~ BREKEKKKEEKES KREEKRRKEKEKRKEKEKKE THE MARINE RECORD. 3 MBM ET eT EE EE NE Fe Oe UF OF UE Ne Ee ee ee eee ee ee Ue Nickel Steel Has proved to be a Perfect Success For Marine Engine Forgings and Shaiting The shafts of the peerless “OREGON ” er “Bethlehem” The shafts of the fleet “FARRAGUT” Forgings THE ACME OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT % SRK Send for Pamphlet on Marine Engine Forgings THE BETHLEHEM IRON COMPANY SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. BRANCH OFFICES 100 Broadway, New York. 424 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. 1433 Marquette Building, Chicago. KRRKRRRRKEREKREEEEREEKEEKEKS PEM TE Be EE BE Be Be ee Oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee The U.S, Revenue Cutter 4 IS Verbena Is among the list of boats fitted with our Mast-Head and Side-Lights. RUSSELL & WATSON, 145 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by H. D. EDWARDS & CO., UPSON WALTON CO., G. B. CARPENTER & CO. Standard Pipe Covering Co., KING OF ALL FIRE PROOFING. ASBESTOS AIR-CELL. My name is Asbestos Air-Cell. : The vibration of boilers and pipes or heat and fire will not destroy me. The largest pipe and boiler covering that can be made is made out of Asbestos Air-Cell, for there is no breakage. It is also a great Insulator for Bulk-Heads and Cabins. Only Genuine Asbestos Air-Cell is made of three layers of paper cemented together. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. 20-22 MICHIGAN ST., — - CLEVELAND, O. TELEPHONE, ‘MAIN 62. [NINPINA\ EX LVL CAC AUAACAUAG A OOK EVOL avavavererevere CAT AV AG AV AG A BS A Ae DY AG AS AG AG AG AO ANG BI BS EAI AG A HS OOOO OOOO SOOO) Oil and Electric « Signals, Fixtures aa Lamps for Steamships, Yachts and U. $. Navy Vessels. FOR POWER, EFFICIENCY and FRESNEL GLASS SIGNALS—— the only correct glass for marine work. Adopted as such by the nations of thé world. WM. PORTER’S SONS, Manufacturers, 271 PEARL ST., NEW YORK CITY. Oe ae STANDARD AUTOMATIC RELEASING DEVICE, The falls are so rove that both ends of the boat detach irrespective of which end strikes the water first. Will Release a Boat Immediately in the roughest sea or under speed, and can be hooked on without delay or injury to the hands of the men hooking it on. y STANDARD: AUTOMATIC RELEASING HOOK CO.,, 4 i 22 and 24 State Street, New York. xe ee a Ship Lamps.. Oil and Electric Fixtures For Steamships, Yachts, Etc. Great variety of designs. All sizes and prices. Prices and Cuts on application. PAGE BROS. & CO. BOSTON, MASS. 347 to 357 Cambridge St. B.:F. SEIDLER. F. J. MINER Detroit Electric Wiring and Repair Co,, 82 and 84 GRISWOLD ST., DETROIT, MICH. Electric Lighting of Ships General Electrical Contractors. DEALERS IN SUPPLIES. MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIAL WATER-TIGHT AND MARINE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. RECONSTRUCTED AND MADE SAFE, SUBSTANTIAL, EFFICIENT, At the Least Possible Cost, Assuring Highest Class In Accordance with the Rules of the American Registers of Shipping, Our Installations are represented on Steam Inland Lloyds Classification. Vessels on the Lakes, Ocean, Coast Marine Rules ot National Electrical Code. and Mississippi River. Specifications, Estimates, Information Furnished. Correspondence Solicited with Owners and Builders of Steam Vessels of all Descriptions. |The Deane Af Holyoke Marine PUMPS, Fire Pumps, Surface - Boiler Condensers, Air and is Circulating = Pumps, FIG. 607. The Deane Steam Pump Co., HOLYOKE, MASS. SIZE 2x1%x2%. DUPLEX.