THE MARINE RECORD OCTOBER 26, 1899. DETROIT. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. oS The fog signal on the dummy light which was discon- : tinued for repairs is in operation again. Capt. Jas. Corrigan, of Cleveland, has bought the steamer John Owen and schooner Michigan from the J. Emory Owen Transportation Co. David Carter, general manager of the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., makes the statement that the D. & C. com- pany has dropped the plan for putting a line of steamers on the Detroit-Buffalo route. Mr. H. W. Oliver, representing the Carnegie Steel Co., visited here this week, and, as the report goes, tried to secure some more tonnage, either by purchase or charter. The Senator is one boat that it is said Mr. Oliver was after, also the new boat building at Wyandotte. ‘ Civil Engineer George Y. Wisner, of Detroit, with the other members of the Deep Waterways Commission, is in “ Montreal. Itis likely the party willinspect the St. Law- ke rence canalsystem. The Canadian department of public : works is affording them every facility for inspection. Be It is learned here that articles of incorporation have been 2 filed with the Secretary of the State of Minnesota, by the = Canada-Atlantic Transit Co., of the United States, capital $250,000, for the Duluth-Ontario trade, by James T. Rose, of Duluth, Harry lL. Moore, of Minneapolis, William H. Burk, Hiram F. Stevens, and William R. Sache, of St. Paul. The Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries sends out a notice this week that the steam fog alarm at Pointe Pelee, ‘Lake Erie, has been temporarily discontinued, pending re- pairs to the boilers. It isto be hoped that the Dominion Government will not be lax in having these repairs executed as Pointe Pelee controls, in a measure, Lake Erie tonnage. aye The thirty days ending with Oct. 15 made up the busiest month in the history of the marine branch of the Detroit post office. The number of vessel passages was 3,156 and 20,536 pieces of mail were delivered to them and 10,311 col- lected. Oct. 12 was the big day. In twelve hours 103 ves- Thee passed and 1,078 pieces of mail were tossed on board of them. The steamer Panther and the schooner Massasoit were sold this week by the Union Safe Deposit Company to William and Joseph Rend. The Massasoit is now on the coast, and was one of the large fleet taken under charter of the Atlantic Transportation Co., which afterwards failed. She will be brought back tothe lakes at the end of the season. The fics two boats will be used in the coal trade. The little ocean-going yacht built by Vinton & Co. at the foot of Orleans street, will be launched this week. Her New York owner, Mrs. Vandepool, has sent on money for the workmen with which to make a celebration at the Jaunch. A case of champagne and a keg of beer, with cigars and other requisites, will be on hand when the trial trip is made, and the craft will be thoroughly baptized with alcohol be- fore getting a taste of salt water. She will reach New York via the Erie canal. The Craig Ship Building Co., Toledo is to establish a plant for the construction of engines. The shop, 160 by 75 feet, is already under way, and some of the tools have been pur- _ chased. A number of heavy tools will be provided for work ‘ ' aside from marine lines that may be secured in and around Toledo. The Craig Ship Building Co. now has a berth idle in the shipyard, and if they do not secure a contract for another boat shortly will undoubtedly put one down on their own account. A Toledo report says that Capt. Griffin, late master of the lost schooner Typo, which was sunk by the steamer W. P. Ketcham, in filing his wreck report, stated that the collision was due to the incompetency and carlessness of the officers of thesteamer. The masts of the barge Laura Miller, which sank in the lake outside of the outer can buoy, have been broken off and there is nothing to mark where the hull lies. The wreck is loaded with coal, and isa dangerous obstruc- lion to deep loaded vessels. Steamer known at the Wyandotte shipyard as No. 133, a duplicate of the Angeline, recently completed for the Pres- que Isle Transportation Co., Cleveland, will soon be launched at Wyandotte, from the yards of the Detroit Ship Building Co. Her dimensions are 435 feet over all, 50 feet beam and 28 feet molded depth. When loaded to 7,000 tons, her draft will be 18 feet. The engines of 1,450 horse-power, with cylinders of 22, 35 and 58 inches, with a 42-inch stroke, will be able to make a speed of 12 milesan hour. The boilers, two in number, will be 13 feet 2inches in diameter, by 11 feet 6 inches long, and the 4o-inch furnaces will be supplied with the Howden hot-air draft. All modern appliances will be put on the steamer, including electric lighting, steam inches and steam steering gear, steel spars and electric mige aad side lights. She 2 hens built to the order of the American Steamship Co., a new company controlled by the McMillans. Postmaster Dickerson says that the charges made against the Marine Postal Department by the resigned Capt. Hilliger, of the mail boat Florence B. are rather thin. The carriers and clerks have been examined, and it has been found that the “‘packages’’ which the carriers are said to have delivered jn competition with Westcott were only newspapers and magazines which had come through the mail unstamped. Hilliger, not knowing that such mail matter did not need a stamp, probably thought the bundles were other than mail matter. Second, in no more than half a dozen cases have passengers been carried this year. In the rules of the mail boat service it is stated that people must be taken off boats when they have no other means of reaching shore. Attimes when Westcott’s boat failed to respond to the vessel’s signal fora small boat, and when there was urgent need of the person reaching shore, the mailmen have accommodated such without pay. —$—$— —————————— or ee DULUTH—SUPERIOR. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. The grain rate is still at 434 cents on wheat to Buffalo. The receipts of wheat have been unusually large during the past week, and, while charters have been brisk, there will be enough to carry away at good freight rates, until navigation closes. There will evidently be a shortage in the coal supply here this winter. From the present showing we are 75,000 tons of anthracite and 100,000 tons of bituminous lower than last year at this time with very little chance of our now picking up on receipts. The prices of coal have also advanced and more than likely will go still higher in the very near future. Work on the new barge No. 144 has been started this week to the order of the Bessemer Steamship Co She will be a sister ship to the Smeaton and carry from 7,000 to 8,000 tons. Material for the construction has come along with con- siderable promptness this week and a large force of men is certain of employment at the West Superior shipyards throughout the winter. * The fleet of lumber carrying boats and the handling of lumber was never so great as during the past week, any man that could shove a piece of lumber was paid half a dollar an hour for doing so, and there was lots of itto do. Receipts of anthracite coal are fairly good, bnt we have been short on bituminous, and,‘as the season is drawing to a close, we are no doubt likely to have a soft coalfamine this winter, or pay exorbitant prices for the product. The fleet of lumber carrying boats and the handling of lumber,-was never so great as during the past week, any man that could shove a piece of lumber was paid half a dol- lar an hour for doing so, and there was lots of it to do. Re- ceipts of anthracite coal are fairly good, but we have been short on bituminous, and, as the season is drawing to a close we are no doubt likely to have a soft coal famine this winter or pay exorbitant prices for the product. The Great Northern road has lately bought 17,000,000 feet of fir timber in Washington, nearly all of it for the road’s proposed ore dock at Allouez bay. Nearly half this enor- mous order has been bought in the past Io days, and it has so crowded the already busy mills of the north Pacific coast that no one there will now take large orders. This dock will be the largest in existence, and will give the Great Northern system a dock capacity of about 400,000 tons. The Duluth and Iron Range road now has 160,000 tons capacity, and the Duluth, Missabe and Northern 127,000. Both these roads will probably build more docks the coming winter. The local board of steamboat iuspectors has made its de- cision in the matter of the complaint of Capt. Walter J. Cayo, of the tng E. P. Ferry, that the tug Eliza Williams blew a cross signal in answer to one blast from the KE. P. Ferry, and that the Williams was in charge of a deck hand at the time instead of a pilot. The inspectors find that both Capt. A. T. Green, of the Eliza Williams, and Capt. W. J. Cayo, of the E. P. Ferry, are equally at fault in not giving passing or danger signals, as required by Rule No. 3, before coming within 700 feet of each other. The licenses of each of the tug masters was suspended for ten days, beginning Oct. 22, and ending Oct. 31. Capt. Green, of the Williams, says that he did not hear the signal blast of the whistle from the Ferry, and that the two blasts which he blew were supposed to be original signals. Articles of incorporation of the Canada-Atlantic Transpor- tation Company have been filed in the office of the regis- ter of deeds. Similar articles were filed with the secretary of state at St. Paul.on Thursday last. Itis not known just what the company contemplates by incorporating in the United States, but it is expected that for one thing the com- pany intends to enroll its boats in the United States and prob- ably at Duluth. The company is doing a large business between Duluth and Chicago and Parry Sound, and it is re- garded as likely that the company, one of these days, will own its own dock facilites here. The company is purchas- ing a fleet of boats, the chartered boats of the Menominee line, which have been purchased by the Republic Iron Co. will soon be turned over to the buyers. In the meantime the Canada-Atlantic Co. are looking out for all of the ton- nage that they will require next season, and incidentally figuring on owning their own bottoms in the future, ° ; CHICAGO. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Capt. R. C. Britain’s steamer Crouse was placed in winter quarters at Saugatuck on Sunday. Grain freights were dull on Monday at 334 cents on corn to Buffalo, and on Tuesday some chartering was done at 34 cents. Capt. James A. Calbick has purchased the schooner Oak — Leaf, for the Pilsen Lumber Co. and himself, from Captain Lyman Feltus. : The Dunham Towing & Wrecking Co. have the tug Wel- come on their floating drydock, giving her some new frames ~ and considerable new bottom planking. The steamers Fremont and Flint and Pere Marquette No, — 1, of the Barry Bros.’ line, are being overhauled. They are being refitted and are being wired so as to be lighted by electric light. Cargoes were not plentiful on Wednesday, even at 34% — cents on corn. Rates were easy, but the general opinion ~ among agents was that no further decline would come at the present juncture. The steam yacht Brook Hill, 9 tons gross and net, built — here, has been given an official number this week and hails from Paducah, Ky. How do they get a steamer’s gross and net tonnage to be alike? Theodore Wilson, a sailor on the Delaware, was seriously injured internally from falling 15 feet down a hatchway while the boat was lying at the Chicago and Alton docks. He is at the county hospital. The price paid by the Carnegie Steel Co. for the steamer William R. Linn and barge Carrington was $475,000. Capt. C. W. Elphicke, managing owner of the boats, announces that they will be transferred at the close of the present season of navigation. A keel for a new Bessemer barge was laid Thursday in the plant of the Chicago Ship Building Co., at South Chicago. This makes six vessels under construction at the Calumet yards. The present building operations of the company are the largest in its history. Capt. C. H. Sinclair, one of the experts of the Salvage Service Association of North America, left here for Grand Marais this week, to superintend the recovery of over $16,- coo of copper jettisoned by the steamer Runnells, when ashore near Sable Point. The well-known little lumber schooner Badger, Capt. Aldrich, owned by parties in Green Bay, was abandoned, waterlogged, off Menominee, on Tuesday. The craft finally stranded and became a total loss, some of her cargo of rail- road ties will, no doubt, be picked up. The Goodrich Trans. Co’s. steamer Atlanta, is in Burger & Burger’s drydock, at Manitowoc, receiving a new shaft. She will go into service on the east shore as soon as the work is completed. The company’s steamer City of Racine — is at present running between this port and Grand Haven, ~ and Muskegon. ; The Chicago Nautical School is one of the most success- ful institutions in connection with the practical advancement of the lake marine fraternity. It appears that the instruc- tion by correspondence is also a favorable mode of convey- ing technical information. There are quite a number taking the course of study from a distance. The steamer Morris P. Grover arrived here Sunday evening with wheat from Duluth. She experienced some heavy ~ weather coming up Lake Michigan and was leaking slightly. She is unloading her cargo at the Galena elevator. Areport in one of the Chicago daily papers Monday that the steamer sank at the dock was entirely unfounded. The Graham & Morton Transportation Co.’s steamer City of Milwaukee, left here Saturday night for St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, on her last trip this season, and will go into winter quarters after a long and very successful season’s — work. The company’s steamer, City of Louisville, will continue’ to make daily trips until further notice. The Carnegie-Oliver interests of Pittsburg have obtained an option on the berths of the American Ship Building Co. on the lakes as they become vacant until May 1, practically shutting out other firms from an opportunity to have ships built. Seven vessels have also been ordered, five of which will be pease and two barges, the steamers to cost $385,- 000 each. ° The steamer Saugatuck, of the Chicago, Saugatuck & Douglas Transportation Co., left here Tuesday night for Saugatuck on her last trip this season. She will go into winter quarters on her arrival. Another steamer will be purchased or built by the company for next season’s service, _ to take the place of the steamer Bon Ami recently sold by them to H. Singer of Duluth. ¢ Vessel masters of the Ashland lumber fleet are having any — amount of trouble from desertions of their seamen. The latter are decamping by the wholesale to the logging camps, where they can get good wages. Many of the men engaged in Chicago, particularly for service on the lumber schooners. and barges, are also deserting at the first opportunity, and — the captains claim that the men are only shipping for the — purpose of getting free transportation to the lumber camps. The lights on the Ferris wheel and on the dome of the Masonic Temple have been extinguished for the winter. The hydrographic office gives notice of the change, and says that the lights have proved of great benefit to vessels in