the southern entrance of the Twenty-F J2 THE MARINE RECORD. “a, _|Pin Chicago Tautical School 1513 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO. Ww. J. WILSON, (Late Lieutenant U. S. Navy), Principal. A full and complete course of instruction in lake and ocean navigation. Also special branches taught those desiring to qualify themselves for better positions in the marine service. $200 in prizes (Great Lakes Regis- ter) awarded annually to students. Students taught by correspondence. Students may begin at any time. Send for circular. IMPORTANT TREASURY DECISIONS ON ST. MARY’S RIVER SAILING RULES. RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE MOVEMENTS AND ANCHORAGE OF VESSELS IN ST. MARY S RIVER— AMENDED JANUARY 27, 1900. j An Act Relating to the anchorage and movements of ves- sels in St. Mary’s river. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary purpose of enforcing the observance of such regulations the said Sec- retary is hereby authorized to detail one or more revenue cutters for Ce _2 That.all officers of the Revenue Cutter Service who are direc- ted to enforce the regulations prescribed by the above rules are hereby i ity. or when a proper notice has been disregarded, to use the force at their command to remove from channels or stop any vessel found violating the prescribed rulcs. Sec. 3 That in the event of the violation of any such regulations or rules of the Secretary of the Treasury by the owners, master, or per- son in charge of such vessel, such owners, master, or personin charge shall be liable toa penalty of two hundred dollars, and the vessel, its tackle, apparel, furniture, and cargo, at any time used or employed in violation of such regulations, shall be forfeited to the United States: provided, That the i i release said vessel on such terms as he may prescribe: Provided, also, ‘That nothing in this Act shall be construed to amend or repeal the Act entitled “An i necting tributary waters as far east as Montreal.” RuLE I.—No vessel ascending or descending the St. Mary’s river shall proceed at a greater speed than nine statute miles per hour over the ground between the Turning Channel Gas Buoy in the northern part of Mud Lake and the northern float lights in lower Hay Lake of the Twenty-foot Channel leading from Neebish Channel, nor between the Crib Light in apes Hay Lake at the entrance of the Twen- ty-Foot Channe of the Frechette and Little Rapids Cut and the Government pier at Sault Ste. Marie, nor between the western end of Sault Ste. Marie Canal pier and Point Haux Pins Light-House. Vessels of 500 tons or less are exempt from the provisions of this rule. { Rule II:—No vessel shall pass or approach another ves- sel moving in the same direction nearer than a quarter of a mile between Everens Point and the northern end of the the first Black Spar Buoy south of the Gas Buoy in the northern part of Little Mud Lake and the northern float lights in Lower Hay Lake of the Twenty- Foot Channel leading from Neebish Channel, nor between Frechette and Little Rapids Cut and the Crib Light at the northern entrance of the Little Rapids Cut, nor between the gems end of the Sault Ste. Marie canals piers and Big oint. Rule III.—All vessels bound up the St. Mary’s river may ass other vessels moving in the same direction between the Crib Light in the northern part of Mud Lake, and Hvyerns Point in Little Mud Lake, between the northern part of the Dark Hole and the south Red Buoy at Stribbling Point; also between the Crib Light-House at the northern entrance of ‘Little Rapids or Island Cut and the Government pier at Sault Ste. Marie, and between Big Point and the light-house at Pointe Aux Pins. Vessels bound down the river shall not pass or approach other vessels moving in the same direction nearer than a quarter of a mile, from below Spry Dock at Sault Ste. Marie, until Everens Point is passed, excepting, however, in Hay Lake. \ : Vessels bound down, of less than five hundred gross tons without tows, may pass other vessels moving in the same direction in Little Mud Lake, provided the overtaking ves- sel shall pass to the westward of the black buoys and before reaching the Dark Hole. No vessel passing another vessel shall move at a rate of speed greater than nine statute miles per hour over the Rule IV. Ali vessels navigating the St. Mary’s river may _. proceed at full speed and pass other vessels moving in the same direction between Poivt Detour and the Turning Chan- between the nty-Foot Lake an apids Cut. ‘the act of Con- - of ten seconds’ duration, tsch Gas Lighted Buoys. Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian, States Light-House Departments for channel and harbor lighting» Over 800 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. and United Controlled by gress approved February 18, 1895, giving right of way to de- scending vessels in the St. Mary’s river. Rule V.—In case one steamer desires to pass another go- ing in the same direction on said river, at a point where such passing is permitted by these rules, the pilot of the steamer astern shall, if -he intends to pass the steamer ahead on the right hand or starboard side, indicate such intention by giv- ing one short blast of the steam whistle, and if he intends to pass such steamer ahead on the left hand or port side, he shall indicate such intention by giving two short blasts of the steam whistle. Upon the pilot of one steamer astern of another giving such signal, the pilot of the steamer ahead shall immediately answer by giving the same signal; but if he does not think it safe for the steamer astern to attempt to pass at that point, he shall immediately signify the same by giving several short and rapid blasts of the steam whistle; aud under no circumstances shall the steamer astern attempt to pass the steamer ahead until such time as they have ‘reached a point where it can be safely done, when said steamer ahead shall signify her willingness by blowing the proper. signals, then the steamer ahead shall slacken to a slow rate of speed, and the steamer astern shall pass the over- taken steamer, giving the overtaken steamer as wide a berth as possible. Steamers bound in opposite directions shall slow to half speed within. one-quarter of a mile of each other until each has passed the other. : Rule VI.—The patrolling vessels of the Revenue Cutter Service shall always have the right of way over all other vessels, as indicated by the sailing signals given by any such patrolling vessel. : Rule VII.—Three distinct blasts of the steam whistle, qwhen sounded from a patrolling vessel, will indicate that the vessel to which such signal is given is proceeding at too high a rate of speed, and such vessel must immediately moderate her speed accordingly. Rule VIll.—Three long blasts of the steam whistle, fol- lowed by one short blast, when sounded from a patrolling vessel, will indicate that the vessel to which such signal is colin must stop until further orders from the patrolling vessel. Rule IX.—Two red lanterns, one above the other, hoisted on a patrolling vessel at night, will indicate to the vessel to which such signal is given that such vessel must stop and not proceed farther toward the position where such lights are displayed. : Rule X.—No vessel or raft shall anchor in any of the im- roved channels now abreast of the Government piers at Sault Ste. Marie, except in distress or during a fog, and any vessel so anchored must always shift her anchorage when so directed by the officer in charge of a patrolling vessel to the spot designated by such officer. Rule XI.—Vessels navigating the St. Mary’s river may anchor between Point Detour and Mud Lake Turning Buoy, and at Sailors’ Encampment close to the wharves of the saw- mill; in Hay Lake between the Neebish and Little Rapids Channel outside of the channel, as indicated by the ranges. But nothing in this rule shall be construed to prohibit any vessel from lying alongside of any wharf in said river. Rule XII.—Rafts being towed in the St. Mary’s river will be required to use what is termed the ‘‘Old Channel.”? From Harwood Point to Mud Lake Turning Buoy they will move at the time designated by the officer in charge of the patrol- ling vessel. When lying by they must be moored out of the channel.: : Rule XIII.—In navigating the St. Mary’s river, in all cases where the foregoing rules are not. applicable, the attention of masters and pilots is called to the sailing rules contained in the act of Congress of February 8, 1895. Rule XIV.—All vessels navigating the St. Mary’s river, in _ passing dredges and vessels at work on improvements to the channel, will be required to slacken their speed upon such dredge or. other vessels engaged in such improvement giving the signal of three distinct blasts of the steam whistle. Rule XV.—The pilot of every steamer descending the St. Mary’s river shall, ‘when abreast of the Dark Hole Gas Buoy, and before passing around the bend of said river at Sailors’ Encampment, give a signal of one blast of the steam whistle which signal shall be answered by a blast of the steam whistle of the same duration by any vessel ascending said river within hearing. ‘The pilot of from 80 to 365 days and nights without atten- tion, and can be seen 4 distance of six miles. 265 MARCY AVE., CLEVELAND. ’ Pd Burn Gives instructions in Ocean Continuously Navigation and prepares. candidates for the examina- tions for Master and Pilots’ - Yicenses, before the Local Steamboat Inspectors. # — TAKE — Wade Park or Payne Ave. Car. THE SAFETY CAR HEATING AND LIGHTING Co. 160 Broadway, New York City. every steamer ascending said river, not having heard such signal from a descending steamer, shall, when abreast of Bverens Point, and before passing around the bend of said river at Sailors’ Encampment, give a signal of one blast of — the steam whistle of ten seconds’ duration, which shall | be answered by a blast of the steam whistle of the same ‘duration by any vessel descending said river within hearing. After such signal of one blast of the steam whistle of ten seconds’ duration shall have been given and answered, the usual passing signal must be given. : : 2 Rule XVI.—Any, steamer approaching 4 tug towing 4 dredge or scow moving in the same direction may pass such tow by giving the proper signal indicating upo” which side ~ of such tow such steamer will pass, and it shall be the duty. of the pilot of any such tug to sheer on the side of the chan- nel indicated by such passing signal and give the passing steamer all possible room. Rule XVII.—No steamer stemming the current through the Dyke and Island Cut shall be allowed to tow more than one vessel without the aid of a tug, unless such steamer has the power to move the tow over the ground at the rate of at least 3 hour. 3 Rule X VIII.—Whenever vessels are compelled, by reason — of an obstruction in any of the channels of the St. Mary’s river to collect in certain parts of the river, the revenue cutter officer in charge shall direct where such vessels shall. be moored and anchored, and no vessel moored or anchored, by reason of such obstruction, shall move until directed by the revenue cutter officer in charge. : Rule XIX.—Whenever at Johnston’s Point, Sailors’ En- campment, a red pall is displayed under a white. ball, or two red lights are displayed under a white light, indicating that a steamer with a tow is bound down, no steamer with a — tow bound up below Johnston’s Point shall meet or pass the bound down tow until the bound down tow has passed clear of Johnston’s Point. SIGNALS A’ JOHNSTON’S POINT. Mary’s river in ball will be dis- played on a pole at Johnston’s Point, Sailors’ Encampment, in said river, until the steamer is abreast of Johnston’s Point, and whenever a steamer having a vessel or vessels in tow — bound down in the daytime enters the Dark Hole, a red ball will be displayed under the white ball on the pole until the steamer is abreast of said point. Whenever a steamer bound down said river at night enters the Dark Hole, a white light over a red light will be dis- — played on said pole; and whenever a steamer bound down — said river at night having a vessel or vessels in tow enters the Dark Hole, a white light with will be displayed on said pole. No flags or lanterns, however, will be displayed for tug- boats without tows or for small vessels. f SCHEDULE OF TIME TO BE RUN IN CERTAIN PARTS OF ST. MARY’S RIVER. : : For the facilitation of speed calculations in connection with the Rules and Regulations governing the Movements and Anchorage of Vessels in St. Mary’s river, the Depart- ment publishes the following schedule of distances between certain points along the St, Mary’s river, together with the time required to run those distances at a speed of nine miles an hour: — , A SCHEDULE OF DISTANCES. NS ae ie ere ee Distance mike i SECT IONS peas ented: Mud Lake Buoy to Everens Point 2.28 heh ee 25% 17% Everens Point to Encampment Crib Bight: (2c. % 5 Encampment Crib Light to Dark Hole Turn....... 1% 1a Dark Hole Turn to Harwood Point Turn 3% 21% Harwood Point Turn to Junction Buoy Hay Lake 3% 21% Junction Buoy to Upper Lights, Lower Cuts cae 254, 18% Lower Cut to Trechette Cut, full speed... cs sees fe hme se Lower Range, Frechette Cut, to Red Can Buoy... 1% 10 Red Can Buoy to Lower Light, Little Rapids.....- % 10 Lower Light to North Entrance Light House...;.- 1% 10 No th Entrance Light-House to Government Pier 1% IL West end of piers to Big Pott Haken ae eee e ae 2% 15 Big Point to Point aux Pins Light-House....-...--- 3% 219. NAAR Se tia ia 1% 71% | ek hs two red lights underit