THE MARINE RECORD. 7 a Fourth of July party from Marine City, Mich., to another point in the United States via a Canadian port. The cap- tain said he did not think he was violating any law inas- much as he touched at a point in Canada en route. An almost incredible shipment left here a day or two ago on the steamer City of Toledo to be re-shipped from Mon- treal where the consignment willbe loaded to an Allan line steamer for delivery at Douglas, Isle of Man. The ship- ment consisted of several tramway trucks to be used ona new service just started in that distant little island. The Wolverine State production may tote along some of those interesting tailless felines for which thatisland is noted. _ The Manhattan and Delaware had a slight conflict regard- ing the ‘‘Rule of the Road”’ in the St. Clair canal on Tues- - day. The Delaware got the worst of it and required assist- ance. The old argument of the RECORD’s that there should - be an up and down-bound canal is once more brought for- ward in this case and there is no reason why another cut should not be made at this point, as the present small and shoal canal is not large enough to pass the entire lower lake tonnage in the busy portion of the season. By the way, this would be the best place to collect statistics of vessel passages, tonnage, etc. L. C. Waldo, manager of the Roby Transportation Co., - which operates some of the largest freighters on the lakes, was asked if his boats were taking any coal to Duluth. “Very little,’? he said. ‘‘Rates will have to advance still | more. *ITwouldn’t pay to stop to loadit. Too much money -_ in grain and ore. Possibly if the rate gets up to 75 cents or _ thereabouts, we might be induced to take up an occasional load. But for the present, uh, uh! We are satisfied as things are now.’”’ Capt. Ed. Peck, president of the Vulcan Transportation Co. said: ‘“They can hustle for tonnage as much as they want to. They’ll get none from me. They had us in the hole last year and they put the screws on. I hope rates will go up to $2. Iwon’t say that I won’t carry ceal for less, but I’d like to see them get a dose of their own ‘medicine. I sent up two boats last year with coal, and they laid at Portage for I9 days before they got an opportunity to discharge their cargoes. Demurrage? Naw. It’s all right for the Lake Carriers’ Association to talk about de- murrage, but their demands don’t amount to a tinker’s dam.’’ Other opinions were of similarimport, ‘‘The coal men made an effort to break the 20-cent rate last year,”’ said Thomas Adams. It looked as if they wanted us to carry the coal for nothing and pay them something for the privilege.”’ CLEVELAND. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. The harbor-master is figuring on the purchase of a steam launch to use in patroling the river. This facility ought to have been established years ago. Capt. W. J. Hunt has been transferred as master of steamer J. B. Neilson in lieu of Capt. Harvey Gunderson, who takes - charge of one of the larger Bessemer boats. Capt. Ben Tripp will pilot the yacht Manitou on a month’s -eruise on Lake Superior. Mr. Louis Cowles, her owner, has invited a party of friends to enjoy the trip with him. Work on the schooner Sophia Minch, ashore near Ashta- pula, is being carried on under the superintendence of Capt. Gerlach, manager of the Minch fleet, and she will likely be dry docked in a few days. [a Salle & Co., Duluth, report that August is usually the dullest month for grain shipments of the season. Freights steady at 234 cents to Lake Erie and 2% cents to Midland. - here has been no September charters made at 4 cents as reported. Several other bodies from the foundered steamer Olwill have been recovered and identified this week. The late owners of the Olwill have had tugs constantly cruising in the locality in an effort to sight and recover the bodies of - those who were lost. Opposition, or competition, is still being felt by the large tug companies here. The independent line brought in a - new tug this week from Detroit named the Delta, and she steams fast enough as well as being powerful enough to ~ catch a tow when she wants it. The Plain Dealer marine man in reporting the list of ar- rivals and clearances insists on naming side-wheelers and twin-screw boats as steamers, and all other vessels using steam, as propellers. I suppose, though, that they are all ‘being propelled one way or another. The officers of the Detroit & Cleveland Steam Navigation Co. say that the street car strike is materially affecting its excursion business. Since the street car men took another notion to go out the crowds attending the moonlight lake rides and other excursions have decreased, ffaicial inquiry regarding the foundering of the wooden = Sai Blesearet Olwill, has been held by. the local inspec- tors of steamboats, and their report submitted to Washing- ~ ton. Messrs. De Wolf and McGrath, the local inspectors of the U.S. Steamboat Inspection Service at this port are strict, skilled and impartial in all the duties of their office. steel cargo boat Coralia, Capt, Cummings, is making record time of it. Two cargoes from Escanaba in one week is somewhat remarkable. Capt. Cummings must have a good boat, also a pusher of an engineer and a deck watch second to none. Of course, he has the best sort of spatch, just as all the other fellows have these times. The large, Ashtabula is credited: with more ore cargoes Tuesday than the total receipts at Cleveland, Fairport, Conneaut and Lo- rain. If Ashtabula continues to get the bulk of the ore there is no doubt about her retaining the title of the largest ore receiving port in the world. The receipts Tuesday: Ashta- bula 14, Cleveland 6, Fairport and Lorain three each, and Conneaut one. The Canadian harbor works items which were presented with the other estimates for the current fiscal year are: $150,- ooo is to be expended in Port Colborne harbor improve- ments and $300,000 at Montreal; Rondeau harbor, dredging bar at entrance and basin and to complete repairs to piers, $10,500; Point Pelee Island wharf, $5,000; Sault Ste. Marie, dredging at lower entrance channel to canal, $20,000. Mr. Walter Miller, consulting engineer, marine and mie- chanical, also surveyor for new and repair work on vessels, etc., agent for the Bethlehem Iron Co.—steel forgings— Penn Steel Casting & Machine Co., and the Baldt Anchor Co., stockless anchors, has removed to more commodious offices at 406-407 Perry-Payne building. Mr. Miller takes this occasion to thank his many patrons for their past favors and solicits their further orders at his new address. Capt. Murch, who superintended the building of the cargo fleet of the Northern line steamers, built the ferry steamers Duluth and Superior now in service on the Euclid Beach route and who is one of the most experienced shipmasters on the lakes, has been appointed superintendent of the Northern line docks at this port. Capt. Murch is here the right man in the right place and his duties as well as au- thority, will no doubt, be greatly extended in the future. The managers of the Consolidated Tug Company have closed several deals this week and taken over the whole property of some of the tug lines. It is likely that by the end of the month all the tug companies on the lakes will be under the one management. Capt. James Davidson, W. A. Collier and T. F. Newman are members of the valuation and purchasing committee. The two latter will also likely be the officers of the consolidation when it is placed on a work- ing basis. ’ Silas H. Hunter, a well known marine engineer, had a three column yarn in last Sunday’s Leader. The story is supposed to be written on the steamer William Chisholm by “Si?’ to his father in Erie, Pa., and is full of funniosities. Silas is a good engineer; at least, I’ve been told so; his father is a sailor from the ground up, but where the scrib- bling propensity springs from I have not yet learned. How- ever, there isa young lady—the captain’s daughter—as a central figure in the cuffer. Ashtabula and Erie ore shovelers are on strike this week for an increase of pay. Hard ore, and untrimmed at that, they consider worth a raise of a couple of cents per ton to discharge. It takes harder work, and more of it, to get skin when ore is left untrimmed and piled up in the hatchways. The strike fever is prevalent anyway, and most everyone feels like striking, if not for one thing, then another. A prominent vessel owner asked his lawyer it he wouldn’t ac- company him on a sttike this week. The idea is to let’s all strike. The Brown Hoisting & Conveying Machine Co., which builds specially designed cranes for shipyards, has recently added to its orders in this line a contract from Vickers’ Sons & Maxim, of England, for four balanced cantilevers of the shipbuilding kind. Two of the cranes will be mounted on the recently patented Brown steel truss, while the remaining two will be placed on the ground. The Brown Company has also received from the Austrian government a contract for a shipbuilding crane to be erected at the government yards at Triest, Austria. There was a little strike this week of the ore handlers on the Erie dock. ‘The rule is for the first boat in the river to take precedence at the discharging berth and the men got mixed about the arrival of two vessels, one of which there was more money in than the other. Mr. Coulby, manager of the marine department for Pickands, Mather & Co., proprietors of the dock, had his superintendent explain the situation to the ore handlers, and, when the atmosphere was thus cleared they returned to work better satisfied than ever. Mr. Coulby is to be congratulated for his reasonable method of treating labor and thus avoiding long and bitter drawn out disputes between employer and employe. Capt. James Corrigan has purchased, through Capt. W. C. Richardson, a fleet of four wooden vessels formerly owned in Detroit. The steamers Iron Age, Duke, Chief and con- sort Cliff are all about 1,100-ton boats, built in 1880 and 81, and all are on their first letter with a valuation of about $170,000. Capt. James Millen, as manager of the Detroit Transportation Co., kept this fleet of boats in excellent order, giving them such periodical repairs and new work as to keep them in the list of first-class tonnage, though, of course their small size and age is against them. This is an evidence of how busy the lake shipyards are and the diffi- culty experienced in getting metal, as otherwise Capt. Cor- rigan would no doubt have placed orders fora couple of 5,000-ton steel built vessels. The transfer gives this port quite an additional little fleet and they have plenty of work for the season. Capt. Corrigan also purchased two other wooden tow barges. Visiting the offices of the local inspectors of steamboats this week, I asked about the recent editorial in the MARINE RECORD, treating on the ‘‘Great Lakes Shipwreck and Hu- mane Society,’ and what the officers in charge thought about it? They were loud in their praises of such an institu- tion, and wondered why it had never been started before. A case in point. Quite a few years ago a captain of a- schooner picked up about twenty passengers after their steamer had collided with another vessel. He gave every stitch of his clothes to the naked passengers, also his provi- sions, courtesy, etc. This man is a living witness that after expending over $100 in actual cash, volunteering life and limb in the effort to rescue as many as possible, he has not, as yet, received a thank you, nor did any of his crew. The RECORD ought to proceed on in its good work in this direc- tion, and have people recognized. This is what some of the vessel owners here, tell me. ee FLOTSAM, JETSAM AND LAGAN. In the Federal Court at Houghton, Mich., last week the first of four damage suits, aggregating claims of $952,500 against the Diamond Match Co., was brought to trial. The — Diamond Match Co., it is alleged, obstructed the naviga- tion of the Ontonogon river with 50,000,000 feet of logs. ' The vessel in which Columbus discovered America and attained immortality was small, but it was a leviathan, in substantiality at least, compared with the aluminum piece of marine bric-a-brac with whom Sir Thomas Lipton is com- ing over to discover the America cup.—The Globe, Toronto, Mayor Gilchrist, of Alpena, Mich., has made a hobby of rearing first-class carrier pigeons. They are given trial trips as homing birds by being released from passenger steamers on the Lake Huron route. Marine men visiting Alpena take much pleasure in viewing Mr. Gilchrist’s choice set of birds. According to his sworn duty when granted a license, an engineer reported that his tug was not fit to be. taken away from the dock on account of the poor condition the boiler was in. The management disagreed with him and as aresult he sacrificed his position. The engineer to be loyal to his employer can’t be an informer against him. \ The Pennsylvania Naval Reserve was organized in 1893, and similar organizations are now found in 20 states—Cali- fornia, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, — North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, District of Columbia, Missouri and Oregon. The steambarge Trader was the first steambarge built to carry lumber on the lakes. She was built at Marine City by Philip Rice. barge built on the lakes. -She was built by F. Lester at Marine City in 1866. She was owned when burnt by J. C. Miller, Capt. Wm. Tomlin and Engineer Hubert Manion. All of the owners were aboard when she caught fire. The purchaser of the four-masted steamship Norseman, which ran ashore on the rocks on Marblehead Neck last March while bound from Liverpool to Boston, and was sub- sequently floated and temporarily repaired, is A. V. Kaiser, of Philadelphia, and the price $17,250. The sale includes all her stores, three hundred tons of coal and four lifeboats. Mr. Kaiser, the purchaser, is a dealer in iron and steel. The vessel will be taken to Philadelphia and broken up for~™ old metal. It has been reported that Samuel Mather, of Cleveland, will be the president of the new Great Lakes Towing Co.; that IT. F. Newman, at present general manager of the Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Co., will be the secretary and treasurer, and that W. A. Collier, manager of the Cleveland Vessel Owners’ Towing Co., will be general manager. The two latter gentlemen are closely identified with the organi- zation and are doing the greater part of the preliminary work, but who the officers are to be is not yet definitely known. Steamboat travel on the Ottawa River is decidedly cheap <a at present in consequence of the rate war between the Ottawa River Navigation Company and the smaller com- ~ panies. A trip to Thurso and return, a distance of 60 miles, may be made for 5 cents. The steamer Princess Louise, own- ed by E. A. Johnston, of L’Orignal, holds on for 25 cents — for the return trip from Ottawa to Thurso, and itis appar- ently an endeavor to drive off this boat that the Naviga- tion Company has reduced the rate on the steamer Victoria to five cents. “How can IJ get an article in your paper?’’ asked a.corres- pondent of a western journal. ‘‘It all depends on the article you want to get into our paper,’’ replied the editor. ‘If the article is small in bulk, like a hair brush or a tea caddy, spread the paper out upon the floor, and placing the article in the center, wrap it up carefully folding the edges over it, and tie with a string. This will keep the article from slip- ping out of the paper. If, on the other hand, the article is _ an English bathtub or a clothes horse, you would better not try it at all.’’—Harper’s Bazaar. , Knapp’s roller steam boat or cylinder which was ashore on Lake Ontario, is now on her way to Prescott, where she will be remodeled for experimental purposes, and itis ex- pected she will be able to make 15 miles an hour. The re- modeling will consist of a shortening the craft from 110 feet to 94 feet, and placing the engine fairly in the center amid- ships. This will prevent the possibility of the fire being put out by the water coming in at the ends, as it does at present. The engine will be compounded, and directly connected to the cylinder by means of spur gearing, doing away with the power of gravity by which this boat is driven. On the out- side skin, floats are to be placed the whole lenght of the ship, 4% inches deep, thus strengthening the outside shell, as well as giving a larger propelling surface. The steamer Salina was the second steam-