Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), April 19, 1900, p. 11

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42 APRIL, I9, 1900. for the channels of navigable streams which have been choked with rock, proving a menace to river traffic as in case of the Shrewsbury river near Long Branch. The committee also considered the advisability of recom- mending amounts for not exceeding three places, where the «needs are exceptional and even critical, viz., the South Pass of the Mississippi, the connecting waters between Lake Hu- ron and Lake Superiorand the Columbia river, Oregon. The South Pass emergency work could be carried on for about $150,0c0 and would not involve the whole project. The work on the lakes contemplates a new channel by way of LakeSt. George to relieve the congestion on the present Sault Ste. Marie channels. Senator McBride, of Oregon, who was before the commit- tee, witha number of telegrams stated the level: of the Co- lumbia had been lowered from 30 to 24 feet, and urged an emergency appropriation. The committee is considering these latter items and probably willallow them because of the pressing needs involved. The committee does not pro- pose, however, that this shall open the door to any work outside these three emergency items. _ ro or oo TOLEDO HARBOR REGULATIONS. TOLEDO, OHIO, April 13, 1900. To the Editor of The Marine Record: _ IT hand you herewith copies of the regulations for the gov- ernment of the channels at Toledo and Sandusky, as ' amended by the Secretary of War, September 29, 1899: There is also inclosed a circular showing the time allowance between various points of the channel at Toledo, which con- forms to the speed allowed. These papers are being distrib- uted to vessels, but it will probably be of general benefit if you will call attention especially to the change in speed al- lowance. The speed of eight miles per hour heretofore called for has proved to be somewhat of a hardship to many vessels but they can all easily reduce to ten miles per hour without special inconvenience. Very respectfully, Wo. T. Brun’, U. S. Asst. Eng. CIRCULAR. UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE, CLEVELAND, OHIO, July 1, 1897. For convenience of vessel masters in determining speed in passing through t he Straight channel at Toledo Harbor, Ohio, the following information is issued : At the regulation speed of ten miles per hour, which equals six minutes per mile, the time allowance in passage is: From Outer Can Buoys Nos. I and 2 to Main Crib 3% miles, 20 minutes. From Main Crib to Black Spar No. 21, 2% miles, 13% minutes, From Black Spar No. 21 to Inner Red Can No. 30, 24% miles, 131% minutes. Total, 46% minutes. Amended September 29th, 1899. JARED A. SMITH, Colonel, Corps of Eng., ve Sak: Wo. T. BLUNT, Ass’t Eng., Custodian. Law, Rules and Regulations for the Government of The Straight -Channel Through Maumee Bay, Toledo, Ohio. The Law—Extract from Act of Congress, Aug. 17, 1894. Sec. 4.—That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to prescribe such rules and regulations for the use, adminis- tration and navigation of any or all canals and similar works of navigation that now are, or that hereafter may be owned, operated or maintained by the United States as in his judg- ment the public necessity may require. Such rules and regulations shall be posted in conspicuous and appropriate places, for the information of the public; and every person and every corporation which shall know- ingly and wilfully violate such rules and regulations shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction there- of in any district court in the United States within whose territorial jurisdiction such offense may have been com- mitted, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment (in the case of a natural person) not exceeding six monthsin the discretion of the court. ——$—$—$—$—$—$————— or THE Societe John Cockerill, of Liege, Belgium, recently constructed a hydraulic dredger for the Russian govern- ment on the system of Lindon W, Bates. This was described and illustrated by Engineering, London, and an abstract published in the American Manufacturer from a Consular report. The article from Engineering is reprinted in book form and forms a yaluable paper on the subject of dredging. THE MARINE RECORD. THE DIAMETER OF PROPELLER SHAFTS. The Technical Committee of the British Corporation for the Survey and Registry of Shipping have issued the follow- ing new formula and rule for the minimum diameter of shafting, which practically increases the crank and line shafting by ro fer cent. in strength : I, Diameter of Shafting.—The minimum diameters of crank, thrust propeller, and intermediate shafts may be found from the following formula, except where the ratio of length of stroke to distance between main bearings is un- usual, when they will receive special consideration : D=y P.L?.S. XB Cc Where D=diameter of shaft. P=absolute pressure, i.e., boiler pressure + 15 Ibs, S=stroke of engine in inches. L=diameter of low-pressure cylinder, in inches. B=1.0 for crank and thrust shafts. B=.95 for intermediate shafts. =for propeller shafts to be taken from the follow- ing table : Coefficient of dis- | Ratio of Diameter of Propeller to Diameter of Peace ee Crankshaft. 13 14 15 16 07 18 6 1.0 IOI | 1.02 |°-I.03 | 1.04 | 1.05 .62 TOL} T:02> |1.08 7) T04e. 1) 1.08... 1.06 64 TiO25 L.O3 C104 1 1:05.) £06) 1) 1.07 -66 T.0Z | 1.04 | 1.05; |° 1,06 |. T.07> | 1.08 .68 1.04 | 1.05 | 1.06 | 1.07 | 1.08 | 1.09 .70 1.05 | 1.06'| 1.07 | 1.08 | 1.09 | 1.10 72 1.06 | 1.07 | 1.08 | 1.09 | 1.10 | L.112 +74 1.07 1.08 1G OL Veal ase Fes Coal iian Gye © Gael fear Ob -76 F.O8), ste OOss\) C10; (ede ki 5 T6127) Stats 78 1.09.4]. 1.10) hE. LE VT. 12 he 1513 1) Tet 4. .80 1,10: |. Ur Lel2> 13 1.14 <| Ww 15 The value of the divisor C in the formula depends on the ratio ae where I, = diameter of low-pressure cylinder, and H of high-pressure cylinder in inches, and the ratio for two, three, and four crank engines, triple and quadruple-ex- pansion, are given in a lengthy table accompanying the rule. 2. The webs of built crankshafts should be keyed as well as shrunk on to the shaft, and the diameter of the shaft should be increased in the way of the web, to make up the loss of sectional area at the keeway. 3. Propeller shafts should be forged from ingot steel or from rolled iron bars of good quality, and not from scrap. Liners should be fitted in one length, but if not so fitted, the space between the liners must be protected by efficient lap- ping. Joints in brass liners should be fused. Care must be taken to avoid abrupt changes of strength at any part of the length of the shaft. New Clause in Rules of Special Periodical Surveys.— When the after-bearing is worn down to the extent exceeding 2 per cent. of the diameter of the shaft, it must be rebushed, DO Oe FOR PROPELLING CANAL BOATS. J. M. Fordyce, of Detroit, has secured permission from the state board of public works for experimenting with electric propulsion of canal boats on the Miami and Erie canal. He will be permitted to select a stretch of 10 miles in the vicin- ity of Toledo on which to contruct his apparatus. He must begin within one year and two and a half years’ time is al- lowed for the experimenting tobe made. If desirable results can be demonstrated, he is to be given the right to operate his boats on the canal between Cincinnati and Dayton for 25 years, paying the regular tolls for the privilege. or NEW LAKE TONNAGE. The lake tonnage given official numbers by the Bureau of Navigation, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C., dur- ing the week ended April'14, is as follows: Schooner-rigged steel tow-barge Madeira, 5,039 gross and 4,667 net tons, built in Chicago and hailing from Cleveland; schooner-rigged steel tow-barge Marsula, on the exact same lines and.of the . same tonnage, built at the Chicago yards for the same owners. Steamer John W. Gates, 5,946 gross and 4,440 net tons, built at the Lorain yards of the American Ship Building Co. to the order of the American Steel & Wire Co., hailing from Cleveland, O. Steamer Miller Bros., 13 tons, built at Toledo and hailing from same port. The canal boat Jerry Baker, 124 tons, built in Buffalo and hailing from Hartford, Conn. _lubricators and other fittings of value to plumbers, steam “LITERARY NOTICES. The William Powell Co., Cincinnati, O., have issued the catalogue No. 7, which is in the form of a pocket edition. It contains ‘illustrations: and descriptions of their valves fitters, etc. ‘The Fluid Screw,’? by Paul Pacher, is a pamphlet of sixty-six pages, in German, published by A, Amonesta, Margarethenstrasze, 7, Vienna, Austria. It is a treatise upon the propellers of vessels and air ships, the sails of windmills, etc. Price 134 marks (37 cents). James Bonar & Co. have issued an excellent little ‘booklet which should be in the hands of every one equipping steam boilers or using them. By the aid of illustrations and a few “fitting” remarks, attention is drawn to the fact that ‘the best boiler on earth isn’t any better than ee worst if. it has not good fittings to control it. ‘‘A Simple and Practical Method for Knltying the Move- ment of the Slide Valve with the aid of the Model Diagram Chart.’’ By M. R. Conway. 27 4x6-inch pages. The Lunk- enheimer Co., Cincinnati and New York. ‘This is an exceedingly plain and direct method of showing: the action of the plain slide valve. The model is a working model of cardboard, and shows the action of the eccentric and. valve with great clearness, The pamphlet is for free distribution to engineers. Bea “Electric Wiring.’ By Cecil P. Poole. Leather, pocket size, Ioo pages. The Power Publishing Co., World Building, © New York; price $1.00. A glance through ee pages of this _ handy little book shows that the author has made an effort : to explain the computation of wiring to the unitiated, and _ to present in shape for convenient reference tables and formulas for the use of competent engineers. A casual ex- amination would seem to indicate that he has succeeded in © his purpose. The book includes wiring tables for alternating- current motors, and tables showing the corrected drop in inductive circuits. So far as we are aware these are the enly S tables of the kind as yet published. “Hydraulic Power Engineering.’’ By G. C. Marks, 369 5% x 73-inch pages, with 201 illustrations. D. Van Nos- - t trand Co., New York; price $3.50 This is avery thorough — and excellent treatise and covers a field in which published: — information is very meagre. It might havea more descrip- i ; tive title, as one would be justified in supposing its field to - a be that of water power development. While water wheels are discussed, its main object is to cover the use of water under pressure in industrial works. The readiest way of — conveying an idea of its scope is to give some of the leading a chapter headings.. Among these are the following: Pack- | ings for Sliding Surfaces, Pipe Joints, Controlling Valves, Platform Lifts, Cranes, Accumulators, Presses, Forging Machinery, Riveters, Pumps. All these chapters are fully illustrated with sectional drawings, and while a free but not burdensome use of mathematics is made, the information conveyed is of the most practical character. The book is of English origin. Rh ae “‘Condensers.’’ A series of lecutres upon the subject, re- printed from the columns of ‘‘Power.’’ 79 6xg-inch pages, with 33 cuts and 13 tables. The Power Publishing Co., — World Building, New York. Price 50 cents. This is a very complete piece of work by the editor of ‘“‘Power,’’ in the special field of that valuable journal. The book is absolutely without padding. Itcontains a concise account of all matters pertaining to all styles of condensers, and not only those interested in the steam engine, but those » also who have the making of books might take valuable les- sons in condensation fromit. The general steam problem, the saving by the use of the condenser, the conditions under — which the condenser may not be used with profit, the various types of condensérs for different lines of service, their con- _ struction and operation and capacities required, are all dis- cussed in terms that any, intelligent mechanic can comfor- tably follow. The book will be valuable not only to the seeker of general mechanical information, but also as a book of reference for the practical steam engineer. OO Oe FaLLs HoLLow STAvBor's are better than drilled or punched bolts in every way. Cost less, too, Average lengh of bars, 7 feet. Hole is central, and of any size desired, ex- tending clear through the entire length of bolt, making the strength uniform, End next fire box may be closed or left open. Drilling tell-tale holes weakens staybolts and causes. / them to break at the vital point. Staybolts rolled hollow from the solid material are stronger and more flexible than a solid or drilled bolt. They save inspection and explosions warn automatically.—Falls Hollow Staybolt Co., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

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