8 THE MARINE RECORD. APRIL, 5, 1900. is a ee OTHER STEAM TOWING MACHINES. CLEVELAND, OHIO, March 24th, 1900. Epitor MARINE RECORD.—The generous space ina re- cent issue of your excellent publication devoted to reprinting from the New York Marine Journal an article entitled ‘‘Steam Towing Machines’’ indicates that you consider that subject of interest to your readers. In their Shaw and Spiegle steam towing machine, so call- ed, the American Ship Windlass Co., have introduced and "developed a device of great practical value in the safe, swift and economical handling of tow barges, and they are enti- tled to due credit and substantial financial returns. It is not often, however, that any one concern can lay just claim toa monopoly of all the intelligence, skill and intimate technical knowledge capable of application to any one industry, and it is not to be successfully denied that the steam towing machines built in Cleveland, by the Chase Machine Co. have given very good satisfaction during three years severe service, and that certain features of their construction are _ preferred over the other make by captains and engineers who have sailed with both machines. Your Marine Journal article states that ‘‘the first patent “ that was taken out at Cleveland” ‘‘was clearly an infringe- ment”’ of the "Shaw & Spiegle patent, but it is certain that & - the courts have had the matter under consideration a very long time and have not so decided it, and that the Cleveland - manufacturers confident- ‘ ly expect a favorable de- ee cision. It is clearly for the interests of the vessel LOE men that no one concern, and in a distant state, should have entire con- _ trol of this valuable in- vention unless they are - degally entitled to it, and the home company, in contesting this expensive _ and long drawn out liti- gation so persistently, - should be entitled to fair treatment in marine pa- pers, and the decision of -an able and impartial ' court should not be so recklessly anticipated. ~ It is the deliberate superintendent the American Ship Windlass . Co., of the writer, who served several years as his _ successor in both of these _ positions, and of many practical engineers, .ma- cHinists, and people well versed in patent law, that the steam towing machine now built by the American Ship Windlass Co., is not itself constructed in conformity with these machines now. in existence employs any automatically operated pressure regulating valve whatever, any friction driving discs, any adjustable stops, any ‘disconnecting lever, gle patent that distinguishes it from many long familiar and well known hoisting engines. : As a matter of fact, every one of these machines is con- structed in accordance with a later patent, granted to me while I was in charge of the drawing room and shops of the American Ship Windlass Co. Nocriticism is here offered as to the merits of these machines so constructed, as they have proved their excellence in very general use. _ With, however, a much wider knowledge of working con- and greatly aided by the practical skill, knowledge, exper- - ience, and common sense judgment of my, associate, Mr. ames I, Chase, I have lately designed and patented an im- proved form of towing machine, which the Chase Machine Co., is now ready to place upon the market. Several of ese machines are now in course of construction under yrders from Detroit, Toledo, and Buffalo parties, and some f them will be in service before fall. ‘ decease. or in fact anything claimed or described in the Shaw & Spie . As the United States court is a better judge of the infringe- ment charges concerning our earlier patent than the writer of the Marine Journal article before referred to, we sug- gest that the decision as to whether our later device is con- structed with ‘‘the most essential feature left out, like a watch without a regulator”, be left to parties who will soon be ina position to give the new machines a thorough and impartial test. In the meantime, it might be well to assume that the people who are taking out patents and defending expensive law suits in Cleveland, have a fair working know- ledge of their own business. — . Thanking you in advance for the courtesy of publication, Yours respectfully, FREDERICK METCALF, Treasurer, The Chase Machine Co. — OO oe om LIVED AND DIED TOGETHER. A pathetic little life story of half a century of devotion was rounded out by death a few days ago, when Capt. Addi- son King, one of the oldest lake captains in Chicago, died at the German-American Hospital a few hours after his wife’s Both were 70 years old and for the last fifty years had lived an ideal life together. Their affections for one another is an old story in the neighborhood of their home on Wrightwood avenue. Ten days ago Mrs. King was taken sick and was removed to the residence of her daughter. An hour later her husband was also taken ill and was sent to the Recently built by the Gas Engine & Power Co. and Chas. L. Seabury & Co., Consolidated, New York. hospital. They continually asked about one another, and both began to fail'rapidly, drifting out of life almost simul- taneously.‘ Capt. King for some years after he gave up a seafaring life was animal-keeper at Lincoln Park. The last vessel sailed by Capt. King, was the brig Fashion in 1878. or ooo VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN. As compiled for THE MARINE RECORD, by George F. Stone, Secretary Chicago Board of Trade. CITIES WHERE WHEAT.| CORN. OaTs. RYE. BARLEY STORED, Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels. Buflaloii sos. whe sl, DOB OOO GN 40,000 48,009 304,000 OS PARORE Mi ae 82,000 AOS OOO! via Fareatey-miliese a mimes ealliennaeeee o Chicagoss eis i 13,634,900] 6,358,000] 2,101,000 318,000 20,000 ‘afloat 4,066,000 5AQ; O00) v0) cis seattle vrei Saas ‘ 159,000 49,000 7,000 5,000 t 1,254,000] 349,000 BAB, GOO|tesiicciacit lbtanuatet tana Fort William, Ont..} 3,429,000]..........|.......005 Milwaukee.......... 247,000 BIGOO nine ne Mf afloatohiislawecnas. BOT, OOO) iL, UIA SOO0| sien aan lets Montredy sin ig iy 51,009 12,000} 572,000 14,000 30,000 Port Arthur, Ont.... plole MK ofoTo brine as aah RAB yy aes eae al ettrcsed Atos kal Pub Bee LOWE O. es ci kes 637,000] 2,287,000} 237,000 SOOO ratory ys iy SPOYONEO!. sick bryan es ABOOO cr oor estate 4,000}. ... 45,000 Grand Total..... 54,204,000] 21,558,000] 7,556,000] 1,197,000 801,000 Corresponding Date, . TBOQEAN Seen ae 29,987,000] 32.737,000| 11,129,000] 1,467,000] 2,230,000 Increase... oi. .6. 5.05 I11,000 447,000 657,000] IG,O00| 87 teenie Decrease Bs vA mi Sty aol Ne cone Ps ae RR a ae 104,000 While the stock of grain at lake ports only is here given, the total shows the figures for the entire country except the Pacific Slope. § a} _ vessel rates. STEAMBOAT OFFICERS APPOINTED FOR THE SEASON OF 1900. INLAND STAR TRANSIT Co., J. C. Gilchrist, president.— Str. C. B. Lockwood, Capt. C. T. Gunderson; Eng. Henry Jesson. THE H. W. Wit11AMS TRANSPORTATION LINE, South Haven, Mich.—Str. Darius Cole, Capt. Chas. McIntosh; Eng. Perry Knaggs. City of Kalamazoo, Capt. David Mor- ris; Eng. Chas. La Bounty. H. W. Williams, Capt. Frank Swails; Eng. Ralph Peterson. Glenn, Capt. L. Cross; Eng. GRAHAM & Morton TRANSP. Co., Chicago.—Str. City of Chicago, Capt. William J. Russell; Eng. Wm. J. McClure. City of Milwaukee, Capt. John Stewart; Eng. Chas. Ly. Bar- ron. City of Louisville, Capt. Donald McDonald; Eng. Byron Burman. Mary, Capt. Wm. A. Boswell; Eng. W. F. Johnson. LEATHEM & Smith. TOWING & WRECKING Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis.—Str. Jos. I. Hurd, Capt. R. Cazallis; Eng. H. C. Buckman. T.N. Foster, Capt. Chas. Packard; Eng. Jas. Curry. Pewaukee, Capt. Sam Chesterfitter; Eng. Dick Holt. John Leathem, Capt. Henry Tafts; Eng. Ed. Web- ber. Geo. Nelson, Capt. James Tafts, Eng. John Riley. Advance, Capt. Andrew Olsen; Eng. ——. Alert, Capt. Abe Eveson; Eng. ——. J . LAKE SHORE TRANSIT Co., J. C. Gilchrist, president.— Str. Tacoma, Capt. J. P. Cottrell; Eng. Samuel Moore. Cumberland, Capt. A. Ames; Eng. Frank Ouelbette. Man- hattan, Capt. J. C. Dob- son; Eng. W.H. Pink- ham. Merrimac, Capt. « BE. L. Ennis; Eng. John Callan. Massachusetts, Capt. W. H. Landgraff; Eng. Henry Mitchell. Hiawatha, Capt. R. J. Walder; Eng. R. O, Butler.. Columbia, Capt. M. H. Clark; Eng. John Gaa. Waverly, Capt. H. G. Hayborger; Eng. Chas. Martin. V. Swain, Capt. F. H. Reid; Eng. J. W. Douglass. GILCHRIST TRANSPOR- TATION Co.—Str. City of - Genoa, Capt. W. H. Blatt- ner; Eng. James Mitchell. City of Naples, Capt. J. P. Minsky; Eng. John Parks. A. P. Wright, Capt. F. A. Goodell; Eng. James Birney. C. W. Elphicke, Capt. B. Mosh- ier; Eng. Wm. T. Schwa- cofer. Alex. Nimick, Capt. F. A. Graves; Eng. Ed, Reilly. John Harper, Capt. W. C. Butts; Eng. Chas. Gumlick, John Craig, Capt. J.C. Byers Eng. John Seymour. R. E. Schuck, Capt. Charles Hahn; Eng. John Connelly. J. C. Gilchrist, Capt. W. G. Stewart; Eng. C. N. Albee. City of Rome, Capt. John Q. Owen; Eng. A. F. Hogle. John B. Lyon, Capt. A. H. Senghas; Eng. Chas. Willows. ae ee It is expected that there will be about 23,000,000 bushels of grain in store here at the opening of navigation. A muc’ larger proportion of the grain will be wheat than in yea. past. There will be between 18,co0,000 and 20,000,000 bushels of wheat here to greet the first boats. Railroad flour is coming in from Minneapolis to be stored until the boats can take it to Buffalo. There is no flour of local manufacture to send forward owing to the financial diffi- culties of the United States Milling Co. It is reported that two of the mills will be ordered started up at the head of the lakes on or before the opening of navigation. The coal docks are almost bare. The iron mines of St. Louis county are working day and night to provide stock piles from which shipments will be made to Duluth. Two Harbors and Superior shortly before the first boats arrive to ioad. There will be a tremendous movement of lumber from the Duluth- Superior harbor this year—possibly 500,000,000 feet. No doubt this amount will be shipped through the season, but considerable will go by rail, owing to the certainty of high s. A Chicago lumber firm which recently pur- chased a big block of lumber at an interior town north of Duluth, has already arranged to have the stock shipped all rail. It will pass through Duluth on its way to Chicago. There are about 1,000,000 tons of coal under charter for Duluth at 50 cents. ae ee ee meme * ie,