THE MARINE RECORD. FEBRUARY 8, 190°. SHIPBUILDING RETURNS—TONNAGE BUILDING UNDER CONTRACT OR ORDERED AT THE COAST SHIPYARDS OF THE UNITED STATES. The following statement shows the steel vessels reported under construction or under contract at shipyards on the seacoast of the United Statesin January, 1900, the state. ment concerning merchant vessels being furnished in re- sponse to inquiries addressed on January 17 by the Bureau of Navigation to the managers of the yards. The statement , concerning war vessels is furnished by the Navy Depart- ment. The vessels are all steam vessels; no steel sail ves- sels having been reported at the present time. The returns cover 50 war vessels, of 140,313 tons (displace- ment.) Besides these Congress has authorized six war ves- - gels of 76,500 tons (displacement), contracts for which have not been let. Ten steamships of 81,600 gross tons are re- turned as for the foreign trade; two for the Pacific Mail - Steamship Company ; two for the International Navigation - Company; three for the Oceanic Steamship Company - (Spreckles), and three for the New York and Cuba Mail S. -. §. Co. All of these vessels are eligible for subsidy under - the ocean mail act of 1891. The three Oceanic steamships necessarily stop at Hawaii en route to Australia, and the two Pacific Mail Steamships may stop there en route to i Asia. For the Hawaiian trade four steamships of 26,500 2 ‘i gross tons are reported, and for the coasting trade 45 vessels of 76,007 gross tons. _ The statement should not be construed as indicating the tonnage which can be built and launched on our seaboard during twelve months, as it is greatly in excess of that” amount. Some of the war vessels have already been about three years in building, and others require more than a _ year to complete. Some of the merchant steamships will not be launched in more than a year, and some have been ee contracted for but not begun. ' - 4 The report is believed to include all the seacoast yards ere steel construction is now in progress, the tons given are gross. Inquiries addressed to the following, however, have not been answered : John H. Dialogue, Camden, N. J.; S. W. Skinner & Co., Wilmington, N. C.; Crescent Ship- _* building Co., Elizabethport, N. J.; W. & A. Fletcher, New- b rg, N. Y. ; Fore River Engine Co., Weymouth, Mass. fe ey 7 , \ A ;WPEORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING COMPANY, NEWPORT NEWS, gO VIRGINIA. Men employed, 6,000; capital invested, $10,000,000. f i Merchant Vessels ee TONS | SPEED OWNERS TRADE 1I,300 18 |PacificMailS. S. Co} Hawaiiand Asia 11,300 18 yaad, do 5,000 16 |Cromwell S. S. Co.|N. Y & New Orleans 5,000. 16 do do /5,000 15 |S’uthern PacS.S.Co do 5,000 I5 do do 5,000 15 do do 5,000 15 do do ainsenel 5 SEES TS ia Sea Se WAR »VESSELS. 3 { ae Speed. , Type. Pers y TE CANS OS 7 up's 11,525) 17 Battleship. DON cn ite Reais ss 11,525 17 “ ame a SE ok Beh sian 11,565 PER if : ae Maas tiara ya sisi ees sw, ie 12,230 18 ie TRC EAE eee eee 3,235 12 Monitor. Neon BEARERS Hie aaeT 50,000 - UNION IRON WORKS, SAN FRANCISCO, _ Men employed, 3,500; capital, not stated. Merchant Vessels. ¢ TONS | SPEED OWNERS TRADE » 8,500 11 |Amer-Hawaiian S Hawaii § ; S. Co. ; Not | Not p : stated | stated Not Stated Coasting WAR VESSELS. , Name. Tons, Speed. Type. » Oe ey Battleship. 18 ry d {7 Cruiser. Monitor. ‘DBs Destroyer. BATH IRON WORKS, BATH, MAINE. Men employed, 1,100; capital invested, $600,000. Merchant Vessels. NAME TONS | SPEED OWNERS TRADE Not named BIG al cb webras N Y.N. w & H Tow-boat Ry Co do BIS i ekngcte se do do Total, 2 1,050 WAR VESSELS. Name. Tons Speed. Type. Cleveland 3.560 are cee iss 3,200 17 Cruiser, Connecticut ..........--+265- 3,235 12 Monitor. ARIEY Crs osch a waisetis oh ate at 167 28 Torpedo Boat. Barney, oii cuedies wiebies veleiies 167 28 : ity total Spats pete cate hm reer wi | 167 26 Potal:(5)\ scanty taken es ose 6,936 ET MARYLAND STEEL CO., SPARROWS’ POINT, MD. Men employed, 1,000; capital invested, $1,250,000 NAME TONS | SPEED OWNERS TRADE Not named 3,600 9% |Boston Towboat Co Coasting do 3,600 9% lo do do 3,800 104% |Metropolitan Dred- ging Co. do do 3,800 10% do do Total, 4 14,800 WAR VESSELS. el Pies. Wd va Name. Tons. Speed. Type. 433 30 T. B. Destroyer. 433, te) bs 433 30 ‘ 1,299 MORAN BROS.’ CO., SEATTLE, WASH. Men employed, 475; capital not stated. Two tugs, particulars not stated. War Vessels, none. THER NEAFIE & LEVY SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDING CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Men employed, 1,100; capital stock, $800,0c0. BURLEE DRY DOCK CO., PORT RICHMOND, S. I., N. Y. Men employed, 600; capital invested, $300,000. Merchant Vessels, tts Name Tons | Speed Owners Trade Not named» | 2,200 |........ Baker Tran Co. N.Y Barge do 2006 | nak Capt. H. Hoffman, Tug Nek do 26024) aed Bee Line Trans. Co Tug Nay, do 2004 [Tks oes Easton & Amboy Tug R. R. Co. do 200 Vj} cere do Tug do BOO). Wess ek do Tug do 500; tesa cae Standard Oil Co. Barge do BOO eases e ° Barge do B00 1 Ni iocuns N. Y. C. Lighterage Stm. Lighter Co, Total, 9 4,560 | | T. S. MARVEL & CO., SHIPBUILDERS, NEWBURG, N. Y. Men employed, 300; capital invested, $150,000. ’ Name Tons | Speed Owners Trade Not named BBOP iced ca ok Phila. & Norf. R. Tug R, Co do Stk heiad eye Cornell ores Tug °. : do BRA to do Tug do Ty OOGe crncaipates Brooklyn Ferry Co. Ferry Boat do TjO00 | Aes iu: do do do LlOOws | hee oes Ni Wa Co RRS. Co: do Total, 5 3,550 GEORGE LAWLEY & SON CORPORATION, SOUTH BOSTON, MASS. Men employed, 200; capital invested, $125,000. WAR VESSELS. Name. Tons Speed. Type. BIDE OY. Mccoy erect oomie i 165 26 Torpedo Boat PO MVOU Seat celiac tet 165 26 ay Totali (ae ep acucatvsads <r sels 330 GAS ENGINE AND POWER CO. & CHAS. I. SEABURY & CO., NEW YORE. Men employed, 900; capital invested, $600,000. WAR VESSELS. NAME TONS | SPEED OWNERS TRADE Name. ‘Tons. Speed Type. Augusta 3,000 17° |B, C. & R, S. S. Co. Coasting Stewart, .,.........6... sees: az0 eS) T, B. Destroyer. Edw'd Luck-| “yoo | 12 |Lewis Luckenback dar Wilkes. oie tei ern. 165 26 Torpedo Boat. enback : BANG Ycssisc erases seen es 235 30 ‘s : Richmond 700 12 |Coastwise S. S. Co. do Covington 709 12 do do Motal (3)ier cenesies aks 820 Nortoumber: gco 14 Weems Line do ‘ : an ; ’ DeWitt Cale 214) tt Michael Moran \ do WILLIAM CRAMP & SONS COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ane ae 2 ) Men employed, 6,000; capital stock, $5,000,000. a a Mo-| 214 ws do do (This does not nearly represent the actual investment, nor half cover SOR Salers |e. Hes Gres DALE hes ACL Re eG Bee eae, ry total value of property.) Total, 7 6,420 Merchant Vessels. WAR VESSELS. Name Tons | Speed Owners Trade. Name. Tons. Speed. Type. ; Not named | 12,000 17 |International Nav. Transatlantic Denveriicane .G.ceedsvikene os 3,200 17 Cruiser. d \ co: A y ° 12,000 17 do do Jereub ie Pepe sale see eae bios et T. B. Destroyer. Seirra 7,000 17 Oceanic S. S. Co. |Hawaii & Australia CotineRe 4 ee i Sonoma 7,000 17 do .do Ramon Satna eit as 3 9 Ventura 4 7,000 17 do : dascr:, Total (4) <0.) ys 4.460 Not ee oe ie N.Y. & cabs Mail) Cuba pene - . do 4,000 15 do do PUSEY & JONES, WILMINGTON, DEL. do 3,500 14 Not stated Not stated Men employed, 150 in yard and 700 in shops; capital, $710,000. ido 3,900" ae Ho de Merchant Vessels, none, War Vessels, none. Total, ro 66,000 ATLANTIC WORKS, EAST BOSTON, MASS. WAR VESSELS. Men employed, 450; capital, $700,000. Merchant Vessels, none. War Vessels, none. Name. Tons. Speed. Type. CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Men employed, 500; capital, $100,000, PAM IN Beet oj) Rete es 11,865 17 Battleship. Merchant Vessels, none War Vessels, none. gh Se To BS acta AS890 18 Z COLUMBIAN IRON WORKS, BALTIMORE, MD. Sd She Ue ats os Men employed, 700; capital, $250,000. Merohant Vessel: WILLIAM R. TRIGG CO., RICHMOND, VA. - Men employed, 700; capital not stated. NAME TONS | SPEED OWNERS TRADE R VE WAR VESSELS. Hartford 1.554 15 |Hartford & N. Y. Coastin Teaaece: g Name. Tons Speed. Type Savage 440 1o |Consolidated Coal do , Co. Bas pes ae pater Senter pee Sear 3,200 I Cruiser, Total, 2 5% WY CP stati aii lee satel etal ies eR 20 28 T. BD fi 994 : aes DECALUE SN ens Gecs as eieon as oe 28 reg 8 WAR VESSELS. GHUDTIGR Saiki cc idien 165 26 Torpedo Boat. SHOCktOns ee ei sessitne ee 165 26 si WTHOLMLOM Gangs woanae oat 165 26 ss Name. Tous. Speed. Type. Dre me MRE IVE Ts mae si \ SDOLAE (G)siseitar tase 45535 : SL Ee ee ae SE oe ae ne eA DANS RVG 22 canes we sas aseline 165 26 Torpedo B TN Facto s) MRe Ne Perna aera 168 3. Subeincine Boat, ARTHUR SEWALI, & CO., BATH, MAINE. : “ Men employed, about 250; capital. $150,000. 33. Merchant Vessels, none. War Vessels. none.