~ APRIL, 27, 1899. THE MARINE RECORD. NOTICE TO MARINERS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA— NORTHERN LAKES AND RIVERS—MICHIGAN, TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE LicHt-Housk BOARD, WASHINGTON, D. C., April 19, 1899. PETITE POINTE AU SaBLE LicHT STaTIon.—Notice is hereby given that, on or about May 15, 1899, the color of the tower at this station, on Petite Pointe au Sable, easterly _ shore of Lake Michigan, will be changed from red to white. ST. MARYS FALLS CANAL, WESTERLY ENTRANCE, St. Marys Farris Canar (N. PIER) LicHt.—Notice is hereby given that this light, formerly on the north pier at the westerly entrance to the canal, 450 feet from the outer end of the pier, has been permanently discontinued and the structure from which it was shown has been removed, Notice is also given that, on the opening of navigation, 1899, the westerly entrance to St. Marys Falls canal will be lighted as follows : VIDAL SHOAL, CHANNEL RANGE LIGHT'S. REAR LIGHT.—A light of the fifth order, showing fixed white varied by a red flash every minute, will be established in the tower recently erected near the railroad embank- ment, at the southerly end of the International railroad bridge, and about 1,400 feet (4 mile) E.N.E. 3(B. (true) in rear of the front light on the outer end of the north pier. The focal plane of the light will be 57 feet above mean lake level. The tower is a triangular, pyramidal, open, iron frame work, of which the other half is slatted and painted white, . and the lower half is open and painted brown. Front Licut.—A fixed red light of the fourth order will be established in the tower recently erected on the outer end of the north pier. The focal plane of the light will be 30 feet above mean lake level. The tower is a conical, white, iron structure. With the preceding this light marks a range line to guide through the Vidal Shoal channel to the westerly entrance to St. Marys Falls canal. St. MARys Farris Canary (S, PIeR) Licut.—This light, on the outer end of the south pier at the westerly entrance to the canal, will be a fixed white lens lantern light (instead of a fourth order fixed red light) and will be shown from the top of asmall white house with a red roof (instead of from a conical, white iron tower) at a height of 15 feet above mean lake level. By order of the Light-House Board: e FRANCIS J. HIGGINSON, Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy, Chairman. Notice is hereby given that the Tail Point pile cluster beacon light and elbow beacon light, southerly end of Green Bay, Wisconsin, have been carried away by the ice. These lights will be re-established as soon as practicable. By order of the Light-House Board : C. C, ALLIBONE, Commander U. S. Navy, Inspector 9th Light-House District. a VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN As compiled for The Marine Record, by George F. Stone, Secretary Chicago Board of Trade. CITIES WHERE WHEAT. | CorRN. OaTs. RYE. BARLEY STORED. Bushels. |} Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels. BHT alO cSt es Pies OBO as ae see | aay cena 4,00¢ 123,000 CHICASGi oii icc ek. 4,881,000] 11,628,000} 1,312,000 341,000 764,000 DGtrOl Ss oa suka sins 334,000 344 000 7,000 3,000 4,000 Duluth and Superior] 10,748,000} 5,572,000] 2,080,000 310,000 488,000 Milwaukee.......... 32,006 1,000 4,000 2,000 81,000 Montreal 2. 3ac.0.5. 26,000 17,006 54,000 1,000 8,000 WISWESO fei ence Bid ase Pu7 oF sun's [etiece en Akguteatath [Fike cP anacoiah Kee atau eataannligey coe Rare) ee IPOLEGOs See vee es 310,000 410,000 119,000 BeOOO!s odin hve EOLONCO oes scans cs 0,000 | siers.. 378) 16,000 lis estas sh 15,000 Grand Total..... 29,179,000] 28,101,000] 10,426,000] ,330,000] 1,714,000 Corresponding Date, TSQSy aiisa actus 25,914,000] 31,649,000] £1.775,000| 2,860,000 894,000 TH CKCASE cannes vecciic| ears ae ok ah eee face [ice Wi ake ns Pelican tone tatete eral eke eee ohne Decreases. eck. sins 5 1,323,000] 1,607,000 624,000 39,000 171,000 While the stock of grain at lake ports only is here given, the total shows the figures for the entire country except the Pacific Slope. rr AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING COMPANY. Officers of the organization, which will be known as the American Ship Building Company, recently organized under the laws of New Jersey,‘are: President, W. L,. Brown, Chicago Ship Building Co. Vice-president, Robert I. Ireland, ‘Globe Iron Works, Cleveland. General manager, James C, Wallace, Cleveland Ship Building Co. Assistant general manager W. E. Fitzgerald, Milwaukee Dry Dock Co. Secretary and treasurer, R. T. Wetmore, American Steel Barge Co., New York. Executive committee, W. I. Brown, of Chicago; A. Mc- Vittie, of Detroit; James C. Wallace, of Cleveland; Robert I. Ireland, of Cleveland; Luther Allen, of Cleveland; Col- gate Hoyt, of New York, and W. H. Fitzgerald, of Milwau- kee. Board of directors, W. L. Brown and H. H. Porter, jr., of Chicago; Robert Wallace, James C. Wallace, H. M. Han- na, Ll. C. Hanna, Robert L. Ireland and Luther Allen, of Cleveland; Colgate Hoyt, of New York; Samuel Mather, of Cleveland; W. E. Fitzgerald and Andrew M. Joys, of Mil- waukee; A. McVittie and Gilbert N. McMillan, of Detroit; The plants combined by the new company are those of the American Steel Barge Co., at West Superior; Milwaukee Dry Dock Co., Chicago Ship Building Co., Detroit Dry Dock Co., Cleveland Ship Building €o., Lorain and Globe Iron Works, of. Cleveland, and the Ship Owners’ Dry Dock Co., of Cleveland. The authorized capital is $30,000,000. The actual capital, however, is only $14,000,000, of which $7,000,000 is non-ac- cumulative 7 per cent. stock, and $7,000,000 common stock. Ce eS ITHE STRENGTH OF WAVES. The “‘Navigators’ Handbook for the Indian Ocean” says: “In the region of the trade winds the average length of the waves of the Indian Ocean is 96 metres (315 feet), and the rate of advance of the crest 28.2 miles per hour. In the re- gion of the strong west winds in the southerly portion of the South Indian Ocean the ayerage length of storm waves is 374 feet, and the rate of advance of the crest 33.6 miles per hour.”’ Prof. Cleveland Abbe, of Washington, who furnishes this quotation, explains that the length of a wave is measured from crest to crest. In popular language it might be called the width. A big wave, as the ordinary eye sees it, is then a big mass of water perhaps a mile or more in length, 374 feet wide and possibly 60 feet high from trough to crest, careering over the sea at thirty-three miles an hour, Such a wave will weigh, for each foot of its length, 1,680, - 000 pounds, or 364 short tons. Its length may bea half- mile, or even a mile. One mile’slengthof a single big wave will weigh 1,920,800 tons, or as much as sixty-five steam- ships like the New Vork or Paris, If a ship 600 feet long lies in the trough of the sea, a wave 60 feet high hurls its strength—6oo times 364 tons—218,400 tons, more than 19 times its own weight. This weight does not fall upon the ship at sea, because its buoyancy enables it to rise; but if it drifts upon a lee shore, the power of a succession of 218,400 ton blows will tear to pieces any ship man has the cunning or the power to build. The kinetic energy of a wave is obtained by the familiar formula—weight multiplied by square of velocity. One mile-length of 1,920,809 tons of wave traveling, say, 33 miles an hour develops in one second energy equal to that ob- tained by burning 6,048 pounds of coal. In an hour its en- ergy equals that of 173 tons of coal. A _" > oo THE work of deepening and widening the channel from Ballard’s Reef to the Limekiln Crossing has been resumed. Half the dredging was done last season under an appropria- tion of $125,000 by the government, and $100,000 has been appropriated for its completion this year. TOBIN BRONZE (Trade-Mark Registered.) « Chas. E. & W. F. Royal Insurance Building, Chicago, III. Insur ance Company of Nor th America 58 William Street, New York City. Tensile strength of plates one-quarter inch thick, upward of 78,000 Ibs. per square inch. Torsional strength equal to the best machinery steel. Non-corrosive in sea water. ‘ c ; Square and Hexagon Bars for Bolt Forgings, Pump Piston Rods, Yacht Shaftings, etc. Rolled Sheets and Plates for Pump Linings and Condenser Tube Sheets, Centerboards, Fin Keels and Rudders. W. T. Coleman Carpenter, of New Jersey. Can be forged at cherry red heat. Round Send for Pamphlet. a ed .F.AODGE & CO Peck, C. T. BOWRING & CO. 5 and 6 Billiter Avenue, E. C., - Insurance = BROWN &CO., - - - J.G. KEITH & CO., - London, England. 202 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. PARKER & MILLEN, 15 Atwater Street, W., Detroit, Mich. 138 Rialto Building, Chicago, Ill. LA SALLE & CO., Board of Trade Building, Duluth, Minn. Are prepared to make rates on all classes of Marine Insurance on the Great Lakes, both CARGOES AND HULLS. ASSETS, - m CHARLES PLATT, President. CAPITAL, Paid up in Cash, - - - é GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. T. HOUARD WRIGHT, Marine Secretary. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 19-21 Cliff St., NEW YORK. MARINE ENGINES, PROPELLER. WHEELS, DECK HOISTERS, MARINE REPAIRS. @ 312 ATWATER STREET, > DETROIT, MICH. ° INCORPORATED 1794. $3,000,000.00 « 10,173,488.90 EUGENE L. ELLISON, Vice President. BENJAIIIN RUSH, Second Vice President. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. L. McCURDY. Manacer. Lake Marine Department, SFOS o.oo. iat"