e Jury 6, 1899. BUFFALO. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. The stock of the recently organized Dominion Steel and Tron Co. is being underwritten in Canada by the Bank of Montreal and the Merchants’ Bank of Halifax. The por- tion of this stock allotted to Canada amounts to $5,000,000, and the greater part has been taken up by prominent Cana- dian capitalists in Montreal and Toronto. Word was received here on Tuesday that Capt. Henry Root late of the steamer Reynolds died at his home in Per- rysburg near Toledo, on Monday. Capt. Root had a stroke of paralysis a couple of weeks ago while in charge of his boat and it was then thought that the attack would prove fatal. The Reynolds was in the Wabash R. R. line between this port and Toledo. Since the death of Robert H. Hebard, the former general ~ manager of the ‘‘Soo”’ line of boats,there has been a good deal of talk as to his successor. The selection of Mr. Hebard’s son would be the logical one. He was associated with his father for several years—in fact, since his father took charge of the ‘‘Soo”’ line, and knows every detail of the business. He is a bright young man, and has the vessel interests at heart. The tug trust appears to have captured Buffalo sure enough, though some of the tug owners here denied it at first. It is not a complete deal yet, but will be. The prop- erty here will be appraised. Then the two lines will be wiped out and a single office will take care of all the work. This means that the running force and office expenses will be cut down materially, for there will be required only a superintendent, a bookkeeper and a night watchman. Otherwise there will be little change. It has been possible to get the Buffalo lines into the deal only because they were not satisfied with their earnings. It is said that towing rates will not be advanced. Capt. Hugh McIntyre, of the steamer, Ongiara, one of the Niagara Navigation Co.’s fleet, which plies between ~ Queenstown, Lewiston, and Niagara Falls, has been sum- moned to appear before the magistrate at Niagara for an alleged violation of the Lord’s Day Act in running on Sun- days. The complainant is said to be a ferryman, who con- ducts his own business on Sunday, but claims the privilege as aferryman, the captain will contest the case on the ground, among other things, that the Ontario Lord’s Day Act, which attempts to prohibit Sunday excursions, is not within the competence of the Ontario Legislature; that the Lord’s Day Act was in force at the time of Confederation, and cannot be extended by the Provincial Legislature; and that the Niagara river is the property of the Dominion. The Ongiara has been running on Sunday for years. An excellent and righteous way to ‘‘save the Sabbath’’ is to get the boats on the lake so that no work need be done on Sunday. This port, and I suppose all other lake ports for that matter, have had to figuré on this basis twice this week on account of the glorious and soul inspiring Fourth. This day is the holy of holies, nor is the patriotic Patrick very much averse to having the‘Fourth of July, over his eye,”’ if only for the interestin’ fayture of the day, be gob; so the boats were rushed, or as many of them as could be, until they were ready to leave port and be done with. It must be quite a study to keep half a dozen charter-seeking boats winging their way so as to obviate the necessity of spending, or rather losing a Sunday in port. Chess playing, or even settling the fate of nations is not a circumstance compared to the hornswoggling calculations rendered imperative and -absolutely necessary to keep boats moving during the thirty to forty Sundays and other holidays that come around dur- “ing the season of navigation. It is skillfully accomplished though, some way or another. oO Oo FLOTSAM, JETSAM AND LAGAN. Albert Voetsch, a deckhand on the tug Annie R. Heness, fell overboard, on Wednesday, while the tug was in Portage River, and was drowned. Among the visitors to Cramps’ shipyard Philadelphia last week was A. Denny, of Dumbarton, Scotland, a member of the well known shipbuilding firm of William Denny & Bros. Mr. Denny is completing a tour of the world. George T. Smith, formerly of Jackson, Mich., has pur- chased the remains of the old warship Chesapeake, which was captured by the British in Boston harbor in 1812, and will use the timber in the mills he will exhibit at the Paris exposition. : : Gilbert Turner was drowned in the river off Port Huron, on Wednesday morning. He was fishing from a skiff and attempted to catch a tow with the steamer Queen City. The skiff was capsized. He leaves a widow and one child. An attempt will be made to recover the remains. Portland, Ore., claims to have the fastest stern-wheel - steamboat in the world. The Hassalo, recently completed for the Columbian River trade, has made spurts of 26 2-3 miles an hour. She is 186 feet long, with a tubed boiler 8 feet in diameter, and compound engines of over 3,000 horse- wer. : ~ ‘The American Ship Windlass Co., is as busy as it has _ beenatany time in the past several decades. Among the many steam vessels they are furnishing the “Providence” windlasses and capstans are the four big Morgan Liners and the two steamers building for the Cromwell Line by the Newport News Shipbuilding and DryDock Co. This com- pany is also building the windlass for the magnificent five ousand ton freight and passenger ship under course of con- struction by the Cramps for the Plant Line. THE MARINE RECORD. |___Screen A Eee Ne ee ene Wm. Lute, of Marine City, Mich., and Hayes Finkel, of Bay City, two sailors, who were stealing a ride on a Lake Shore train, on Monday, received serious injuries. They were on the platform of the forward coach, and just east of Huron, O., were either knocked off the train or were oo and jumped. Lute will probably die. Finkel will live. Lamp & Stoakes, Catawba Island fishermen, have just launched at Vermillion a small tug that they use in the fish trade between Sandusky and Erie. The tug has been chris- tened Alberta T. She is 46 feet over all and 12 feet beam, and power will be furnished by a 25 horse-power gasoline engine, built by the Underwood Motor Company,of Sandusky. The Columbia Iron Works and Drydock Company is pre- paring to launch a steamer for the Hartford and New Haven Transportation Company. She is a twin-screw, steel pas- senger steamer, 255 feet long, 45 feet beam and 13 feet depth of hold. She will accommodate 250 passengers and is to equal in speed any vessel on Long Island Sound. She will be equipped with electricity. The Columbia Company also has on the ways a 150 foot steel tug for the Consolidation Coal Company, the 28-knot torpedo boat Tingey, the revenue service steamer Seminole for New York harbor, and the submarine torpedo boat Plunger. LETTERS AT DETROIT MARINE POST OFFICE JULY 5, 1899. To get any of these letters, addressees or their authorized — agents will apply at the general delivery window or write to the postmaster at Detroit, calling for “‘advertised’’ matter, giving the date of this list and paying one cent. Advertised matter is previously held one week awaiting delivery. It is held two weeks before it goes to the Dead Letter Office at Washington, D. C. Austin, J. E., Str. Alcona. McKenzie, Geo, Str. America. Brown, John, Sch. Fulton. McDonald, Peter. : Beck, Robt. McKenzie, John, Str. Sparta, Bladdie, Fred., Str. Pabst. Olander, Vic., Str. Glasgow (2) Breen, Jas., Str. Superior Philips, Oliver. hes City. Reid, M. J., Str. Rose (2). Cartwright,C.,Str.Fletcher. Stewart,Hattie, Str.North Land, Corner, John. Siegmund, Jno., Str. Superior Donaldson, E. H. City. a Ellery, Geo. Schwartz, Harry. Emmons, Chas., Str. Sitka. Schronrock, C. H. iets: Heldt, Aug. Surles, Jas., Str. Fulton. : Irvine, L. H. Stokle, Harold. Klink, John, Str. Glasgow. Mitchell, Jno. McKenna, Felix, Str. Raleigh. Thompson, Chas., Sch. Athens. — Tinney, Marion. A Zunker, Herman. HALF-YEARLY SHIPBUILDING REPORT. The Bureau of Navigation, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C., assigned official numbers to the following tonnage built at lake ports during the six months ended June 30th, 1899: ates STEAM. TONNAGE. A NAME WHERE BUIL‘. HoME Port. GROSS. NET. IW Meyers 28 ores 94 64 Benton Harbor, Mich........-. Milwaukee, Wis............... mpbellascn ims tcc tecm oe ohare 9 6 Asiilanid) Wi8i5o5. cet Sk Marquette, Mich. ............. Wan Ws 7 Maller ne) 8 ToledoOei3 ae ek eee Toledo; Ota eee Sere Milendaleecer nace ae on 50 32 Grand Rapids, Mich........... Grand Haven, Mich. .......... NT SAK Han tage o25 Sei 4,661 3,116 Cleveland, O} 3. er ee Cleveland; On ce Pennsylvanian... co 22 oa: 4,840 3,604 Lorain, Oregon Cleveland) :Qi 2 era ee PPizae Strong ater onc: 781 614 Tonawanda, N. Y.............. Buffalo; No Veen 2 eee Made Bie oir es Be eae aes 98 67 Marine City, Mich cio: se Pt. Huron; Mich. = 22s Henry We Olivetin. 6 cincscn ne 4,909 3,617 Lorain On eae ee Cleveland; Ox 245), ia Pennsylvania: o3 7S 747 420 Wyandotte, Mich.............. Brie Paes ete eee Aopinibe we sale eis ace as 16 13 Charlevoix, Mich... ........... Grand Haven, Mich. .......... Z Murekag yo ae oe eee 2,122 1,399 Lorain oO so Cleveland, 0.27223 ae ‘ PUNOIG cee coe ae 2,427 1,468 @hicapo, Sly o a. ie ee Chicago, Hl; 243 a eee ? NIASATAS fos) eu occ, shee 36 24 Grindstone, Ind. 5, 7.22... 2. Cape, Vincent, N.vWo. ea = * Rebuilt, formerly the N. K. Fairbank. SAIL AND: Tow. SiO. COi NO: 86sec oo ee I, 102 954 West Superior, Wis............ Chicago, Tl e375 ee ett Takesidel ss sista ae i 39 32 Mt. Clemens, Mich............ Detroit; Michs 5 cee ats Sheps Steere, Sa 10 Io Alexandria Bay, N. Y.......... Cape Vincent, Ny Vos 4 oe IN VAD Scat, ch ene aie Ecce te 6 6 Chicago: Eas i ee ees Chicago, Why so 03 Si eee d Bonwie: Boy oo. 22. 22s 5s oes ct 21 19 Charlevoix, Mich.............. Grand Haven, Mich............ : Dord, 8 i 10 Io Alexandria Bay, N. Y.......... Cape Vincent, N.-Y..,......... eddy Re rie). Guana ese pas Bere aite) 10 Alexandria Bay, N. Y.......... Capé Vincent, N. Vii. 3. 6 ke Gantiagorso4. were eee crak 2,600 2,525 West Bay City, Mich. ......... Port Huron, Mich.......... ee NiO ain ciye eee oe teen as 12 10 Au Sable, Mich:............. «|. Port Huron, Mich: 2.2.25. )4 Ss -UNRIGGED VESSELS. Osborne oka soe oe II5 II5 Duluth, Minny so.0 4) 62G5 a8 Duluth, Minn soso 2s see INOHMSIO MR Ate See ae ee 169 169 W. Superior, Wis.............. Duluth, Minn.) .02.4... Seog INO: BOM awe cal. pee aes 167 167 W.2Superior, “Wisi. nikcae ce Duluth; Minn, 3: 23222. ee Cin Geo. H. Striker.....,......... 31 a5 Buitalo, Nevins aa Buffalo; Ne Vive oe ee oe 3 Bue Oe Be NOU TQa pase nb uesynte ete 354 354 Buffalo, NeW isc. sees ees Buffalo Ns Vor he ees eg ee ae, The foregoing table shows a total of 29 craft, having an aggregate gross tonnage of 25,446, or 18,314 net tons, 14 steamers of 20,800 gross and 13,902 net tons, showing a mean for each craft of 1,486 gross tons. Nine vessels classed under sail and tow, having a mean of 423 tons, or a totalof 3,810 gross and 3,576net tons, Six vessels, classed as unrigged, showing a mean tonnage of 139 and a gross of 836 tons. officially known to the government as being built at lake ports during the first half of the present year, we may add, however, that the latter half-yearly report will show a vast increase over the figures herewith submitted. divided as follows: The foregoing are all the vessels : A WRONG IMPRESSION. The following quotation is what we hear and read through the Commissioner of Navigation sending out to newspapers an advanced report of the national shipbuilding during the past year. ‘The United States Bureau of Navigation considers the John Smeaton, now nearing completion at the Superior shipyard, the most notable vessel of the year, and probably the largest ‘‘fore and aft’’ vessel ever built. The Smeaton’s gross tonnage is 5,049, while the largest sea-going vessel built in Europe last year was 3,214 tons. The general public does not fully apprehend the magnitude of lake shipping or realize the fact that the largest and best freight carriers afloat are on the great inland seas.’’—Evening Telegram, Superior, Wis. It is a very unfair comparison and highly misleading to class over-sea sailing vessels in the same category as lake- built tow barges. The Smeaton may be a ‘‘fore and aft’ vessel, as we presume she has two ends, but, if the Bureau of Navigation wanted to convey the intelligence that she is a fore and aft rigged sailing schooner, it is densely ignorant regarding the nomenclature of the rig of vessels. A RECLUSE. He lost a million at Monte Carlo and now he lives with the bears. A very swell Englishman’s engraved card bears the following legend: “Mr. H. W. Evenden, Compement d’Ours Island, Lake Huron.” The island is commonly | known as “Commodore,” but it is really as above, which — translated means “‘bear’s camping place.” It is situated in Bear Lake, an arm of Georgian Bay, and quite near Ameri- ~ can waters. There Mr. Evenden has erected a pretentious castle on a promontory overlooking a grand expanse of sea — and mountain and lives the secluded life of an English gen- tleman. A story among the natives, few and far between, is to the effect that Mr. Evenden inherited a title and a mill- ion dollars. In one round at Monaco he lost all but $150,000, — and then fled to the wilds of the new world, where he is — the wonder of the pioneers and where he says he is close to. _ the only real honest thing in the world—nature.—News, Sault Ste. Marie. Se — THE granting of subsidies to Japanese shipowners means something like the immediate placing of eighteen ships on the stocks. These vessels will be of at least 6,000 tons, steam-.— ing between 15 and 17 knots. They are to run to European ports, to San Francisco and Seattle, and -will no doubt’ give substantial effect to the object of the subsidies, namely, — the encouragement of Japanese trade. z