JULY 20, 1899. THE MARINE RECORD. 13 NOTICE TO MARINERS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—NORTHERN LAKES AND RIVERS. OFFICE OF THE LicH?t-HousE BOARD, WASHINGTON, D. C., July 13, 1899. PRESQU'ILE FoG SIGNAI, STATION.—Notice is hereby given that, on or about August 1, 1899, a ro-inch steam whistle will be established in the structure recently erected on the northeasterly shore of Presqu’ile, southerly shore of Lake Erie, about 14 statute miles N. 35° 10’ W. (N.W. % N,) from Presqu’ile Pierhead Light-House (on the outer end of the pier at the entrance to Erie Harbor) and 13 statute miles N. 78° 23’ E. (E. by N.) from Presqu’ile Light-House (on the northerly shore of the peninsula.) Bearings are true. During thick or fogg'y weather the signal will sound blasts ‘of 5 seconds’ duration separated by silent intervals of 25 seconds, thus: TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Silent Silent Blast interval Blast interval 5 sec. 25 sec. 5 sec. 25 sec. MENASHA RIVER LOWER BEACON LiGH’?T.—Notice is hereby given that, on about July 17, 1899, the color of the light at this station, in Little Butte des Morts Lake, head of Fox river, and lower end of the Menasha river, will be changed from white to red, its height will be increased to about 1934 feet above mean lake level, and it will illumin- ate the entire horizon. MENASHA RIVER UPPER BEACON LIGHT.—wNotice is hereby given that, on or about July 17, 1809, the color of the light at this station, in Lake Winnebago and at the head of the Menasha river, will be changed from white to red, its height will be increased to about 19% feet above mean lake level, and it will illuminate the entire horizon. Tar, Pornt LIGHT STATION. —-Notice is hereby given that, on or about August 1, 1899, the fourth order fixed white light at this station will be discontinued in its present location, near the southerly end of Long Tail Point, and re- established in the structure recently erected in about 10 feet of water on the westerly side of the channel in the southerly end of Green Bay, near the entrance to Fox river. The light will illuminate the entire horizon. The focal plane of the light will be 38% feet above mean lake level, and the light may be seen 134% miles in clear weather, the observer’s eye 15 feet above the water. The structure is a square, brick pier, supporting a buff, frame dwelling with white trimmings and a red, pyramidal roof, surmounted by a black, cylindrical, iron lantern. The fog bell will also be moved to the new structure, and, during thick or foggy weather will, as heretofore, be sounded by machinery a single blow every 10 seconds. Bearings (true) and distances of promifent objects from the new structure are: Tail Point Light-House (present station) N. by W. & W., about 4,800 feet (,%, statute mile)> Grassy Island (lower) Light-House, S. by W. 3% W., 148 statute miles. Taiz, Point PILE CLUSTER BEACON LIGHT.—Notice is hereby given that, on or about August 1, 1899, the fixed white lantern light on the westerly side of the dredged chan- nel leading to the mouth of the Fox river, southerly end of Green Bay, will be discontinued. By order of the Light-House Board. FRANCIS J. HIGGINSON, Rear-Admiral, U. S. Navy, Chairman. ro oo SUN’S AMPLITUDES. The following approximate amplitudes of the Sun’s rising will be given each week in this column during the season of navigation. A second bearing may be taken by compass at sunset, by reversing the east bearing given for the nearest latitude, as the change in declination for a few hours makes but a slight difference in the true bearing of the Sun’s set- ting. The bearing may be taken when the Sun’s center is on the horizon, rising or setting. The three elements which may be obtained by taking these amplitudes are the quanti- ties known as local attraction, variation and deviation. LAKE ERIE AND S. END LAKE MICHIGAN, LAT. 42° N. Sunrise. Amplitudes. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. WUtlyst 2 Ted cases By. 28° N. = N.5% HK. =N.E. by E. % E. aly (23 coca BR. 27°N. = N. 55 E. =N.E. by BE. % E. Juliy 26.5. ae: E. 26° N. =N. 55% E. =N. E. by BE. % E. LAKE ONTARIO, S. END HURON AND CENTRAL PORTION LAKE MICHIGAN, LAT. 44° N. Sunrise. Amplitudes. Bearing P’ts, Bearing Comp. Ilya 2, EB, 29° BH: =N. 5% E. =N. E. by E. 3% E. Vtlty23 eee ae BE. 28° N. = N. 5% KE. =N. E. by E. % E. Juve 2Or can as E. 27° N. = N. 5% E. =N.E. by E. % E. N. END LAKES HURON AND MICHIGAN, LAT. 46° N. Sunrise. Amplitudes. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. aly ens Sass E..30° N. = N. 5% E. =N. E. by HE. % E. Valves Daren: E. 29° N. = N. 5% HE. =N. E. by E. % KE. Vly 26s es EF. 28° N. = N. 5% EK. =N.E. by E. YE. LAKE SUPERIOR, LAT. 48° N. Sunrise. Amplitudes. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. alyssa ates Hy. 35° Ni ="N. 54 EH. = Ni B. by B&B. ialys 23 eee EH. 30° N. =N. 5% HE. =N. E. by E. % E. Jatlys 26nec sce H. 29° N. = N. 5% E. =N. E. by E. % Ew With a compass correct magnetic, the difference between the observed and true bearing or amplitude will be the vari- ation for the locality. Should there be any deviation on the course the vessel is heading at the time of taking the bear- ing, the difference between the observed and the true ampli- tude after the variation is applied will be the amount of de- viation on that course. If the correct magnetic bearing is to the right of the compass bearing, the deviation is easterly, if to the left, the deviation is westerly. BUILDING UNDER INSPECTION. The following vessels are being built under inspection of the American Bureau of Shipping, New York, for classifica- tion in the Record of American and Foreign Shipping. At the Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co.’s Works, 4 steamships for Southern Pacific Co. 4oo feet long; 2 steamships for the Cromwell Steamship Co., 400 feet long; steamships for the Pacific Mail Steamship Co., 550 feet ong. At the Wm. Cramp & Sons Ship Building Works, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1 steamship for the Plant Steamship Co., 400 feet long; 3 steamships for the J. D. Spreckels Bros., 400 feet long; 2 steamships for New York & Cuba Mail S. S. Co., 341 feet long. At the Harlan and Hollingsworth Co.,, Wilmington, Del., I steamship for Messrs. Boulton, Bliss & Dallett “Red D Line,’’ 269 feet long; 1 steamship for Boston & Philadelphia S. S. Co’s. Windsor Line, 290 feet long; 2 steamships for N. Y. & Porto Rico S. §S. Co’s. Line, 317 feet long; 1 steam- ship for the Metropolitan S. S. Co., 271 feet long, At the Neafie & Levy Works, 1 tug for Philadelphia & Reading R. R. Co., 157 feet long; 1 steamship for the York River & Chesapeake service, 246 feet long. At the works of J. H. Dialogue, Camden, N. J., 1 steam lighter for the Grasselli Chemical Co., 96 feet long. At the Burlee Dry Dock & Ship Building Co., Port Rich- mond, N. Y., 4 steel barges for the J. B. King Transporta- tion Co., 207 feet long. At the works of Arthur Sewall & Co., Bath. Me., 2 steel sailing ships for their own account, 328 feet long. At Lewis Nixon’s shipyard, Elizabethport, N. J., 1 steel steam yacht, for Tams & Lemoine, 148 feet long. At Erie Basin, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1 steel steam yacht for Tams & Lemoine, 130 feet long. ro or oe EASTERN FREIGHT REPORT. Messrs. Funch, Edye & Co., New York, report the East-_ ern freight situation as follows: The impending advance in grain charters has been estab- lished during the week, and we can at the time of writing report freights to Cork f. 0. at 3s. 6d.; for large vessels, 2s. tod. @ 3s. to picked ports, both from range of loading ports and for August or later loading. A limited enquiry for boats to carry mixed cargoes of oats and heavy grain contin- ues, and some further fixtures might be effected at 2s. 3d. and 2s. 9d. respectively from range of picked ports. The enquiry for grain tonnage beyond August loading is not yet active, nor can at the moment Cork f. 0. vessels be placed at above 3s, 6d. The enquiry for prompt boats from the Gulf appears to have been met at the moment, but the un- usually good figures obtained for prompt steamers has caused an advance in price demanded thence for fall tonnage, and which has been conceded quite freely by charterers. In consequenve of the rather sudden advance in grain charters, owners have of late assumed a waiting attitude, under which timber and deals are momentarily neglected in spite of a fair demand and willingness on the part of charterers to fall in with some adyance over last fixtures. For general pur- poses the demand for steam tonnage continues inactive. There is no actual change in the position of our market for sailing vessels, nor in the causes mentioned as restrict- ing a livelier business, in this line. The enquiry for tonnage continues over all branches, but more particularly concern- ing general cargo or lumber to South America. Rates con- sequently remain very firm, but we can quote no advance. Admiral Crowninshield, chief of the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, has left Washington for Europe to make a personal inspection of the English system of naval bar- racks as substitutes for receiving ships. Square and Hexagon Bars for Bolt Forgings, Pump Piston Rods, Yach a 5 Tensile strength of plates one-quarter inch thick, upward of 78,000 Ibs. per square inch. Torsional strength equal to the best machinery steel. 1 Non-corrosive in sea water. Can be forged at cherry red heat. Round, t Shaftings, etc. Rolled Sheets and Plates for Pump Linings and Condenser Tube Sheets, Centerboards, Fin Keels and Rudders, (Trade-Mark Registered.) > Send for Pamphlet. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 99 John St., NEW YORK. MARINE ENGINES, } : : PROPELLER WHEELS, DECK HOISTERS, ; AEN nN ed 0 leo ee @ & @ 312 ATWATER STREET, SESE STE RESERPINE DETROIT, MICH. ° Chas. E. & W. F. 58 William Street, New York City. 5 and 6 Billiter Avenue, E. C., - ’ Sea BROWN &CO., - - - 202 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. S NSuran¢ PARKER & MILLEN, (5 Atwater Street, W., Detroit, Mich. . | J.G. KEITH & CO., - 138 Rialto Building, Chicago, Ill. | LA SALLE & CO., Board of Trade Building, Duluth, Minn. Are prepared to mcke rates on all classes of Marine Insurance on the Great fi Lakes, both CARGOES AND HULLS, Royal Insurance Building, Chicago, Ill. C. T. BOWRING & CO. London, England. Peck, ASSETS, - - CHARLES PLATT, President. CAPITAL, Paid up in Cash, * - » > GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. T. HOUARD WRIGHT, Marine Secretary. INCORPORATED 1794. Insurance Company of North America $3,000,000.00 10,173,488.90 EUGENE L. ELLISON, Vice President. BENJAIIN RUSH, Second Vice President. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. Lake Marine Department, SEORSE L, McCURDY. Manacen