THE MARINEJRECORD. Craig Ship Buildi TOLEDO, OHIO. Ss New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide Metal =: = on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet f water on sill. 7 ane Wooden Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships fee Ship Builders. a Specialty. Simpson Dry-Dock Go. | Safety Hollow Staybolts General Contractors and Consulting Engineers, Guaranteed to meet Govern- oe MANUFACTURED FROM BUILDERS OF ment Specifications an BES QUALITY STEEL Simpson’s Patent Dry-=Dock, | ‘smi. cAaTD, OR CHARCOAL IRON, 35 BROADWAY, NEW YORK: FALLS HOLLOW STAYBOLT CO., . Write for Samples and Prices. Cuyahoga Falls, Ou ioe THE BEST BOOK OF ATIERICAN LAKE SHIPPING. i i ildi Co BEESON'S MARINE DIRECTORY FOR 1899,|~-UPerion Ship Building Co A cloth bound, gilt embossed volume of 260 pages, containing alphabetically arranged lists of all American steam and sail vessels on the Northwestern Of all Classes built on shortest possible notice at our yards at lakes, giving tonnage, length, breadth and depth of each, place and year of build, and nameand address of managing owner. These lists are the originals WEST SUPERIOR, WIS., and also at EVERE I I ; WASH published annually and are not taken from other publications. Their correct- ness is all that can be possibly obtained in a technical work. Many miscellaneous features are comprehended inits contents. Among them a list of American lake ports, with description of each, numbering over two cSt Mt ote PHOTOGRAPH OF 300-FOOT BOAT IN DOCK. 5 hundred. Mailed to any address, postage prepaid, on receipt of subscription, $5.00. ee er Best ateria. Quality of ° THIRD FLOOR, WESTERN RESERVE The Marine Record, juinine, cueverann, o. always on Oak in — hand to Stock repair all fos. i238 LIFE BOATS. YAWLS. _ LIFE RAFTS. Pings Repairing (eSensecrenceaerne aa TPES poturumermment! ramen eres ates ETAL Metal Wooden ~ Ships in Vessels s Shortest of all — JETROIT OAT ORKS | t= Classe | DETROIT, MICH. a a \ / AE Ae ME STEEL, IRON AND WOODEN TUGS. fe SIZE OF DOCK eee seth iac Sancte Length, ee xtagnye Padang pean eke 587 feet. Hntrance;Top <\ 4. ntone Sie ee 55 feet 9 in STEAM AND SAIL YACHTS Breadth, Bottom). {00 Sci er De ee a aoe ° LARGEST DRY-DOCK ON THE LAKES. : ; Prices for Repai d Docki . ALL KINDS OF PLEASURE BOATS, FISHING AND HUNTING BOATS, paits anc Locking ae SHELLS, BARGES, GIGS AND CANOES. same as at Lower Lake Ports, «_ SUPERIOR, WIS A Number, of Propeller Wheels in Stock at Dry=Dock. Queen City Patent rrr Queen City Patent! MARINE REPAIRING The © SSS AT MANITOWOC, WIS. Best. Me Meliabie, | The Goodrich Transportation Co. are prepared to do all kinds of Repair Work to Machinery, Union cae saga et ae heat in Also Joiner Work. yj . é pilot house. i 5 Y HH Mgt Made in the U. Goodrich Transportation Company’s Repair Shops Y ANTE aS Has large hand wheel. include complete Carpenter and Tetuer Bide. J SENT Tl rut Can, be changed from New Modern Machine Shop. Blacksmith Shop, BRI, |89 a7 Mnf'd by the power to hand steer- including Steam Hammer, Punch and Shears, Maia bg F. M. Dart ng instantly. etc., Brass Foundry. ——s are A favorite with pilots. Repair Shops are adjacent to Dry Dock and are = : Mf Co equipped with best Modern Machinery. Porta- 9: “A ESS OY ble Electric Drills, etc., complete Electric Power Providence R. Plant for supplying motors on board ships, and Send for circula: Send tor Rolarences. lighting. Night work a specialty. All work in and prices. ae of st ee and skilled mechanics, : : : arges moderate. Twenty-one feet of wat Queen City Engineering Co. slousside of shone. Neca ee ax Pee ue Ue