THE MARINE RECORD. John E. Thropp & Sons’ Co. BUILDERS OF ULY 2 , 1900. IN PRACTICAL USE ON THE BEST AND LARGEST LAKE STEAMERS Using all Types of Boilers and all Pressures of Steam. Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment or Scale-Forming Substance, ROBERT LEARMONTH, PATENTEE, 100 WHite BLbc., BUFFALO, N. Y. Compound and Triple Expansion ENGINES, | Boilers, Surface Condensers, Propeller Wheels, Etc. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. NAMES OF STEAMERS ON THE LAKES USING THE BUFFALO FEED WATER HEATER AND PURIFIER: Zenith Transit Co.’s steamers Empire City, Crescent City, Zenith City, Superior City, Queen City, Pennsylvania and John W. Gates, The Republic Iron Co ’s steamers America, Brazil, Thomas Maytham and Chili, Mitchell ‘Transportation Co.’s, steam Hendrick §, Holden, _ “ad Minnesota Iron Co.’s steamer Presque Isle. American Steel Barge Co.’s steamer Alex. McDougall. Lake Michigan & Lake Superior Trans- portation Co.’s steamer Manitou. Bessemer Steamship Co.’s steamers S. F. B. Morse and Douglas Houghton. American Transportation Co.’s steamers John Harper and Alex. Nimick. Red Star Line’s steamers Robert Mills and Wyoming. Wilson Transit Line’s steamers W. D. Rees and Andrew Carnegie, And the steamer William R. Linn. Contracts taken for yachts and tugs complete. Send for photographs of En- gines and descriptive pamphlet. Works on Delaware & Raritan Canal Basin, TRENTON, N. J. THE KENNEY SYSTEM. FOR FLUSHING WATER CLOSETS. NO CUP LEATHERS OR SPRINGS. The Best System ever Invented for Use on Steam Vessels. 1) } THE Cuase Macuine Company, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS, OF Fog Whistle Machines, Hoisting Engines, Steering Engines Power and Drop Hammers, and other [Machinery. 111 ELM STREET. Owners and constructors of Steam- ships, Yachts and Steamboats have found it indispensable. Used by the U. S. War and Navy Departments. Transports Grant, Sheridan, Burn- side, Terry, Hooker, Thomas, Logan, Sherman and others. Also Albany - Day Line Steamers; Norfolk and fe Washington S.S. Line; Steam Yachts Neaira, Aphrodite and Ioando, and new Lake Steamers Illinois, Pennusyl- vania, Angeline and others. FLUSHOMETER "HR TRADE MARK. Automatic Towing Engines, Engineers’ Supplies and General Jobbing. TELEPHONE, MAIN 994. CLEVELAND, O. PATENTED. Attention ! Comrades. Government Proposals. The Nickel Plate road will sell tickets to = Zz SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET. Showing application of. Flushometer. THE KENNEY CO. , 72-74 Trinity Place, NEW YORK. WILLIAMSON BROS. COR. RICHMOND AND YORK STS., Philadelphia, Pa. | HOISTING and SHIP ENGINES STEERING ENGINES. With either Fractional, Spur, or Worm Gear of Various Patterns to Suit all Purposes. Compasses Adjusted For deviation, and deviation tables supplied. Great facilities for doing the work by day or night. 509 tt 2 ot ot th Ut tt oe John [laurice. Office, 24-26 Market St., CHICAGO, st tut Residence, 1213 Albany Avenue. Applied to the requirements PRACTICAL et tise sailor. By Thos. Mc- Pes! Kenzie. Illustrated; 12 Be eloth, $1.50, by mail, prepaid. MECHANICS. The Marine Record, Western Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, O. JOHN DONNELLY, SR., Pres. JOHN DONNELLY, JR., Vick Pres. U.S. ENGINEER OFFICH, Galveston, Tex., July 10, 1900. Sealed bids, in triplicate, for improving harbor at Brazos Santiago, Tex., by hire of dredging plant, will be received until 2 p. m., July 30, 1900, and then pub- licly opened. For information apply to C. S. RicHE, Capt., Engrs. 28-30 Chicago for the 34th Annual Encampment of the G. A. R., August 25th to 29th, inclu- sive, at one cent a mile traveled, good returning until August 31st, inclusive, or by deposit until September 30th, inclusive. Write, wire, ‘phone or call on nearest agent, C. A. Asterlin, T. P. A., Ft. Wayne, Ind., or E. A. Akers, C. P. & T. A., Cleveland, O. 153-34 H. B. FOLGER, Taras. THOS. DONNELLY, Sro’y. THE DONNELLY SALVAGE AND WRECKING CO,, Lid, KINGSTON, ONT. EXPERIENCED DIVERS, TUGS, STEAII PUFIPS, ETC., SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. NEVERSINK CORK JACKET AND LIFE BELT. Warranted 24 1b. Buoyancy and full Weight of Cork, as required by U. S. Inspectors. Consollated Cork Life Preservers. Superior to all oth Catalogue. METALLIC and WOODEN LIFE BOATS. . logue, Metallic Life Rafts, Marine Drags. Manufacturer of Woolsey’s Patent Life Buoy, which is the lightest, cheapest and most compact Life Raft known. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. ers. Rings Buoys and Fenders. SAFEST CHEAPES Approved and adopted by U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors. ‘Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. Vessels and trade supplied. Send for Awardad four medals by World’s Columbian Exposition. Send for illustrated cata- BD. KAHNWEILER’S SONS, 437 Peari St., New York City. Sellers’ Restarting Thijector ., -» A strictly first class machine at moderate cost. Perfectly auto- limes ern 2720LIC, has wide =) | range of capaci- ties, and raises water promptly with hot or cold pipes. Very simple, has few parts and ts easily repaired. All parts interchangeable, made of the best bronze, and the workmanship is perfect. Send for special catalogue de- scriptive of this Injector. JENKINS BROTHERS, Selling Agts. New York, Boston, Phila., Chicago.