THE MARINE RECORD. Con =R ‘SS ST. OGaeeaawa WILLIAMSON BROS. COR. RICHMOND AND YORK STS., Philadelphia, Pa. | Te] WORM GEARED ==i Buffalo Feed Water Heater ! . AND PURIFIER. Made in all Sizes and to Suit all Conditions. ROBERT LEARMONTH, tHe ECLIPSE’ Marine Bolce PATENTED. Paddle Wheel . Machinery 009000 0009009009 0000 200 Bouck Ave., BUFFALO, N.Y. } $oggee Our knowledge of river navigation is earned through long exper- ience and exceptional opportunity. We design and build the entire and complete outfits of driving machinery for powerful light draft vessels, having the best of modern shop facilities to aid us in doing a// the work. Write to us before you act. 000000 000000 HO} \SHIP STEERING ENGINE, is L) BOSOO000 MARINE TRON WORKS Station A. CHICAGO. 0990900090000 000000000OOO Compasses Adjusted STEERING ENGINES. With either Fractional, Spur or Worm Gear of * Various Patterns to Suit all Purposes. Built by Kingsford Foundry ana Machine Works, OSWEGO, N. Y. They are economical and occupy but little space. They give perfect satisfaction. They are easily kept clean, and the crown sheet being cylindrical in form requires no bracing. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR. For deviation, and. deviation tables supplied. Great facilities for doing the work by day or Night. 38 36 2S Be se Be ee Oe Ue John Maurice. Office, 24-26 Market St., CHICAGO, 2st Use the Vanduzen PU NI > Steam Jet... THE BEST STEAM JET PUMP IN THE W.RLD. It pumps the most water using the least steam. Its cost is a little more than the common syphon, but will use only one-third the quan- . tity of steam; and it takes coal (? of $) to make steam. _ The only reliable Jet Pump for fires on steam vessels. A No. 7 ‘Pump, costing $25.00, will force water through 50 feet of hose and throw a 3/-inch <Wsolid stream of water 75 feet from end of nozzle without fail as long as there is water at end of suction pipe. It will not freeze. Has no valves. Every pump guaranteed. Ask your ship chandler for them, or write to us for illustrated catalogue. THE E. W. VANDUZEN CO., CINCINNATI, 0. Matchless Waterproof Cloth and Societe Anonyme De Veluwe, (Japan Paint), ny fit : H 1 { EDWARD A. BUNKER, Sole Agent, 20 Broad Street, New York City. bu NOLONS| Youghiogheny River Coal Co. Miner and Shipper of OCEAN, YOUGHIOGHENY eoucniceres, COAL. General Office: Erie, Pa. Long Distance ’Phone 409. Shipping Docks: Ashtabula, O. Long Distance ’Phone 76. Vessets Fuetepo at att Hours WITH OCEAN COAL ONLY, ELECTRIC LIGHT. 2 aE BY STEAM LIGHTER OR CAR DUMP. WM, WILFORD'S | The Cuddy-[\ullen Coal Co. veces! STEAM COAL Shippers of FUELING DEPARTMENT FACILITIES. « « € # CLEVELAND HARBOR.—Car Dumper; Eight Pockets, 1000 Tons Capacity; Lighter Steam Derricks. DETROIT RIVER BRANCH.—Ambherstburo: Four Pocketss Three Steam Derricks SANDWICH—Foutteen Pockets and Two Steam Derricks, : “SOO” RIVER BRANCH.—Two Docks, (Formerly Known as the Anthony and Watson Docks,) Equipped with Pockets and Steam Derricks, COURTEOUS ATTENTION GOOD COAL. QUICK DISPATCH. General Offices, Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. THe W. L. Scott Company, ERIE, PA. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Shamokin, Wilkesbarre Anthracite, Youghiogheny, Mansfield, Pittsburg coals Lone DISTANCE ’PHONE 440, Vessel Fueling a Specialty by steam lighter or car dump, at all hours. Electric light. Scott BLock. MAIN OFFICE: FUELING OFFICE: CANAL Dock. Lone DiIsTaANcE 'PHONE 320.