THE MARINE RECORD. : FaNcany 25, 954 Craig Ship Building Co. TOLEDO, OHIO. 16 New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide Metal =m = ; on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet aoe UWS q water on sill. Wooden a Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships fee Ship Builders. a Specialty. q Simpson Dry-Dock Co. General Contractors and Consulting Engineers, BUILDERS OF Simpson’s Patent Dry-Dock, ] 35 BROADWAY, NEW YORK’ & FOR SALE.—=— Superior Ship Building Co. : ° e- 7 4 The hull of the steamer Andy Johnson, length 165 feet, beam 26 feet, STE E. Ke A N D Mi ETA L Ss r4 | PS 4 depth 10 feet. This boat has been in dry dock, had bottom calked and : ; : repaired. With a small outlay this boat would make a ease ee ca- Of all Classes built on shortest possible notice at our yards at acity of 400,000 lumber, 700 tons coal. Could be changed a steam barge. a Full in good condition, now lying at this port. Price, $1,700. We have | WEST SUPERIOR, WIS., and also at EVERETT » WASH. 4 also a customer who wants to buy a steam barge 4oo M or better, lumber E bi capacity; light draft, able to tow two barges of like size. Also a passen- PHOTOGRAPH OF 300-FOOT BOAT IN DOCK. ; ger boat, 6 feet draft, 1o mile speed; must be in good condition. Also Re two tow barges 700 to 800 M lumber. If you want to buy make your Ae HE Me wants known, or have anything to sell quote price and terms to us and , we will try and get youacustomer. Also two fine farms on St. Clair é river for sale. Fire insurance at the lowest rates. Plates and Best ks : ¢ Material Quality of — KENDALL [MARINE REPORTING CO., Port Huron, [lich. | atways on Oak in’ hand to Stock “q repair all for LIFE BOATS. YAWLS. LIFE RAFTS. kinds of Repairing ener SEY ET ; CEES oy Metal Wooden : Ships in Vessels ¢ D eS W Shortest of all E : ROI ; OA i O * KS Time. Classes. io DETROIT, MICH. aS 8h 8h 8e ee STEEL, IRON AND WOODEN TUGS. amm—____SIZE OF DOCK em. sth (CRE 01ST CER oe EERE SE ERE aA ikengthy Hxtreme' (ci. cni) sce, nen tae 587 feet. Kntrancesop taco agen ca, Weastene 55, feet 9 in. oy Breadth Pop, souiiie ss co eae eke 90 “ 4 in. Hntrance,*Bottom: 27.080 oes. cae oe 2 2 Breadthy Bottoms. ycccioease es Bae ce Depth‘over Silla soe 6 cae cee 18:2" ‘ STEAM AND SAIL YACHTS. f , ie ALL KINDS OF PLEASURE BOATS, FISHING AND HUNTING BOATS, i aes SHELLS, BARGES, GIGS AND CANOES, LARGEST DRY-DOCK ON THE LAKES. Prices for Repaits and Docking same as at Lower Lake Ports. «_ SUPERIOR, WIS. — A Number of Propeller Wheels in Stock at Dry-Dock. | rs : W. S. JENKS, President. O. L. JENKS, Vice Pres, and Treas. A. M. CARPENTER, Sec. and Gen’! Mgr. | = = The Jenks Ship Build e Jenks Ship Building Co. For Sale or Charter bph bh) Office and Machine Shops Aelod } ; apatod our reet. : scams HE Renae ote Steel and Wood Ship Builders, : ? : Fourth Street vets : Blacke Rock. $b Marine Engines and Boilers. « oq ee > Tug W. G. Mason. ts Port Huron, Mich. e —STEAM WINDLASSES, CAPSTANS AND STEERING APPARATUS CAO ee