REPORT OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. i The annual report by Willis L. Moore, Chief of the Weather Bureau of the Department of Agriculture, is always filled with interesting particulars regarding the work carried on by this important branch of the government service. The closing months of 1898 were specially stormy on the Great Lakes and the New England coast. The most severe storm in the memory of the living ‘swept along the Massa- chusetts coast, November 26 and 27, causing a loss of at least 200 lives and many vessels. This appalling loss of life was mainly due to the foundering of the Portland, which en- _ tailed the death of 150 persons. The captain of this vessel left Boston Harbor at the regular time, as he had been in the habit of doing for years, although storm signals had been flying since eleven o’clock in the morning, and marine inter- ests had been completely notified of the coming storm. The ' disasters of this storm will not be soon forgotten, and the eg memory of it gives emphasis to the fact that the warnings yf a of the Weather Bureau should be implicitly heeded by all fe “mariners, for had attention been given to the danger signals, ney .the Portland would, no doubt, be afloat to-day. Theextension of the usual time limit of night forecasts from thirty-six to forty-eight hours has marked an important change in the fore- ~ cast work of the bureau. The forecast officials were directed that beginning March 1, 1899, the period covered by night forecasts should be increased to forty-eight hours. The success already attained has fully justified the issuance of the order. The new station in the West Indian region gave important news of the great hurricane of September Io. The ‘warnings were of the utmost value, and saved vast quantities of life and property. The Weather Bureau _ work on the Great Lakes has been most successful during the year, and the storm signals kept many vessels in port and prevented many casualties and large loss of floating property. - A conyention of Weather Bureau officials was held at Oma- a, Nebraska, October, 1898, and the discussions covered - wide range of subjects, allof which had an important bearing upon: the practical work of the bureau. The ‘exchange of views and discussion of methods indulged in, ‘were mutually helpful and stimulating. The convention was attended by eighty-three deligates, and a complete report ‘containing all the papers and discussions was printed and xtensively circulated. The personnel of the bureau is kept p to its former high level and the discipline in the bureau admirable. THE GEORGIAN BAY TRADE. In revewing the past season, the Parry Sound Canadian ws of the trade at Depot Harbor: 3 “The movement of grain over the Parry Sound railway rill be considerably diminished. The past season has been Pt - cerned. Early in the spring, when navigation opened until its close, the boats have been steadily running on the lakes, _ connecting with the C. A. R. at Depot Harbor and giving ‘ se) loyment to a large staff of men and clerical assistants. It is estimated that 12,000,000 bushels of grain have been ontains another million bushels.’’ The Owen Sound Times says: ‘The season of navigation just closed has been prosperous successful beyond its predecessors in many respects. 1 years. Freight has been plentiful and rates high. An- other feature for congratulation has been the comparatively few losses compared with last year. Particularly is this fea- v ré marked with respect to the local lines. Last season the Great Northern Transit Co. lost the steamers Pacific and Northern Belle by fire, and with its sister company, the orth Shore Navigation Co., suffered several more or less rious. accidents during the season. This year, $100 will % "cover any injuries the steamers of the Northern Navigation Co. have sustained during the entire season. The C. P. R. has also come through without serious mishap. With he exception of the damage resulting from the conflagration of the Athabasca, in August, nothing worth mentioning has ha ened. The Manitoba sprung her rudder and spent a ay in Collingwood drydock, but the damage was trifling se and the trip to Collingwood did not put the big steamer _ behind in her runs. The Alberta came off clear. The City of ; Windsor ran on a shoal near Killarney and bad to lay up a ‘ew days for repairs, but beyond this, had no mishap during season. The year of ’99 will certainly be remembered as one of exceptional freedom from disaster.” Ree oA é : most phenomenal in so far as traffic on the road is con- THE MARINE RECORD. JANUARY 4, 1900. ENORMOUS TRAFFIC OF THE ‘'SOO’’ CANALS— STATISTICAL REPORT. The annual statistical report of the ‘‘Soo’’ canals affords a striking example of the magnitude, importance and rapid increase of traffic through this gateway for the transporta- tion of products from and to the west and east. The report, which has just been completed, shows that during this season a total freight tonnage of 25,255,810 passed through, an increase of 19 per cent. over last year’s traffic, which aggregated 21,234,664 tons. A few comparisons with the traffic of previous years will be of interest in this connection. In 1881, the first year that a record of the freight tonnage was kept, the total amounted to 1,567,741 tons. In 1885 it had reached 3,256,628 tons. From that period until the present there was a steady in” crease, with the exception of 1891, when it fell behind a trifle. As showing the marvelous growth within the last decade, it may be stated that the season’s commerce was only about 19,000 tons less than that of the combined years of 1889; 1890 and 1891, and exceeded by nearly 2,000,000. tons the traffic of the years 1893 and 1894. STATISTICAL REPORT OF LAKE COMMERCE THROUGH CANALS AT SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO, FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1899. EAST BOUND. U.S. Canadian COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF LAKE COMMERCE THROUGH CANALS AT SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO, FOR THE SEASONS OF 1898 AND 1899. SEASONS Increase Decrease aie 1898 1899 Per Cent. | Per Cent. Steamers, number. . 12,461 14,378 TS.) Siete hes eaate Sail Vessels, number. . 4,449 4,776 Too Law ete pees Unreg’d Vessels, No.. $51 I, Io BQ OA Petes sites Total Passages. .. 17,761 , 20,255 WA 2 Ae toiefe she Sania Registered tonnage, NEE TONS ie. 18,622,754 | 21,958,347 Freight, net tons......| 21,234,664 | 25,255,310 Passengers, number.. 43,426 49,082 Coal, (hard), net tons 540,843 841,281 Coal, (soft), net tons..| 3,235,607 3,099,606 Flour, barrels......... 9,778,043 9,114,147 Wheat, bushels. ..... 62,339,996 | 58,397,335 Grain (other than wheat, bushels.... | 26,078,384 | 30,000,935 Manufactured & Pig Iron, net tons.. .. 250,170 214,585 Salt,barrels... 4.0.55 301,560 316,336 Copper, nettons ..... 124,2 6 120,990 Iron Ore, net tons.....| 11,706,960 | 15,328,240 Iumber, M. ft. B.M... 895,485 1,038,057 Silver Ore, net tons...) } coves one 487 Building Stone, net CONS hi) HNP haaees 4,670 39,063 Unclassified Freight, net tons ©. °4, =: 623,146 SYA 7c boas aaa 6 The United S:ates canal was opened May 2 and closed December 18, 1899; season, 231 days. The following is the comparative statement of the traffic through the Canadian Sault Ste. Marie canal for the seasons ITEMS. CAnALS Canal. Total of navigation in 1898 and 1899: Copper, net tons,....-......5...55. 3,759 3,759 Year. No. of Vessels. Vessels’ Freight P' Grain: Dushelsatecc se eter ade « 2,275,285 2, 275,285 Tonnage. Tonnage. Building asiki met ‘tonS/..6...050.0. gore oop FlO ut; MALrels i senha sin ee wield 281,505 308, 1898 6 i eat Bee a8 Iron ore, net tons..........,...6-65 253,482 |. 253 dOBi oad vat ee er es Pal ts 3;075 175793 3,055,287 Iron, pig, a CONS eras eine tial eon tas False cca ea o B99. cree eben Sones 3 5 B79 2,968,009 Boas iba Lumber; M. ft. BLM... 2)... 20.2 .62. 5,43 5,719 MOLISE Silver ore: nettOnSis fv. sey sess | weds cos scales amoac se] sek ena 228s padi AGE i nO 94 210,379 | tess en Wheat, bushels 00.00. 00. tye yaa 3,986,911 131,000 ARIST OUI ceca et eee aA LEE nk one eae ane aia ? Unclassified prcieht, net tons......- oy 167 784 Passengers, number...............: 3 154 237 ; RGA 1898—Canal opened April 11th and closed December 9th ; WEST BOUND. total, 243 days. ; 1899—Canal opened April 26th and closed December 20th; U.S Canadian t 1 a ITEMS. Canal Canale Total. otal, 239 days. ’ TASES ON eR ES I a ENS : eet (aed), atet tOnisiy s 4, eee aeaie, aioe dite: xG,990 THE GRAIN SHOVELING SITUATION. Hee ky one Pe ele 00,060 "The officials of. the Lake Carriers’ Association have not GPAtiT DUSHELS epics teak a ciele Ste Peak cide ene OL pet wialatad las abate’ ey nfelay ales erendy ‘ : ° 5 es Munuiadturedaron, net tones pore 6 ye done anything as yet in regard to the grain shoveling con Bek ae Loar a re cae hy ges oe tract at Buffalo for the coming season. A meeting of the nclassified freight, net tons...... ‘ i 492 3 é F Passengers, samiben ENG name leares : idee A a 9 Doe grain shoveling committee and the elevator men will proba- bly be held before the annual meeting of the Lake Carriers, Kast bound freight, net tons.................. 485,483 4 : West bound freight, net tons................. 133,774 which will be held at Detroit, Jan. 17. : : ae eye Here is the scoopers’ side, as it is now and as it will be Oba ed ncaa amie Metin eih tie saa elsd wleueiel= 19,2 : A y Total craft through United States canal a %?57 when their representatives appear before the Lake Carriers’ Total craft through Canadian canal..............-.05e.0 ++ Association: 515 : : Bee ? Total registered tonnage through U. S. canal......... 409,863 ‘“‘We want the ake Carriers’ Association to give the con- Total registered tonnage through Canadian canal.... 21,064 —— 430,927 tract to the men endorsed by us. We are capable of hand- STATISTICAL REPORT OF LAKE COMMERCE ‘THROUGH CANALS AT SAUI/IT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO, FOR THE SEASON OF 1899. EAST BOUND. I : U.S. Canadian TEMP Canal, Canal. Tota: Copper, net tons...... SN get NC! VP 115,643 4,447 120,090 Grain, bushels............++...4..05 28,326,850 1,628,585 | 29,945,435 Building Stone, net toms ..... heer: 38,863, 200 39,063 OUT DATES IS cists series out tre sd 6,112,638 999.584 7,112,222 Iron Ore, net toms ...... .........0. 13,653,225 1,675,015 | 15,328,240 Fron! Pig, Net tones re ee ec eh thes 22,235 1,240 23,475 Lumber, M. ft. BM... sae. 1,024,675 13,382 1,038,057 eds Ore, ph TOUS: 35) aviecs.s Seg ASI h ee aeactts Higce 487 Wheat, bushelsiiriciis seek cn voed 45,542,364 | 12,854,971 8,397, Unelassed Freight, net tons........ 90,427 soa ‘ eaves Passengers, number................ 15,350 8,435 23,785 WEST BOUND. ITEMs. U.S. Canadian Canal, Canal. motel: Coal, (hard), net tons 732,213, To9,068 841,281 Coal, (Soft), net tons.... 2,543,397 556,209 aaperton Flour, barrels... ... 375 1,550 1,925 Grain, bushels ...... 15,000 30,500 45.500 Manufactured Iron, net tons 187,733 3,327 191,110 Salt, barrels’: cc cess mencauieday «op 271,569 44,767 316,336 Uncelassed Freight, net tons ...... 418,908 46,586 465 494 Passengers, number °: ........ ... 18,314 6,983 25,297 East bound freight, net tons....:.. 18,338, 25 2,281,281 West bound freight, net tons....... 3ai3 880 722.340 eee PLOLAIS PW incrccay Mien ew seg tten 22,252,139 3,003,671 | 25,255,810 Wessels, number, ios.) oisras bey 16,480 Registered Tonnage, net tons...... 19,021,489 “2,930,508 aiibamane Norte.—In addition to above traffic 13,000 cords pul ooo feet pine logs passed over the rapids, bound for phen use ese ling the grain properly. We have resolved not to work un- der any of the old contractors nor any other man chosen by you unless that man be endorsed by us.’’ This is the Lake Carriers’ Association’s side: “The vesselmen are opposed to giving the contract to the scoopers because of the uncertainty of dealing with working- men’s organization. It is the custom of the association to give the contract to the lowest responsible bidders. In the past the work has been in the hands of James Kennedy and William J. Connersand they haye doneit properly. Ifthose men bid again or any other individual of responsibility there isno reason why the contract should not be given to the lowest responsible bidder. The vesselmen insist upon the contract being given toa man who can be held respon- sible for delays or other violations of the contract.”’ : The grain shovelers’ union to a man is agreed not to work for the present contractor again, no matter what offer he may make. That leaves the scoopers’ union and James Kennedy asthe only two bidders known to be in the field, unless there is some truth in the statement that William J. Hurley, Conners’ stepbrother, is after the contract. rr pe BETHLEHEM Steel Company, whose advertisment appears . in this issue, is distributing a handsome calendar mounted on a card about 12 x 18 inches, with an engraving at the head showing one of their heavy, hydraulic forging prekses, working up a hollow shaft from an ingot of fluid compressed steel. On the twelve monthly sheets appear photogravures of representative forgings produced at the Bethlehem plant, the whole being very effective. The calendars have been sent to the company’s correspondents and customers, but we are informed that an application to one of their offices will secure a copy for those who have not already received one.