Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), October 19, 1899, p. 6

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Kanak kK kK oy. GHICAGO. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Grain freights have been strong at 314 cents all week for corn. mentioned to me that about & cent better might prevail by the end of the week. - ‘The dredging in the Calumet river has progressed from One Hundred and Sixth to One Hundred and Tenth street. Work is continuing steadily and it is estimated that One Hundred and Sixteenth street will .be reached before the close of navigation. Western agent George ,J. Harris, of the Canada Atlantic line, said that no farther progress had been made in the negotiations for additional boats for his line. It was reported from Cleveland that the Penobscot would probably be added to the Canada Atlantic fleet. : The Phenix Steamship Co. has changed officers as follows: President, Charles KE. Kremer; vice president, F. T. Bentley; secretary, W. J. Rardon; treasurer and manager, J.J. Rar- don, Capt. James Davidson, of Bay City, retires from the company, having sold his interest. W. H. Cook, of this city, who bought the steamer Cleve- land shortly before she sunk, has sold her to William Moel- ler, the big dealer in cedar. The ‘Cleveland left here Tues- day evening in charge of her new owner, and will be used in. the cedar trade during the balance of the season, The winter session of the Chicago Nautical School opened. The school startsits sessions with pupils from October I. the Atlantic coast, and one from Texas. A sailor on the Pacific coast has signified his intention of joining the school at a later date, taking the nautical course by mail. Mr.°H. F. J. Porter, M. E., will deliver a lecture, illus- trated by stereopticon views, on ‘‘The Position of Forging: in the Arts,’ on Thursday, October.19, at 8 o’clock p. m., before the Political Economy Club of The University of Chicago, in the Lecture Hall of the Haskell Museum. S.S. Burke, owner of the steamer Lawrence, is in Mil- waukee looking for a steamer to run in connection with the Lawrence, on the Milwaukee-St. Joseph course. He is at- tempting to secure a'single deck steamer. with space enough between decks for a general cargo, and the building of cabins for passengers. After being repaired to the extent of $1,500 the steamer Cleveland has been put into service again. She has been in the Miller dry deck since sinking at the mouth of the river amonth ago. Some new planking in her bottom and liberal calking comprised the greater part of the repairs that have made her again lakeworthy. Rush street bridge is being thoroughly repaired and put in shape to take care of the immense amount of traffic that pours over it daily. It is estimated that it will take another fortnight to complete the repairs according to the scale de- cided on. caused delays in both river and street traffic. General Manager Bird, of the Chicago, Saugatuck and Douglas line, has returned from the east, where he has. been examining all the lake steamers available addi- tion to the Chicago-Saugatuck service next- year. The steamer Pennsylvania, which was also sought by the Graham & a Mine, was one of the boats on which an offer was made. Lake receipts of coalin Chicago during September, ac- cording to the report of the bureau of coal statistics, were 60,000 tons less than during September. of last year. Rail receipts, however, gained 70,000 tons over the rail movement of a year ago, thus making a net gain for the month of 10,000 tons in the city’s coal receipts. Total anthracite stocks here are estimated to be 500,000 tons less than at the corresponding time a year ago. Central Freight Association lines have adopted the recom- mendation of the trunk line committee to make a further advance in grain rates on Noy. 1. The rate on export corn from Chicago to New York will be 18 cents per hundred pounds, and on domestic corn 20 cents. Onall other articles of grain or grain product the export rate from Chicago to New York will be 20 cents and the domestic rate 22 cents. The new tariff is the highest made in five years. -The Dunham Wrecking Co. has been unable to recover the Scotch-type boiler from the steamer George W. Morley, which sank off Evanston nearly two years ago. A short time ago the company’s wreckers recovered most of the machinery. Work has been delayed for the past four or five weeks on account of thesevere weather. It is now likely that the boiler, which is the only valuable part of the machin- ery now in the wreck, will be left at the bottom of the lake until next year. A slight advance is now looked for, and a broker * time for next season’s business. ever, that it is quite probable that additions to the fleet for. 1901 will be made, as the company has. averaged an addition The roadway was in bad condition and often: THE MARINE RECORD. Itis understood’ that the deal closed by the Carnegie- Oliver interests with the American Ship Building Co. last week was for six boats instead of five. W. lL. Brown, presi- dent of the American Ship Building Co., announced this week that definite contracts had been closed with the Carnegie people for six large ships. The original announcement mentioned but five. Mr. Brown also stated that negotia- tions were pending for the building of considerable more tonnage, but were not yet closed.§ Lake receipts of coal in Chicago during September, accord- be = Bs - ing to the report of the bureau of coal statistics, were 60,- ooo-tons less than during September of last year. Rail receipts, however, gained 70,000 tons over the rail move- ment of a year ago, thus making a net gain for the month of 10,000 tons in the city’s coal receipts. Total anthracite stocks here are estimated to be 500,000 tons less than at the corresponding time a year ago, and yet it is generally known that Buffalo has shipped all of the anthracite possible even ‘while bidding up lake freight rates all the time. The breach between the Lake Seamen’s Union and the In- ternational Seamen’s Union, which led to.a withdrawal of the former from the latter body last February, has, been healed, and at a recent meeting of the officials of the latter, it was unanimously voted to return. This will reinstate the Lake Seamen to membership in the American Federation of Labor. Though a proposition to advance sailors’ wages 25 cents a day to make them equal to the Milwaukee rate of $3 was voted down, it is likely that this advance will be ordered at the next meeting. The local sdilors secured an advance in wages less than three weeks ago. 5 — The small passenger steamer Minnie M. changed her nationality this week, and is now a Canadian. It is the first change of registry which has taken place in a decade. For several years the Minnie M. has plied between Makinaw and Sault Ste. Marie in the Arnoldline. She is now the property of the Algoma Central Steamship Co. and will run between Sault Ste. Marie and Michipocoten Island. The price: paid was $23,000. The Canadians who bought the steamer are interested in the manufacture of wood pulp. Recently a railroad was built from Michipocoten to'the ‘‘Soo,’’ and the steamer will run in connection with this line. ° eae Among the largest purchases of the Hines Luttiber Co:, of this city, are. the steamer J. D. Marshall and the tow barge Shawnee. The Lake Superior. fleet of the company now consists of three tows—the Santa Maria and. barges Selden FE. Marvin and Wayne, the S. S. Wilhelm and barges Gala- -tea and ‘Nirvana, and the ‘Cormorant and barges ‘Alice B. The company’s Lake- Michigan fleet, Norris and Shawnee. comprises the Louis Pahlow, with barges Delta and Delos L. Filer, the Oscoda with barges Corning and King, and the steamer J. D. Marshall. Vessels under charter to'the com- pany are the Colin Campbell, Isabell J. Boyce, S. K. Mar- tin, Stepenson, Grace Whitney, Levi Rawson, Fayette, City of Chicago, and Bertha Barnes. Officers'of the Goodrich line deny that there is any prob- ability that they will add to their fleet for the season of 1900. The only conditions under which additions will be made ' arethat some first-class passenger boat of proper size and already built be offered: them at a low price. This, they. admit, is not at all likely in view of the high prices ruling, for raw materials and the further fact that shipyards every-. _ where are too busy building freighters on old contracts to take any new contracts for passenger vessels for delivery in The officers admit, how- of one steamer every eighteen months during the last nine ‘years, andis not troubled for money with which to buy Of the nine boats now owned. and operated by the company, : six have been added within, them should traffic demand it. the period named. The company touches. twenty-seven ports and isnot troubled for a place to use an extra vessel, should one become available on acceptable terms, : 2 oro _ CLEVELAND. | Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. The tug Cushing, sunk in the river, has been raised and dry-docked. The Craig Ship Building Co., launched the steamer Porto Rico on Saturday last: Capt. Marion Finney, has been given charge of the steamer Samuel Mather. Capt. J. J. Rardon, the well known vesselman of Chicago, visited this port on Wednesday. The missionary yacht Glad Tidings, Capt, Bundy, stranded on He rocks in Washburn Bay this week and became a total loss. There has been some disturbances on the docks here this week, between organized and non-union labor, firemen, sail- ors, and dockhands, had some light rows, but the vessels were in no instance detained. There now seems no doubt but that Capt. Barry will float the schooner Sophia Minch, ashore near Ashtabula, but it is taking him a good deal of time and expense to do it, how- ever, he has moved her in all about 30 feet. : Fogs have been very prevalent on the upper lakes this month, and considerable detention tan bene pee by a number of vessels. It speaks highly of the way steamers are handled in the lake trade when go few collisions are reported, notwithstanding the thick foggy weather. . to clear with cargo from one Canadian port to another, will liam may be sent forward, and as there are not enough Can- ~ ‘bushels and it is all handled: promptly without any detention “steamers City of Buffalo and City of Erie; unless some un- OCTOBER .I9, 18 f&: Heavy chartering has been done here this week for nex! season, at $1.25 on iron ore from the head of the lakes, Mar. quette $1.15. It is estimated that 15,000,000 tons have be chartered ahead. Capt. Hiram Henderson, owner of the schooner Typo, b gan libel proceedings against the steamer ‘W. P. Ketcham, in the Federal Court on Tuesday, for $8,125.30. The Ket- cham was attached. The action is taken on account of th loss of the schooner Typo, which the Ketcham sank on Lake Huron October 14th. : 2 aes _.The Carnegie Steel Co. has purchased the steel steamer Clarence A. Black. The price is said to be.$360,000. Last spring the Black was sold for $240,000, a big advance on her cost of construction. During boom times in freights, dur ing the present summer, she increased in value, beside earn ing large dividends for her owners. Capt. James I,. Davidson, of West Bay City, has been here looking after the chartering of a number of his vessels for next year. Rumor. hasit that there are, other reasons for his being here at this time which will not now be made known. Itis said that he is dickering to dispose of several boats of his large fleet.. Among others said to be interested is the Hocking Coal Co.. of which N. Monsarrat is president. The complete list of the 31 vessels transferred recently by — the American-Steel Barge Co. to the Bessemer Steamship — Co., is as follows: Steamer Colgate Hoyt, J. L. Colby, E. B. Barlett, A. D. Thompson,.Thomas Wilson, Samuel Mather, — James B. Colgate, John B. Trevor, Frank» Rockefeller and Alexander McDougall; barges 101, 105, 107, 109, 110, III, II5, 116, 117 118, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132; 133, 134, 13 201 and 202. All of the whaleback model. : The Brown Hoisting and Conveying Machine Co., of this — city, are putting up some of the most superb specimens of cantilever cranes ever built. They have completed three cranes for ships being built at Cramps’ shipyard. Loads of 9,000 pounds are lifted 95 feet each side of the center line, — The battleship crane hasa track of 547 feet in all. The cruiser crane is 143 feet Io inches long; maximum load 25,- ooo pounds can be lifted 39% feet from the center line of the ~ trestle. The merchant crane has 15 panels in its trestle, which is 664 ft. long. Its cantilever is 168 feet 10 inches, and — the maximum load of 20,0co pounds can be carried 46 feet each side of the center of the trestle, and loads up to 6,000 © pounds can be moved 78 feet on each side. The Welland canal, from now on until the close of the season. of navigation opened.on Sundays. This infor- — mation was telegraphed to this port by Mr. W. G. Thomp- son, supervising engineer of the Welland canal. The ad- vices were to the effect that commencing with last Sunday the canal would be open on Sundays hereafter, unless other- wise ordered. This is the, usual custom toward the end of the season, when there is such a rush of business that it can- not be carried in the limit of time. It is. also reported that the clause in the coasting laws forbidding American vessels be suspended, so that the large quantity. of grain at Ft. Wil- adian bottoms to do this, American vessels are to be let in to the trade. Se : BUFFALO. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. The usual daily receipts of grain average over a million tothe vessel... ; ERS The lumber shovers’ strike at Tonawanda. is detaining a large quantity of tonnage and there is no present indication — of it being promptly settled. _ : o December 1 will terminate the season for the C. & B. line © foreseen change occurs in the present plans. Owing to the scarcity of the railroad cars the Erie canal is doing a heavy business in grain. Coal rates are steady at — firmer figures with no indication of much of achange. The wooden steamer Shenandoah docked in the Buffalo dry dock this week for general overhauling and repairs. The schooner Plymouth and the steamer Byron Whitaker also dry docked. : There is more talk going the rounds about placing a fleet of passenger steamers between this port and Detroit. No notice seems to be taken of the present excellent service, and men are said to be willing to invest about a million dol- _ lars in starting this new line. The C. & B. line meets the — D. & C. morning boat at Cleveland so that the through route is already in force, to say nothing of the Northern Steamship service carried on by the large twin screw steam- ers North West and North Land. ue For once there is vessel room sufficient to carry all the coal that is offering here. Strange as it may seem, with freights going up as they did, there was a shortage of ton- nage that continued right through the summer. What really forced the shippers to use the lake route at such high rates was the shortage of cars. This still continues to such an extent that there is no chance of improvement. Erie has shipped to date about 50,000 tons more coal this season than last, but the Welland canal route has fallen off more than 30,000 tons. There isa notable dropping off of coal ship- ments to minor ports. More than half the 95,000 tons re- ported for the week went to Chicago, nearly all the rest be- ing divided about evenly between Milwaukee and Duluth, _

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