ia ‘THE MARINE RECORD. Deena 7, 1855, _ Prominent Fueling Firms--Docks and Lighters. go. Steamboat Fuel at Chicago. oe * YOUGHIOGHENY and ee LEHIGH COAL CO. J. T. CONNERY, [lanager. ARCHIE J. HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt- MAIN OFFICE: 1238-1242 Chicago Stock Exchange Building. | OFFICE: 420-42) PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, Long Distance Telephone, Main 5049. 110 LA SALLE STREET. TELEPHONE, MAIN 1888. = FUEL DOCKS: 82:2 SoietS Rhee enone ge een FUEL DOCKS: 32:2 8its Bic BOR Wer iver streel® } West ige. e FU E. Be Li G eel T. E. R . Eawipped with 125 -2-ton ride anywhere in Harbor FU E. L LI G aa) EE E. R 3 300 Tons Capacity; Fuel Anywhere inthe Harbor. ~ ae WE PRODUCE OUR YOUGHIOGHENY COAL, AND GUARANTEE QUALITY. _Pickanos, MATHER & Co. M. A. HANNA & Co. COAL, IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Steamboat Fuel at Cleveland.- THE PITTSBURGH & : CHICAGO GAS COAL CO. J. A. DONALDSON, Manager. N J. BOYLAN, Fuel Manager. PIG IRON. x | RON O RE AN D COA LE: Fuel scow with elevators and discharging C : Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, spouts. Storage of 650 tons. Discharges z UFFALO, At DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK ipped with é 150 tons an hour into steamers while a : = ee: Shute capacity of 600 Tone. aie Large Supplies ot Best Qualys unloading cargo. oe . VEL IGHTERS ASHTABULA, Best Quality PITTSBURGH COAL furnished at any oy : ano CLEVELAND. time during Day or Night. LIGHTER MINERS AND SHIPPERS. as i i id = - WESTERN RESERVE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. oe Main Orrice, Perty-Payne Bldg., Cl-veland, 0, . THe W. L. Scott Company, | Youghiogheny River Coal Co. eee ERIE, PA. MINER AND SHIPPER OF ar % ¥ WHOLESALE DEALER IN : 6 Shamokin=Wilkes Barre ANTHRACITE. OCEAN Mi } N E eee Youghiogheny, Mansfield, PITT Voegeli ak ass eo , sy one ! oe GAS AND STEAM = Vessel Fueling a Specialty oals Guaclonte: Shipping Docks: = by steam lighter or car dump, eee C Erie, Pa. Long Distance ’Phone 409. Ashtabula, 0. Long Distance ’Phone 76. ee ; at all hours. — Electric light. wan orice: SCOTT BLOcK. LONG DISTANCE 'PHONE 440. Vessets Fuetep at att Hours wueuna orree. CANAL Dock. LONG DISTANCE 'PHONE 320. with OCEAN coat onty, i ELECTRIC LIGHT. BY STEAM LIGHTER OR CAR DUMP. ane PUMP] The Cuddy-[ullen Coal Co. THE BEST STEAM JET PUMP IN THE WORLD, fo fo dorfodiodneio efoto fo fo fo corto 7 + 7 + > > + It pumps the most water using the least steam, Miners and Simplest, Its cost is a little more than : E AM O AL Strongest the common syphon, but will Shippers of and most use only one-third the quan- tity of steam; and it takes Reliable. Cee 4 io Se ate FUELING DEPARTMENT rab Ss e reliable Jet Pum rom si¢am BC 3 | for fires on steam vessels. < FACILITIES. ¢ * ¥ # to Band or : seat | A No. 7 Pump, costing $25.00, will force water | CLEVELAND HARBOR.—Car Dumper; Eight Pockets, 1000 Tons Capacity; Lighter back by one ees through 50 feet Steam Derricks. lever in less jot hose and | DETROIT RIVER BRANCH.—Amherstburs: Four Pocketss Three Steam Derricks than one throw a 3/-inch Second, solid stream of | SANDWICH—Fourteen Pockets and Two Steam Derricks, : ee water 75 feet | « 9 pa é ae from end of nozzle without se AUD EELY Eomioeed iL Peco’ rae, ode De Geer et Nee ap - jong as there is water ) BUILT BY ) atend of suction pipe. It will 0. $ fe Sreeze. seed no UR GOOD COURTEOUS QUICK Beck Patent Pawling & Harnischfeger, very pum teed, : : ee dre rep COAL. ATTENTION DISPATCH. | Steam and |] =‘ Milwaukee, Wis. them, or write to us for Hand Steering (7 illustrated catalogue. General Offices, Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. Gear. F Procured on Inventio : and Designs, ‘Labels, Pays for 52 copies off PRACTICAL APPlied to the requirements Prints and Trade Marks 2 oOo a i ‘ ‘ of the sailor. By ‘Thos. Mc- Recinteres ° he Marine Record in-{ Sooo ee ee 3 , $1.50, aid. cluding Supplements, | MECHANICS. The Marine, Record, Weaesh a eserve Bidg., Cleveland, O. oe R, W. BISHOP, - Washington, D, C, | | baeseseseaaaal *s Sixteen Years’ Experience.