12 THE MARINE RECORD. Queen City Patent Hydraulic Steerer. CORD KOT The best and most reliable. Generates no heat in pilot house. Has large hand wheel. Can be changed from power to hand steer- ing instantly. A favorite with pilots. QOD OOOO Send for References. Queen City Engineering Co. BUFFALO, N. Y. Almy’s Patent Sectional WATER TUBE BOILERS. Pintsch Gas Lighted Buoys. Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian, and United States Light-House Departments for channel and harbor lighting. Over 800 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. Controlled by NOW USED IN 21 Passenger Boats from 70 to 160 ft. long. 61 Steam Yachts from 50 to 180 ft. long. U. S. TORPEDO BOAT «STILETTO.”’ Numerous freight and fishing steamers, launches and stationary boilers are giving most excellent results, ALMY WATER TUBE BOILER CoO., 178-184 Allens Ave., ner Rhodes St., PROVIDENCE, R. I. NOTICE OF AN ACT OF CONGRESS REQUIRING INSPECTION OF HULLS OF’ SAIL VESSELS AND BARGES, AND LICENSING THE MASTERS AND CHIEF MATES OF SUCH VESSELS. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE, OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISING INSPECTOR caveat, | WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 9, 1899. Owners, agents, masters and chief mates of sailing vessels of over 700 tons (gross), and of other vessels and barges of over 100 tons (gross), carrying passengers for hire, are hereby notified that, under an act of Congress approved December 21, 1808, to take effect on and after July 1, 1899, the classes of vessels above named will have to have their hulls inspected and certificated by the local inspectors of steam vessels at the various ports in the United States where such officers are located and employed. The law referred to also requires that the masters and chief mates of the above described vessels shall be exam- ined and licensed by the local inspectors of steam vessels to entitle them to actin the capacity named, and that it will be unlawful to employ any person, or for any person to serve as ‘‘a master or chief mate of vessels of over 700 tons who is not licensed by the inspectors.”’ violation of this requirement will be $100 for each offense. Local inspectors will be prepared to receive applications to examine and issue licenses to masters and chief mates of sail vessels of the tonnage’ above indicated on or about May I, 1899. Applications by owners of sail vessels of 700 tons and upward, and of all other vessels and barges over 100 tons burden, carrying passengers for hire, will also receive consideration on and after May 1, proximo. A failure on the part of an owner of any vessel of the classes referred to herein to have the vessel’s hull inspected and certificated will subject such owner to a penalty of $500, under the pro- visions of sections 4499 and 4300, Revised Statutes. Rules governing the issue of licenses to masteis and chief mates of sail vessels of 700 tons and upward have been adopted by the board of supervising inspectors and ap- proved by the Secretary of the Treasury, as follows: Local inspectors may, upon due .application, license as - masters and chief mates of sail vessels of over 700 tons, upon receipt of satisfactory documentary evidence, to be filed in their office, that said masters or mates have been actually employed as such officers on vessels of the tonnage named for the full period of twelve months preceding the applica- tion for license, provided.such officers shall be found, upon examination, to be free from color blindness. Applicants for master’s or for mate’s license on sail ves- sels, who have had no previous service as either master or mate, except on rivers and: on the Great Lakes, must be duly examined in navigation the same as required for masters and mates of steam vessels, such examinations to be in writing, and the applicants must be free from color blindness. Provided, That no master, except as provided in the first paragraph of this section, shall be licensed who has not served a full tertn of one year on such sail vessels as chief The penalty for a. mate, nor shall any person be eligible to be examined as chief mate of sail vessels unless he can furnish satisfactory documentary evidence that he has had at least three full years’ experience on sail vessels of 3co gross tons and up- ward. (Rule V, section 26, new section. ) Following is the full text of the act of Congress referred to herein: AN ACT CONCERNING SAIL VESSELS OF OVER SEVEN HUN- _ DRED TONS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in” Congress assembled, That section 4438 of the Revised Statutes be, and is hereby amended to read as follows: “SECTION 4438. The boards of local inspectors shall license and classify the masters, chief mates, and second and third mates, if in charge of a watch, engineers, and pilots of all steam vessels, and the masters and chief mates of sail vessels of over 700 tons and all other vessels and barges of over Ioo tons burden carrying passengers for hire. It shall be unlawful to employ any person, or for any person to serve asa master, chief mate, engineer, or pilot of any steamer, or as master or chief mate of any vessel of over 700 tons who is not licensed by the inspectors, and anyone vio- lating this section shall be liable toa penalty of $100 for each offense.”’ SEc. 2. That section 4439 of the Revised Statutes be, and is hereby amended to read ss follows: “SEC. 4439. Whenever any person applies to be licensed as master of any steam vessel, or of a sail vessel of over 700 tons, the ingpectors shall make a diligent inquiry as to his character, and shall carefully examine the applicant as well as the proofs which he presents in support of his claim, and if they are satisfied that his capacity, experience, habits of life, and character are such as warrant the belief that he can safely be intrusted with the duties and responsibilities of the station for which he makes application, they shall grant him a license authorizing him to discharge such duties on any such vessel for the term of five years, but such license shall be suspended or revoked upon satisfactory proof of bad conduct, intemperate habits, incapacity, inattention to his duties, or the willful violation of any provision of this title applicable to him.’’ SEc. 3. That section 4440 of the Revised Statutes be, and is hereby, amended to read as follows: “SEC. 4440. Whenever any person applies for authority to be employed as chief mate of ocean or coastwise steam vessels or of sail vessels of over 7co tons, or as second or third mate of ocean or coastwise steam vessels, who shall have charge of a watch, or whenever any person applies for authority to be.employed as mate of river steamers, the in- spectors shall require satisfactory evidence of the knowledge, experience and skill of the applicant in lading cargo and in handling and stowage of freight, and if for license as chief mate on ocean or coastwise steamers, or. of sail vessels of over 700 tons, or as second or third mate of ocean or coast- wise steamers, who shall have charge of a watch, shall also examine him as to his knowledge and ability in navigation and managing such vessels and all other duties pertaining Burn q |Z C Made in the U. S. Continuously Balen ay str from 80 to 365 days and - | 5 lll Muf'd by the’ nights without atten- tion, and can be seen a distance of six miles. THE SAFETY CAR HEATING AND LIGHTING Co. {60 Broadway, New York City. W. A. 57 WADE BUILDING. EE Providence R.}J. Send for circulars and prices. NMIcGILLis & Co. DREDGING. eed ee ey rer wee se CLEVELAND, OHIO. to his station, and if satisfied of his qualifications and good character they shall grant him a license authorizing him to perform such duties for a term of five years upon the waters upon which he is found qualified to act, but such license shall be suspended or revoked upon satisfactory proof of ~ bad conduct, intemperate habits, unskillfulness, or want of knowledge of the duties of his station or the willful violation of any provision of this title.’’ SEC. 4. That section 4417 of the Revised Statutes be, and is hereby, amended by adding thereto the words: ‘*The local inspectors shall, once in every year, at least, or upon application in writing of the master or owner, care- fully inspect the hull of each sail vessel of over 700 tons and all other vessels and barges of over 100 tons burden carry- ing passengers for hire within their respective districts, and shall satisfy themselves that every such vessel so submitted — to their inspection is of a structure suitable for the service in which she is to be employed, has suitable accommoda- tions for the crew, and is in a condition to warrant the be- lief that she may be used in navigation with safety to life.’ SkEc. 5. That this act shall take effect on July 1, 1899. Approved, December 21, 1898. ’ Chief officers of customs are requested to post a copy of this circular in the lobbies of their respective offices, where persons interested and having business therein may see it, and to give such other notice thereof as in their judgment — may conduce to give the subject-matter herein the widest publicity. Jas. A. DuMont’, Supervising Inspector-General. Approved: L. J. GAGE, Secretary. —_— rr + + Or VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN As compiled for The Marine Record, by George F. Stone, Secretary Chicago Board of Trade. —- CITIES WHERE WHEAT.| CORN. OaTs. RYE. BARLEY STORED, Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels. Buffalo’ cvsscesnGies 1,927,000 55.000 69,000 26,000 714,000 Chicasor. es cncssscst 4,120,000] 10,566,00c} 1,529,000 465,000 814,000 Detrowssccncnes eas 321,000 472,000 3,000 12,000 4,000 Duluth and Superior| 6,444,000] 3,740,000] 1,228,000 234,000 363,000 Milwaukee.......... BT OOO ias Ventas 1,000 2,000 94,000 Montreal.... a 19,000 16,000 218,000 3,000 12,000. OSWESO AG a wcne uhawnuan cee ETD O00 | ta ee ale cee 60,0co Toledo. csen ean 564,000] 1,066,000 65,000 4,000) 3). sian TOronto :: sccseoes TOT.OO00) s caeees oe TO;O00|ss sasecenien 28,000 Grand Total..... 29,618,000] 31,820,00e| 8,676,000] :,541,000| 2,772,000 Corresponding Date, LOO Fie ahaa ea 35,433,000] 39,907,000] 13,346,000} 3,632,000] 2,314,000 NICKERSON ea ae cases| cos meekree 1,196,000] 1,561,000)... ss se whee cece DOCTERSR ars caus vas BAROOC seas ccrhs ae ania 46,000 150,000 While the stock of grain at lake ports only is here given, . the total shows the figures for the entire country except the ~ Pacific Slope. ey