16 THE MARINE RECORD. MARCH 1, 1900. ~ Craig Ship Building Co. TOLEDO, OHIO. New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide Metal Ba. Ss on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet a ’ UW water on sill. Woode n Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships Je Ship Builders. a Specialty. Simpson Dry-Dock Co. : General Contractors and Consulting Engineers, Elementary Seamanship. BUILDERS OF By D. Wilson Barker. Illustrated; 12 mo.; cloth, $2.00 by mail prepaid. ¢ 9 Simpson S Patent Dry-= Dock, THE MARINE RECORD, 35 BROADWAY, N EW YORK: Western Reserve Bidg., Cleveland, Ohlo. FeOR SALE. Superior Ship Building Co. Steam Barge and Consort. _ STEEL AND METAL SHIPS 4 tbl 4 The Steam Barge Classes AJ 4, carries 1,000 tons of coal, 33,000 OF call: Classes built on: chortest Poste oie at Os Tarde a bushels of corn or wheat, 900 tons of ore, 600,000 feet of lumber | WEST SUPERIOR, WIS., and also at EVERETT, WASH. on {2% feet of water. Engines 20x36 and 30 steeple compound. Bn GEHABH OF SOGrbOr GORTIN Hae : Very ee ee ais Tow Pree ee A2; oe eae i capacity on J2% feet of water, 32,000 bushels of corn or wheat, 700,000 feet of lumber. Apply to ee dad ) : Plates and Best ; JOHN C. SPRY, Chicago, Material Quality of ; I 5 Oak i . 707 Chamber of Commerce. : Whe ee —o repair all for LIFE BOATS. YAWLS. _LIFE RAFTS. Kinds of Repairing er a —— Metal Wooden “ Ships in Vessels : Shortest of all ETROIT BHOAT VVORKS | Tex. Classes DETROIT, MICH. ok 88 8h Ak Ah Ae STEEL, IRON AND WOODEN TUGS. oo | Besedth, Tops ec eo gh “Moe ain.| Bhtrance, Botdoms.220002/0//0000ig0 e881 ¥ readth, Bottom cn veatecs aa ee ae epthover? Sills) ey aoc haw coe 18.535 3 STEAM _AND a YACHTS. LARGEST DRY-DOCK ON THE LAKES. Prices for Repai d Docki Ais or uA SURE oats, Fm An TNO Db Pics or Repu ad Desig 4 SUPERIOR, WIS. A Number of Propeller Wheels in Stock at Dry=Dock. ie v. S. JENKS, President. O. L. JENKS, Vice Pres. and Wee A. M. CARPENTER, Sec. and Gen’! Mgr. ‘ fhe Jenks Ship Buildi C Ce © JCNnKS Ip uUnNdGINg CO. ee For Sale or Charter ot Office and Machine Shops bi ; Mo alo a 7 4 Fourth Street. ag ‘Steamers H. E. Runnels, Soho Steel and Wood Ship Builders, foo Yards Hoe eee Linden, — \docboe : 5 , : Soot Foot of Lincoln Ave. : Black Rock. tpt} Marine Engines and Boilers. © jae Tug W. G. Mason. | Port Huron, Mich. + ——STEAM WINDLASSES CAPSTANS AND STEERING APPARATUS——