FEBRUARY I, 1900. THE MARINE RECORD. ASBESTOS SHEET FIRE-FELT. (PATENTED ) Sheet Fire-Felt is a firm, even block of Fibrous Asbes. tos, and is the satne material as the best Fire-Felt Pipe Cov- ering. Itis very light in weight, is singularly adapted to all conditions of heat insulation, and will remain intact and effective when some other materials crack and disintegrate. It does not sag, settle or powder. For large pipes, boilers, drums and other large surfaces, Fire-Felt is furnished in sheets, flat or curved, which can be retnoved and replaced without injury. It is especially val- uable for marine and other high-pressure surfaces, Asbestos Cetnented Felting adheres very readily to Sheet Fire-Felt, and can be used over sheets with excellent re- (= sults itt place of canvas if so desired. ASBESTOS FIRE-FELT SECTIONAI, COVERING (PATENTED. ) FOR STEAM PIPES, ETC. Asbestos, in its fibrous or finely divided state, contains in- numerable minute ait cells, holding in suspense confined air, thus making a non-conductor of heat of the highest order. Asbestos Fire-Felt is a fabric composed of the above, and is made in cylindrical sections for pipes, sheets for boilers and rolls for heaters and heater pipes. In Fire-Felt the H. W. Johns Mfg. Co., New York, have the most successful application of the air space principle yet devised, and a material at once fire-proof, elastic, light in weight, pleasing in color and susceptible of any desired me- chanical arrangement. Fire- elt is not affected by expansion or contraction of pipes or moisture, and will not disintegrate. Asbestos Fire-Felt sections are made in sizes to fit stand- ‘ard makes of wrought iron pipe from ¥% inch to 16 inch in- clusive, and are carried in stock. Sections in excess of 4 inches diameter are made in two pieces with interior corrugations. These corrugations give THiS FLEET FITTED WITH THE H. W. JOHNS MFG. CO.’S PRODUCT. the covering great elasticity and insure close contact with the pipes and add to the ease of application. Hach section is 3 feet in length. Fire-Felt sections for steam pipes approximate 1 inch in thickness (greater thickness to order) and are covered with strong canvas. Bands for holding covering to pipes accom- pany each shipment. SHIPPING AND MARINE JUDICIAL DECISIONS. (COLLABORATED SPECIALLY FOR THE MARINE RECORD). Action by Managing Owners.—An action by the ‘‘mana- ging owners”’ of a vessel described ina charter party, for a breach of the charter party, cannot be defeated by showing that the vessel referred to in the charter was onlv owned in part by plaintiffs. Torras vs. Raeburn, 33 S. E. Rep. (Ga.) 989. H. W. JOHNS M’F’G CO, JANA; U.S.N i oo 2) ne-d.5.. 9 4 2 we = Re ae. ee 0:5: REGO Action for Negligence.—A declaration alleging that plain- tiff was employed by men unloading defendant’s vessel to supply them with drinking water, and was injured in jump- ing from said vessel to the dock, which he was ‘‘moved and impelled to do by the said exigency, believing at the time that he might safely do so,’’ states no cause of action, when the only allegation showing ‘‘said exigency’’ is that defend- ant wrongfully and negligently removed the gang plank after the unloading ceased, and started to move the vessel before the plaintiff had time to safely Jand. Judgment (1898) 79 Ill. App. 19 affrmed. Atkins vs. Lackawanna Transp. Co., 54 N. HE. Rep. (Ill.) 1004. : Drinking Water.—A transportation company is required to exercise only reasonable care, and not the highest degree of care, for the safety of one employed by its men, engaged in unloading its vessels, to supply them with drinking wa- ter. Judgment (1898) 79 Ill. App. 19, affirmed: Atkins vs. Lackawanna Transp. Co. 54 N. E. Rep. (Ill.) 1004. a MARINE PATENTS. Patents on marine inventions issued January 23, 1900. — Reported specially for THE MARINE RECORD. Complete copies of patents furnished at the rate of ten cents each. 641,668. Endless-chain Propeller. Reinhold Begas, Ber- lin, Germany. 641,695. Submerged Current Motor. -R. E. Hardaway, Austin, Tex. sae 642,291. Hatch-fastener. B. F. Bowman, Cleveland, O. 641,714. Boat Detaching Apparatus. August May, Ham- burg, Germany. 641,716. Apparatus for Hydraulic Dredging. B. J. Meth- vin, Tacoma, Wash. 641,838. Sheet Piling. G. H. Cavanagh, Boston, Mass. 641,198. Insulating panel for walls of ships, G. P. Erhard, aut. Hlizabeth, N. J., assignor to The H. W. Jones Manufactur- ing Company, New York, N. Y. 641,233. Wave moter, C. F. A. Roell, Los Angeles, Cal., assignor of one half interest to J. C. Orth, same place. 641,289. Paddle-wheel. Reinhold Heere, Berlin, Germany, 641,321. Sailing vessel. G. H. Perkins, Philadelphia, Pa. 641,396. Instrument for recording course and speed of vessels. Albert de Laski, New York, N. Y, assignor of one-third to E. N. Dickerson, same place. 641,487. Indicator for ships’ compasses. H. P, Arbecam, Boston, Mass.,assignor to the Arbecam Indicator Company, same place. 641,504. Buoyant boat-cover. G. K. Gandy, London, England. 641,505. Air-lock for caissons, etc. R.S. Gillespie, New York, N. Y. oO .F.HODGE &CO MARINE ENGINES, PROPELLER WHEELS, DECK HOISTERS, MARINE REPAIRS... @ sie ATWATER STREET, DETROIT, MICH. ° Chas. E. & W. F. Royal Insurance Building, Chicago, III. C. T. BOWRING & CO. London, England. 58 William Street, New York City. 5 and 6 Billiter Avenue, E. C., - Insurance BROWN &CO., -'- J. G. KEITH & CO., - RETA A TSE, - 202 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. PARKER & MILLEN, [5 Atwater Street, W., Detroit, Mich. 138 Rialto Building, Chicago, Ill. LA SALLE & CO., Board of Trade Building, Duluth, Minn, Are prepared to mcke rates en all classes of Marine Insurance on the Great Lakes, both CARGOES AND HULLS. Peck, ay Ve} Chicago Office, ROYAL INSURANCE BLDG. Oy AN ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF UNDER- WRITERS’ INTERESTS AS REGARDS WRECKED AND DAMAGED PROPERTY AT SEA. Application for the services of surveyors of this Association may be made to either the Chicago or New York offices. New York Office, MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. BLDG.