16 THE MARINE RECORD. water on sill. a Specialty. Simpson Dry-Dock Co. General Contractors and Consulting Engineers, BUILDERS OF Simpson’s Patent Dry=-Dock, 35 BROADWAY, NEW YORK’ THE BEST BOOK OF AMERICAN LAKE SHIPPING. BEESON’S MARINE DIRECTORY FOR 1899, A cloth bound, gilt embossed volume of 260 pages, containing alphabetically arranged lists of all American steam and sail vessels on the Northwestern lakes, giving tonnage, length, breadth and depth of each, place and year of build, and name and address of managing owner. ‘These lists are the originals published annually and are not taken from other publications. Their correct- ness is all that can be possibly obtained in a technical work. ’ Many miscellaneous features are comprehended inits contents. Among them a yet. of American lake ports, with description of each, numbering over two hundred. Mailed to any address, postage prepaid, on receipt of subscription, $5.00. 3 The Marine Record THIRD FLOOR, WESTERN RESERVE 9 BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. LIFE BOATS. YAWLS. DETROIT Boat WoRKS DETROIT, MICH. STEEL, IRON AND WOODEN TUGS. LIFE RAFTS. STEAM AND SAIL YACHTS. ALL KINDS OF PLEASURE BOATS, FISHING AND HUNTING BOATS, SHELLS, BARGES, GIGS AND CANOES. 50 YEARS’ . The Nickel Plate Road : Soud Us eee ae offers one and one-third fare for the round UO RONDO ND: Only a $1.00 TRADE Marks DESIGNS CoPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and laa ase may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co,2612rosdway, New York Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, D. Q:- NAVIGATION. ‘Theoretical and practical. By D. Wilson Barker, R, M. R., and William Allingham, Illustrated; 12 mo,; cloth, $1.50 by mail prepaid, THE MARINE RECORD, Western Reserve Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio. for a copy of THE SLIDE VALVE. wa Simply Explained and Illustrated by TENNANT & KINEALY. Spon & Chamberlain, 12 CORTLANDT ST., N.Y. New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet Repairs to Metal and Wooden © Craig Ship Building Co. TOLEDO, OHIO. Metal and Wooden Wie Gis —_ eon hips Guaranteed to meet Govern- MANUFACTURED FROM ment Specifications and Inspection. FALLS HOLLOW STAYBOLT CO., Write for Samples and Prices. Superior Ship Building Co STEEL AND METAL SHIPS Of all Classes built on shortest possible notice at our yards at WEST SUPERIOR, WIS., and also at EVERETT, WASH. PHOTOGRAPH OF 300-FOOT BOAT IN DOCK. Se To Se Se Me Plates and Best Material Quality of always on Oak in hand to Stock repair all for kinds of Repairing Metal Wooden Ships in Vessels Shortest of all Time, Classes. 4aee—___ SIZE OF DOCK ___cecem \aenpth,, Wxtremens. essa ood. 587 feet. Entrar i Bretdth Top uo @. din. | Bntrenee: Bolom? 00000 pee a Depth over Sillga.) sean es ee 18 K ON THE LAKES. Prices for Repairs and Docking same as at Lower Lake Ports, A Number of Propeller Wheels in Stock at Drv-Dock. trip Nov. 29th and 30th, good returning un- til Dec. Ist, inclusive, account Thanksgiving Day. ‘Tickets available within a radius of 150 miles. Inquire Agents. 167-48 a a Ee A TIS Elementary Seamanship. By D. Wilson Barker, Illustrated; 12 mo.; cloth, $2.00 by mail prepaid. THE MARINE RECORD, Western Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, Ohlo. f MM r RI WA AL OTT OHIO AND- INDIANA GAME LAW. From Noy, 9th to Dec, rst, inclusive, ex- cursion tickets for parties of three or more traveling together on one ticket at one fare for the round trip will be sold to points in Western Ohio and Indiana on the Nickel Plate Road. The immense quantities of 0| Providence R.I and prices. small game along the line of the Nickel Plate Road affords rare enjoyment to the sports- sar ne mc | a NovEMBER 23, 1899. ee Ship Builders. Safety Hollow Staybolts: BEST QUALITY STEEL 7 OR CHARCOAL IRON, «__ SUPERIOR, WIS. Send for circulars mre 7 ee MER, SP ah SUS EERE es TR NER LS RSD Ge A Hs patra EN Oe AR. FC DS ae eS Oe Cuyahoga Falls, O.