871,000 562,000 19,000 S SAECO eI x isk ae eae ea NG a5 akc sew deol eee bene oe EL Cincinhatl® rca 1,000) 11,000 8,900 1,000 1,000 DeOtrolt Srcx ares - 20,000 24,000. 7,000 OS OOO |G ticrn wets as BELONG atte ar luck coe eR eaten Hodes Dok aL LOT Ook Mehta Sear on Duluth aoe Superior| 1,175,000 17,000 413,000 372,000 248,000 ‘ SULTS So) 228 SRRNARN AR ES tal eter ae aR etn a ¥ Sao Seed ERO Cleaee Indianapolis........ 1,000 54,000) oie ee eel e seers e ees feces eee ees Kansas City .. a 94.000 172,000 120,006 UU Ee Sick ae Milwaukee... 106,000 3,000 1,006 142,000 92,000 afloa ahah sapdsnat eis cil Opa aige tf ecors: viet] Uncen TU RErEe oe GREE Mme eae wearer iets Minneapolis. . ...| 8,424,000 95,000 150,000 16,000 24,000 Montreal: bic cek 236,000 18,000 475 000 31,000 43,000 New Yorkic eek 838,000; 1,621,000} 2,262,000 448,000 65 000 ee afloat...... 65,000 L565; O00 |e as 8,000 20,000 OB WOR Ok aes ociee ee cee | oso 6 toe TESOOO | ETT a Ne ean ase eaten aerate POM aoe ois 4 cae ene, ee 2 000 35,000 WOOO Petia As Philadelphia........ 73,060. 488,000 £8 000 | s etilliearne sepa Sb, Wo wiar 45 ae ae 84,000 363,000 67,000 6/000}. sees ty HORT. ae x Gass Pesos He cies s eV RUMR GR Nm eh ASAE, woe TOlGUOSs7. aa. hes 219,000 471,000 42,00! G5; 000) ciriiar tes ee Sp LEGS Ses en ee Ree vide ee | Pacers. ee eactoatins Sore) uae ere Toronto. si 64. as BE; GOO wes seceuaes £6006 Sen cates 21,000 224,000 822,006 17,000} 159,000 90,000 710,000) . 1,573.000 1,566,000) 136,000 235,000 RAMs. ag th 182,000 GO OOO eee eee ees Grand Total..... 17,583,000} 15,997,000} 8,218,000; 2,248,000) 1,157,000 Corresponding Date DGS rare eat ett 47,199 000} 9,100,000) 8.548000) 1 462,000) 813,0C0 't | os SAILOR TO THE LAST. Many have been the peculiar wishes of men still in the flesh with regard to the disposition of their remains when they have “shuffled off this mortal coil,’ says the Liver- pool Journal of Commerce. Few, however, claim to be as appropriate as they may be original, though we know of one case in which a ship’s carpenter built his own coffin and for the remainder of his days used it as a tool chest. A case of. peculiar singularity and appropriateness came under our notice while ‘going the rounds” yesterday. See- ing a well-built boat of miniature dimensions under con- struction on the premises of Mr. Philip Windram, Liver- pool, curiosity was naturally aroused, and the inquiry as to the purposes of such an apparently useless craft elicited the curious information that the boat was being built to the order of an undertaker, to serve as his final resting place, in place of the orthodox and more suggestive, but less attractive coffin. The build of the boat is strong, and she is in all respects constructed on the lines of an ordi-— nary double-ended life boat, without, perhaps, quite as much shear as is usually found in such craft. She is pro- vided with a wooden deck or cover extending fore and aft, and fitted lid-fashion to go over the gunwale. This boat coffin is carvel built and seven feet long, and will be painted. Life lines will be fixed round her, and when completed she will present a very attractive appearance. Two oars are to be supplied, and she will have a rudder and tiller fitted. She is built of pine, West African ma- hogany, oak, and elm. The internal “get up” is to be left for the undertaking furnisher, and will no doubt be of a fitting character. Mr. Windram, who has been in the boat building busi- ness over 40 years in Liverpool, prior to which he fol- lowed the same trade elsewhere, having come of a boat- building race, said that this was the first order of the kind he had executed, though they had some remarkable ones at times. Queen City : Hydraulic Steerer. THE BEST AND MOST st ut POWERFUL STEERER FOR ut TUGS, STEAMERS, ETC. vt vt & MANUFACTURED BY Queen City Engineering Go, Write for Prices and References. _ TOBIN BRONZE (‘Trade-Mark Registered.) Rudders, Tensile strength, one inch cold drawn rod, upward of 78,000 Ibs. per square inch. Torsional Strength equal to the best machinery steel. Can be forged at cherr 1 ings, Pump Piston Rods, Yacht Shaftings, etc. Plates for Pump Linings and Condenser Tube Sheets, Centerboards, Fin Keels and red heat. Non-corrosive in sea water. Round, Square and Hexagon Bars for Bolt Forg- Spring Wire, Rolled Sheets and Ansonia Brass & Copper Co, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Send for Pamphlet. 19-21 Cliff St., NEW YORK. INCORPORATED 1794. Insurance Company of North America CAPITAL, Paid up in Cash, - = ASSETS, = = g CHARLES PLATT, President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. Lake Marine Department, Pintsch (jas bi ghted Buoys. EUGENE L. ELLISON, Vice President. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. T. HOUARD WRIGHT, Marine Secretary. GEORGE L. McCURDY. Manacer. MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. Organized 1842. - $3,000,000.00 is 9,686,808.08 A. A. RAVEN, Pres. CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. } terminated during the year; thereby reducing the cost of insurance. For such dividen cates are issued elie interest untill ordered to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. THEO. P. JOHNSON, 3d V. P. BALTIMORE. SAN FRANCISCO. NEW ORLEANS. Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. Office 51 Wall Street, NEW YOR” Insures against Marine and Inland Transportation Risks and issua .olicies making Loss Payable in England, Assets over $10,000,000 for the Security of its policies. The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums ds, certifir CORNELIUS ELDERT, 2d VY. P. J.H. CHAPIIAN, Sec’y. F. A. PARSONS, V. P. Burn Continuously Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Light-House Departments for channel and harbor lighting; over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. Bee. ——— : ath sei from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, and can be seen a distance of six miles, Brilliant and Steady Illumination. Economical and Reliable in Operation. CONTROLLED BY THE Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co., 160 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. Johnson & Higgins, Average Adjusters, Special Facilities for Placing Marine Guaranty Bldg., Fire and Marine Insurance. Lines, For Stationary, Portable, Traction Engines, Tugboats, &c.| 5 ad i Thoroughly Reliable—Perfectly Automatic. And tm nts; ||| INS BROS., - Selling Age aan YORK, BOSTON, PHILA., CHICAGO, baht beets 5 BUFFALO, N. Y,