14 ' THE MARINE RECORD. MAY 17, Igoo, Steamboat Fuel at Chicago. YOUGHIOGHENY and EHIGH COAL CO. J.T. CONNERY, Aaa: ARCHIE J. HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt- i Building. MAIN OFFICE: 1238-1242 Chicago Stock Exchange Long Distance Telephone, Main 5049. 110 LA SALLE STREET. FUEL DOCKS: 322 Met RSME enone rs Nor FU E L LI G ke T E R 2 ita gig ee Bie ene anywhere in Harbor WE PRODUCE OUR YOUGHIOGH ENY COAL AND GUARANTEE QUALITY. PickANDS, MATHER & CO, PIG IRON. IRON ORE AND COAL. At DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equipped with Shute capacity of 600 Tons. Best Quality PITTSBURGH COAL furnished at any time during Day or Night. at BUFFALO, ERIE, ASHTABULA, ano CLEVELAND. FueL LIGHTERS WESTERN RESERVE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. THE IMPROVED ANNULAR STEAM J un =FOR INDUCED DRAFT | T hee aH POWERFUL. ECONOMICAL. 67 in Use. 50 to 200 Ibs. Pressure. 1 Cut on the right shows section of Jet Castings which are attached to Spider in stack as shown in cut on } the left. 15 to 25% increase in power guaranteed. J All sizes 12” to 8 ft. have heen installed, H. Bloomsburg & Co., IN 112 35th Street, NEWPORT NEWS, VA. peasy, se ee Icke SSS Section of Stack. LIFE BOATS. LIFE RAFTS. DETROIT Boat WorRKS DETROIT, MICH. STEEL, IRON AND WOODEN TUGS. YAWLS. STEAM AND SAIL YACHTS. ALL KINDS OF PLEASURE BOATS, FISHING AND HUNTING BOATS, SHELLS, BARGES, GIGS AND CANOES. PERFECT VENTILATION For steamships and all kinds of places most difficult of ventilation. The McCreery Cooling, Cleansing Heating and Ventilating System is equaled by no other. We refer by permission to the following firms: FRANK E. KIRBY, Mechanical and Constructing Engineer Detroit, Mich. The WM. CRAMP and SONS, Ship and Engine Bldg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. MORSE IRON WORKS CO, foot 26th and 27th Streets, Brooklyn, N. Y. DAVID CARTER, Manager Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., Detroit, Mich. T. H. NEWMAN, Manager Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co., Cleveland, Ohio. SPITZER & CO., Bankers, Spitzer Buuilding, Toledo, Ohio. F A FORBES, General Manager Michigan Telephone Co., Detroit, Mich. JOHN & F. P. GORDON, Traffic and Steamboat Managers, Buffalo, N. Y. W. I, GUILL.EUDEU. Pres Old Dominion Steamship Co., Pier 26, North River, N.Y. ALEXANDER McVITTIE, Pres. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit, Mich. Capt. JAMES A. SMITH, Gen. Supt. Old Dominion Steamship Co., Pier 26, North River, N. Y. JOSEPH McCREERY & SON, Patentees and Manufacturers, TOLEDO, OHIO. x be PATENTS Sixteen Years’ Experieice. R. W. BISHOP, - Washington, D, C, Applied to the requirements pb bey cee PRACTICAL of the sailor. By Thos, Mc- Prints ania. Trade Mevks a one qa oerated: 12 mo,; Registered. cloth, $1.50, by mail, prepaid. MECHANICS, The Martie Record, Wemern Reserve Bldg, Cleveland, oO. M. A. HANNA & Co. COAL, IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, Large Supplies of Best Quality. Fuel scow with elevators and discharging spouts. Storage of 650 tons. Discharges 150 tons an hour into steamers while unloading cargo. MINERS AND SHIPPERS. Maw Orrice, Pefty-Payne Bldg, Clveland, 0. LIGHTER carrying different grades at all times. - THe W. L. Scott Company, ERIE, PA. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Shamokin-Wilkes Barre ANTHRACITE. Youghiogheny, Mansfield, PITTSBURG. coals Lona DISTANCE 'PHONE 440. Vessel. Fueling a Specialty by steam lighter or car dump, at all hours. Electric light. Scott BLock. MAIN OFFICE. CANAL Dock. "onNG DISTANCE ’PHONE 320. fUELING OFFICE: Renown Engine Oil, Atlantic Red Engine Oil, Mineral Seal Oil, Marine Valve Oil, Eldorado Engine Oil, Victor Signal, Arctic Cup Greases, are trademark brands manufactured by the Standard Oil Company and found on sale at all lake ports. — The best goods are most economical. per Remember the names. "ITY FORGE | Cen 6 » x YZ CLEVELAND, O.-- IRON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOTH FORGED ONLY, OF ANY WEIGHT, _ COUPLING LINKS AND PINS, PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES. CAR IRON SPECIALTIES. Cottage Grove Lake Picnic Grounds. Cottage Grove picnic grounds on the Cleve- land Terminal & Valley R. R. has been thor- oughly overhauled and renovated and will be opened for the season about May 1, under an entirely new management. For particu- lars apply to J. EK. Galbraith, Traffic Man- ager, C. T. & V. R. R., Cleveland, O. The Nickel Plate Road Call on or address EK. A. Akers, Agent, Cleveland, O., or C. A. Asterlin, T. P. A., Ft. Wayne, Ind. offers special low rates to Milwaukee, Wis., — account biennial meeting General Federation of Women’s Club. Tickets sold June ist to — 4th inclusive, good returning until June 11th, or by deposit until June 30th inclusive. . 68-22 POS ALR NO ee MEE Oe Rta ye nee tnd ea gS gt Soe aoe eae 3