14 THE MARINE RECORD. Aucus?t 3, 1899. Prominent Fueling Firms--Docks and Lighters. MAIN OFFICE: Long Distance Telephone, [ain 5049. = No.1, Michigan Slip and Basin. FU E L DOC KS . No.2, N. Halstead St. Bridge. *Phone'773, North. = Equipped with 125 2-ton Buckets for FUEL LIGHTER: *“” : ucling anywhere in Harbor Steamboat Fuel at Chicago. YOUGHIOGHENY and LEHIGH COAL CO. J. T. CONNERY, [lanager. 1238-1242 Chicago Stock Exchange Building. SF ARCHIE J. HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt- 110 LA SALLE STREET. ’Phone 3046, Main. Steamboat Fuel at Cleveland. THE PITTSBURGH & CHICAGO GAS COAL CO. J. A. DONALDSON, Manager. OFFICE: 420-425 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING. N. J. BOYLAN, Fuel Manager. TELEPHONE, MAIN 1888. FUEL DOCKS: 322 355 RUSE WGP ier dtecl” J TAM eaEige, FU E. L LI G H ai E. R : 300 Tons Capacity; Fuel Anywhere in the Harbor. WE PRODUCE OUR YOUGHIOGHENY COAL, AND GUARANTEE QUALITY. PICKANDS, MATHER & GO, PIG IRON. | IRON ORE AND COAL. at BUFFALO, ERIE, ASHTABULA, ano CLEVELAND. FUEL LIGHTERS WESTERN RESERVE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. THe W. L. Scott Company, ERIE, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Shamokin=Wilkes Barre ANTHRACITE. Youghiogheny, Mansfield; PITTSBURG. Vessel Fueling a Specialty 3 by steam lighter or car dump, at all hours. Electric light. MAIN OFFICE: Cana Dock. SUELING OFFICE’ At DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equipped with PA. Scott Bock. Lone DISTANCE ’PHONE 440. Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, t Quality. Shute capacity of 600 Tons. Large Supplies of Best Q cl Best Quality PITTSBURGH COAL furnished at any time during Day or Night. LIGHTER carrying different grades at all times. General Office: Erie, Pa. Long Distance ’Phone 409. coals LonGc DistTaNce ’PHONE 320. ELECTRIC LIGHT. M. A. HANNA & Co. COAL, IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Fuel scow with elevators and discharging spouts. Storage of 630 tons. Discharges 150 tons an hour into steamers while unloading cargo. MINERS AND SHIPPERS. Man Orrice, Perty-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, 0, Youghiogheny River Coal Co. MINER AND SHIPPER OF OCEAN MINE YOUGHIOGHENY GAS AND STEAM COAL. Shipping Docks: Ashtabula, 0. Long Distance ’Phone 76. Vessets Fuetep at att Hours with OCEAN coat onty, BY STEAM LIGHTER OR CAR DUMP Use the Vanduzen Steam Jet... THE BEST STEAM JET PUMP IN THE WORLD, using the least steam, Its cost is a little more than = | for fires on steam vessels. $25.00, will force water aof hose and throw a 3/-inch solid stream of fail as long as there is water at end of suction pipe. It will not freeze. Has no valves, Every pump guaranteed. illustrated catalogue. THE E.W. VANDUZEN CO., CINCINNATI, 0. | Procured on Inventions and Designs. Prints and Trade Marks Registered. PATENTS Sixteen Years’ Experience. R, W. BISHOP, - Washington, D. C, It pumps the most water | the common syphon, but will | use only one-third the quan- | tity of steam; and it takes | coal (? of $).to make steam, | The only reliable Jet Pump | A No. 7 Pump, costing | i CLEVELAND HARBOR.—Car Dumper; Eight Pockets, 1000 Tons Capacity; Lighter through 50 feet | | DETROIT RIVER BRANCH.—Ambherstburo: Four Pocketss Three Steam Derricks | SANDWICH—Fourteen Pockets and Two Steam Derricks, ve water 75 feet } from end of nozzle without | | GOOD Ask your ship chandler for | them, or write to us for | Labels, } The Cuddy=[{ullen Coal Co. sees? STEAM COAL Shippers of FUELING DEPARTMENT FACILITIES. ¢ « 9 ¥ “SOO” RIVER BRANCH.—Two=§ Docks, (Formerly Known as the Anthony and Watson Docks,) Equipped with Pockets and Steam Derricks, COURTEOUS ATTENTION QUICK COAL. DISPATCH. General Offices, Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. DONNELLY CoNTRACTING Co. s96 ELLICOTT SQUARE, BUFFALO, N. Y CONTRACTORS AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, HARBOR AND CANAL WORKS, ETC. Simplest, Strongest and most Reliable. Changed from Steam to Hand or back by one lever in less than one Second. BUILT BY Pawling & Harnischfeger, Tilwaukee, Wis. to. 8 Seck Patent {ii team and |i Hand Steering (i ear, "fs U.S. Hydrographic Office Charts, Books o Sailing Directions, Etc., are for sale at the office of The Marine Record, Western Reserve Building, Cleveland.