16 THE MARINE RECORD. water on sill. a Specialty. New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships Craig Ship Building Co. TOLEDO, OHIO. WY Metal sae and Wooden | fee Ship Builders. Simpson Dry-Dock Co. General Contractors and Consulting Engineers, BUILDERS OF Simpson’s Patent Dry=-Dock, 35 BROADWAY, NEW YORK’ : FeOR SALE. Steam Barge. Steam Barge F. E. Spinner, Class A2, carries’ 1,000 tons of tron ore or 750,000 feet of lumber. Was rebuilt last season, and _ is in good condition. Will be sold very cheap. Address, Elementary Seamanship. By D. Wilson Barker. Illustrated; 12 mo.; cloth, $2.00 by mail prepaid. THE MARINE RECORD, Western Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, Ohlo. Superior Ship Building Co. STEEL AND METAL SHIPS Of alf Classes built on shortest possible notice at our yards at WEST SUPERIOR, WIS., and also at EVERETT, WASH. PHOTOGRAPH OF 300-FOOT BOAT IN DOCK. MARCH 22, I900.. . D. J. RANSOM, abate tt Plates and | Best 707 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Matec Quality of CHICAGO. | always on Oak in hand to Stock repair all for LIFE BOATS. YAWLS. LIFE RAFTS. kinds of Repairing ee ver hee ce ranycnoraes| it ECR Metal Wooden : Ships in Vessels D BR W Shortest of all ETROIT BOAT ORKS | Tim. Chace ane DETROIT, MICH. AB AR ae oA’ oA ote STEEL, IRON AND WOODEN TUGS. fmm—___SIZE OF DOCK __eeum. (en SSA eee esc Pc gan: 587 feet. a pnrreness wee Nasal med tiem da sea Red feet 9 in, Breadth; Bottomy ss... 4): \ STEAM AND SAIL YACHTS. Prices for Repairs and Docking same as at Lower Lake Ports, ALL KINDS OF PLEASURE BOATS, FISHING AND HUNTING BOATS, SHELLS, BARGES, GIGS AND CANOES, W. S. JENKS, President. O. L, JENKS, Vice Pres. and Treas. 52 .A Number of Propeller Wheels in Stock at Dry-Dock. tee eee weet eee wees Depth over Silleuii iu sos ncnal copies alee LARGEST DRY-DOCK ON THE LAKES. «__SUPERIOR, WIS. A. M. CARPENTER, Sec. and Gen’! Mgr: The Jenks Ship Building Co. For Sale or Charter : ‘ ee? Office and Machine Shops Steamers H. E. Runnels, bob Steel and Wood Ship Builders, hit sears Yards Linden, ne ” /efa/ehalle Foot of Lincoln Ave. Black ck Marine Engines and Boilers, = [See i Tug W. G. Mason. hbb Port Huron, Mich. aunts Lg