14 THE MARINE RECORD. FEBRUARY I, IgooO. Prominent Fueling Firms--Docks and Lighters. Steamboat Fuel at Chicago. YOUGHIOGHENY and LEHIGH COAL CO. J. T. CONNERY, [lanager. 1238-1242 Chicago Stock Exchange Building. MAIN OFFICE: Long Distance Telephone, Main 5049. No. 1, Michigan Slip and Basin. No. 2, N. Halstead St. Bridge. FUEL DOCKS: FUEL LIGHTER: Equipped with 125 2-ton Buckets for ARCHIE J.. HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt- 110 LA SALLE STREET. | >Phone 3046, Main. | *Phone 773, North. | Fueling anywhere in Harbor FUEL DOCKS: 32 235s Se. SU Wane dees) Tm | FU E ie LI G ie ai E. R 5 300 Tons Capacity; Fuel Anywhere in the Harbor. Steamboat Fuel at Cleveland. THE PITTSBURGH & CHICAGO GAS COAL CO. J. A. DONALDSON., Manager. OFFICE: 420-42 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING. N. J. BOYLAN, Fuel [Manager TELEPHONE, MAIN 1888. est 190. WE PRODUCE OUR YOUGHIOGHENY COAL, “AND GUARANTEE QUALITY. PICKANDS, MATHER & G0. MI. A. HANNA & Co. COAL, IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. PIG IRON. IRON ORE AND COAL. At DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equipped with at BUFFALO, ERIE, ASHTABULA, ano CLEVELAND. ~ Fuet Lignters WESTERN RESERVE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. a ERIE, WHOLESALE OEALEA 'Nh Shamokin=Wilkes Barre ANTHRACITE. Youghiogheny, Mansfield, PITTSBURG. Vessel Fueling a Specialty pee / by steam lighter or car dump, sea iy at ail hours. Electric light. Scott BLock. MAIN OFFICE: CanaL Dock. % SUELING OFFICE: Made in the U. S. te Providence R.|! and prices. Procured on Inventions and Designs. Labels, Prints and Trade Marks Registered. ce f Sixteen Years’ Experience. W. BISHOP, - Washington, D, C. ‘ THe W. L. Scott Company, Lona DISTANCE ’PHONE 440. Send for cireulars Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, Hi f Best Quality. Shute capacity of 600 Tons. Lerge -Surptics 0 Q bs Best Quality PITTSBURGH COAL furnished at any time during Day or Night. LIGHTER carrying different grades at'all times. Fuel scow with elevators and discharging spouts. Storage of 650 tons. Discharges 150 tons an hour into steamers while unloading cargo. MINERS AND SHIPPERS. Maw Orrice, Perty-Payne Bldg., Cl veland, 0, Youghiogheny River Coal Co. MINER AND SHIPPER OF PA. General Office: Erie, Pa. Long Distance ’Phone 409. Coals Lonc DISTANCE ’PHONE 320. ELECTRIC LIGHT. MARINE REPAIRING AT MANITOWOC, WIS. The Goodrich Transportation Co. are prepared to do all kinds of Repair Work to Machinery, Also Joiner Work. Goodrich Transportation Company’s Repair Shops include complete Carpenter and Joiner Shop. New Modern Machine Shop. Blacksmith Shop, including Steam Hammer, Punch and ‘Shears, etc., Brass Foundry. « Repair Shops are adjacent to Dry Dock and are equipped with best Modern Machinery. Porta- ble Electric Drills, etc., complete Electric Power Plant for supplying motors on board ships, and lighting. Night work a specialty. All work in charge of experienced and skilled mechanics, Charges moderate. Twenty-one feet of water alongside of shops. The Nickel Plate Road is the peoples’ route and the road that gives PRACTICAL best service at the lowest rates. A Peerless] . Trio of thru express trains daily, palace} MECHANICS. sleeping cars, unexcelled dining car service JR elegant equipment, these are the synonyms of the Nickel Plate’s success. | No. 8-5 Applied to the requirements of the sailor. By Thos. Mc- Kenzie. Illustrated; 12 mo,; cloth, $1.50, by mail prepaid. The Marine Record, Western Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, O. OCEAN MINE YOUGHIOGHENY GAS AND STEAM COAL. Shipping Decks: Ashtabula, O. Long Distance ’Phone 76. Vessets Fuerep at att Hours with OCEAN coat onty, BY STEAM LIGHTER OR CAR DUMP Know Your Own Ship is a book valuable to the Vessel Owner, Mas- ter, Naval Architect, and, in fact, all inter- ested in vessel handling and construction. A simple explanation of the stability, con- struction, tonnage and freeboard of ships. Specially arranged for the use of ships’ offi- cers, superintendents, draughtsmen and others. By Thomas Walton, naval architect; lecturer to ships’ officers, government navi- gation school. Fourth edition greatly en- larged. Illustrated; cloth, $2.50, by express prepaid. THE TARINE RECORD, Third Floor, Western Reserve Building, Cleveland. LT EL EE ELE EE EN: EN TE NTL The Prime Factor of the success of any Railroad consists sim- ply in catering fully and generously to the public demands. This is what has brought the Nickel Plate Road to the front in railway matters despite formidable competition. As a thru route between the West and Kast it is the favorite with the traveling public. Fine trains, unexcelled service and low rates; a peerless trio of advantages. No, 6-5 Ty ay oe Ties 4 ee the 2h ok as eee tg IAD nS Sag, RE